Pepper can begin to get rid of future fruits at any stage of their development - the appearance of buds, flowering and the formati..
The codling moth is the most common and well-known pest of orchards. The pest's larvae damage apple, pear, peach, apricot, and plu..
The oriental fruit moth - is a dangerous pest that damages the fruits and shoots of many fruit crops. Among forage plants it prefe..
The plum moth - is a pest of plums, sloe, cherry plum, peach, and rarely of cherries. Caterpillars feed on the pulp of fruits, des..
Leopard moth - is a dangerous pest that causes significant damage to orchards, damages apple, pear, apricot, and walnut trees. Cat..
The grapevine moth - is a pest of grapes, berries and other crops. It develops successfully on privet, buckthorn, sloe, hawthorn, ..
The heart and dart - is a polyphagous pest. Damages grains, vegetables, and industrial crops. Damage was observed on winter wheat,..
The diamondback moth - is a dangerous pest of cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables (turnips, rapeseed, mustard, radishes, ruta..
The turnip moth - is a pest of vegetable and melon crops, cereals, corn, cotton, sunflower, hemp, tobacco, sesame, grapes, tea bus..
The cotton bollworm - is a dangerous pest, a polyphagous plant. Damaged: corn, cotton, tomatoes, tobacco, chickpeas, sorghum, okra..
Small mottled willow moth (tomato) - Tomato cutworm (Carandrina) - broad polyphagous. The list of forage plants includes 185 speci..
Potato tuber moth - is a pest of plants of the nightshade family (potatoes, eggplants, tobacco, tomatoes, peppers, physalis). Cate..
The cabbage moth - is a polyphagous pest. Under natural conditions, caterpillars feed on a variety of plants, but prefer crucifero..
The tomato leafminer damages vegetable crops of the nightshade family both indoors and outdoors. In addition to tomatoes, it damag..
The mamestra oleacea - is a polyphagous pest. Damages cruciferous crops, tomatoes, potatoes, beets, rhubarb, cucumbers, strawberri..
The tobacco cutworm - is a quarantine species and a dangerous pest of many cultivated and ornamental plants. Prefers tomato, tobac..
The meadow moth - is a polyphagous pest. Forage plants include hundreds of species from thirty-five families. It is characterized ..
The «Pea moth» - is the most important pest of grain peas. Reproduction is bisexual. Development is complete. Caterpillars that ha..
The cherry fly - is an insect from the variegated fly family that harms cherries, sweet cherries, apricots, and honeysuckle. The l..
The Silverleaf whitefly - is a quarantine species, a broad polyphagous plant, which harms more than 200 plants from 73 famil..
Western flower thrips - is a quarantine pest. Damages about 300 species of flowering and vegetable crops in protected ground. Pref..
Clothes moth is considered a pest due to its tendency to consume woolen, cotton and silk clothing. It is a tough insect that canno..
The food moth is very similar to the regular one: it has gray wings, the upper part of which is lighter and the lower part is dark..
You can fight these pests throughout the season. But now, in the fall, when vegetables were removed from the beds, and the garden ..