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Tree seeds

Cypress Lavson (f. blue) seeds
In stock
Model: 6834
Lawson's cypress, blue form / Chamaecyparis lawsoniana f.glauca A coniferous evergreen tree or tall shrub. This tree, with a narrow crown of a conical shape, reaches a height of 30-40 m and in its appearance resembles a thuja. In contrast, the ..
61.09 ₴
Honey locust seeds
In stock
Model: 6525
Honey locust / Gleditsia triacanthos A species of trees from the genus Gledichia of the legume family. A powerful tree up to 20-40 m high, with a beautiful, openwork, sprawling, broadly cylindrical, rounded crown at the top. The trunk is up to 75 ..
61.09 ₴
Maple sycamore seeds
In stock
Model: 12452
Maple sycamore (white maple) or Sycamore / Acer pseudoplatanus - a large deciduous summer green tree, reaching 20-35 meters in height, with a wide domed crown. On young trees, the bark is smooth and grey, but becomes rougher with age and flakes off i..
61.09 ₴
Pine banks seeds
In stock
Model: 10367
Banks' Pine / Pinus banksiana Lamb. Tree in the area up to 25 m in height, in cultivation 6-18 m in height. The trunk is straight, sometimes branched from the base. The crown is compact, sparse, narrowly oval-conical, in old trees irregular, ovate..
61.09 ₴
Thuja western pyramidal seeds
In stock
Model: 10144
Thuja western pyramidal / Thuja Occidentalis Pyramidalis Coniferous tree about 6 m high, maximum height up to 10 m. The crown is dense pin-shaped or narrow-conical (pyramidal). Shoots are strong, short, tightly pressed to each other. The needles a..
61.09 ₴
Caragana seeds
In stock
Model: 12450
Caragana, or Yellow acacia / Caragana arborescens Deciduous shrub, rarely tree 4-7 meters high, type species of the genus Karagan. Decorative plant. Has several garden forms. It tolerates shearing well, and is widely used to create dense hedges in..
61.09 ₴
Pine crimean seeds
In stock
Model: 6839
Crimean pine / Pinus pallasiana - tree 15-20 m tall, with a broadly ovate dense, and in older trees with a flat umbellate crown and horizontal branches. The bark is dark gray or almost black, reddish in the upper part of the trunk. Due to the long..
61.09 ₴
Yew common pyramidal seeds
In stock
Model: 15124
Yew common pyramidal / Taxus baccata Piramide Yew berry is also called Zelenitsa or mahogany. This is a coniferous tree from the Yew family. Yew berry is quite attractive. It has an unusual pyramidal crown. The main feature of the plant is its lif..
81.59 ₴
Beech european seeds
In stock
Model: 2355
European beech or common beech / Fagus sylvatica - tree height 20-25 m, trunk thickness up to 2 m. The trunk is smooth, covered with a thin layer of gray bark. Leaves are deciduous, simple, entire or with sparse serrations, oval or oval-oblong, 5-15 ..
61.09 ₴
Desert false indigo seeds
In stock
Model: 3700
Desert false indigo or false indigo-bush, and bastard indigobush / Amorpha fruticosa L. - the name comes from the Greek. "amorphos" - "shapeless", which is due to the atypical structure of the flowers. This is a perennial ornamental shrub that r..
61.09 ₴
Fir manchurian seeds
In stock
Model: 12424
Fir whole-leaved or Black Fir Manchurian, or Black Fir / Abies holophylla - an evergreen tree with a dense, wide-cone-shaped crown with lower branches lowered to the ground. Manchurian fir is a slowly growing tree for the first 6 - 10 years, the annu..
61.09 ₴
Fir silver seeds
In stock
Model: 3675
Silver fir / Abies alba An evergreen tree with a sharp-pyramidal crown shape at a young age, oval-pointed in the middle and nest-shaped in old age. For the first ten years of its life, European fir grows slowly, its annual growth is 10-15 centi..
81.59 ₴
Larch Japanese seeds
In stock
Model: 12441
Japanese larch / Larix kaempferi A genus of deciduous conifers. Specific larches are huge, powerful, fast-growing trees with a transparent through crown. The deciduousness and openwork of the crown distinguish larches from the general range of con..
61.09 ₴
Niedzwetzky's apple seeds
In stock
Model: 12438
Niedzwetzky's apple tree / Malus niedzwetzkyana - this beautiful and rare apple tree is listed in the Red Book as an endangered species. An ornamental form of an apple tree, recommended for the widest possible use, especially good in colorful composi..
61.09 ₴
Pine scots seeds
In stock
Model: 10145
Scots pine (Scotch pine) / Pinus sylvestris - a plant, a widespread species of the genus Pine of the Pine family (Pinaceae). A tree 25-40 m high and with a trunk diameter of 0.5-1.2 m. The trunk is straight. The crown is highly raised, cone-shaped..
61.09 ₴
Thuja western seeds «Fastigiata»
In stock
Model: 11830
Thuja western «Fastigiata» / Thuja occidentalis Fastigiata Columnar tree with dark green needles. It is characterized by fairly rapid growth: at the age of 12, its height is 2.3 m, crown diameter is 1.5 m, it bears fruit well. Propagated by seeds ..
61.09 ₴
Barberry seeds
In stock
Model: 1007
Barberry also known as common barberry, European barberry / Berberis vulgaris - is a tall, strongly branched, prickly shrub, up to 2.5 m high, with creeping, woody rhizomes. Shoots are faceted, erect, yellowish or yellowish-purple, later whitish-gray..
61.09 ₴
Cypress Arizona
In stock
Model: 1678
Arizona cypress / Cupressus arizonica An evergreen tree of the cypress family. It occurs naturally in the United States and Mexico. Unpretentious tree up to 21 meters tall with dense needles. The bark of young shoots is gray and the leaves are thi..
61.09 ₴
Fir douglas seeds (green form)
In stock
Model: 13578
Douglas spruce or Oregon pine or Pseudotsuga Menzies / Pseudotsuga menziesii Is an evergreen tree 50-75 meters high, 1.5-2.0 meters in diameter. The tree of this species has the official status of the tallest tree in the world, its height was 119...
81.59 ₴
Fir grand seeds
In stock
Model: 13580
Grand Fir / Abies grandis A majestic tree belonging to the Pine family. The fir of this species is distinguished by a cone-shaped crown growing from the very bottom. It has a thin, dark brown bark, which thickens with age to 5-9 cm. Decorative fir..
81.59 ₴
Metasequoia chinese seeds
In stock
Model: 6835
Chinese Metasequoia / Metasequoia glyptostroboides The tree, at first slender, then has a cylindrical shape. It grows rapidly, reaching 12 m in height at the age of 30 years. The needles are soft, light green, turning yellow and brown in autumn, a..
61.09 ₴
Midland hawthorn seeds
In stock
Model: 1681
Midland hawthorn or English hawthorn, woodland hawthorn,or mayflower / Crataegus laevigata - is a shrub or small tree of the Rosaceae family up to 5 meters high. Shoots are purple-brown, shiny, covered with hard spines. Leaves alternate, petiolate, o..
61.09 ₴
Paeonia suffruticosa (tree peony) mix
In stock
Model: 4305
Paeonia suffruticosa, tree peony (mix) / Paeonia suffruticosa - is a shrub reaching a height of 1.5-2 m, with large bright green double-pinnate leaves. One bush can have from 30 to 70 flowers. The diameter of each is from 20 to 25 cm. The color of th..
61.09 ₴
Pine mountain seeds
In stock
Model: 12445
European dwarf pine, or Zherep, or mountain pine / Pinus mugo Mountain pine grows in the form of a small, branched bush with many trunks. Mountain pine is a slow growing species of pine with a spherical crown shape. Annual growth is approximate..
61.09 ₴
Every garden owner dreams of growing a magnificent garden that would please the eye with its bright abundant flowering in spring, and give a rich harvest in summer and autumn. Pears and apples grown in your own garden are much tastier and more aromatic than purchased ones. To achieve this, it is necessary to take the issue of planting fruit trees and shrubs very seriously.

It is on how correctly this process will be carried out that the intensity of their growth and further fruiting depends. In the photo presented in the article, you can see which fruit trees and shrubs are the most popular for planting in summer cottages.

Trees and shrubs are also used in landscape design. They simultaneously help to frame it and form the base around which the rest of the landscaping elements are then assembled. Whether they grow in a group or singly, they always look the most impressive because of their large size. Experienced designers are able to use them to create an enchanting show. It always has a place for both soloists and colorful compositions.