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Model: 3661
Decorative white creeping clover «Rivende» / Trifolium repens - a variety of low-growing small-leaved clover that has a very high decorative ability.
Clover is resistant to many diseases and pests. It is also capable of accumulating nitrogen in th..
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Model: 15931
Mint «Spermint» - a spicy perennial that has a pleasant, refreshing scent and has been used for home medicinal purposes since ancient times. The uniqueness of taste and aroma is associated with the high content of menthol, which relieves spasms, and ..
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Model: 2268
Peppermint «Lydia» - perennial spicy and medicinal plant. The bush is branched, 40-80 cm high. The leaves are ovoid, serrated, dark green in color, with a strong aroma. The leaves are collected during the flowering period, when they accumulate the gr..
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Model: 10459
Creeping Clover, or White Clover, or Dutch Clover, or White Porridge, or Creeping Amoria «JURA» / Trifolium repens - a good honey plant. Recommended for creating green meadows and lawns. Sowing from early spring to early autumn. The seed sowing rate ..
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Model: 11530
Mint «Golden Jubilee» - perennial medicinal and aromatic plant. The bush is branched, 40-80 cm high. The leaves are ovoid, serrated, bright green in color. The leaves are collected during the flowering period. Fresh and dried leaves are consumed as f..
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Model: 15851
Switchgrass seeds / Panicum - it is a perennial, deciduous ornamental grass like grass. Other names: millet, chumiza. The leaves, gray-blue with a blue-violet tint, form hard, vertical, persistent clumps, very impressive. In autumn the leaves turn ye..
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Model: 573
Mint seeds «Soborna» - this plant is perennial. The bush is spreading, 40-100 cm high. Fresh leaves and young shoots are used as food, adding them as a seasoning to vegetable and fruit salads, soups and game.
Used to flavor tonic chilled drinks an..
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Model: 15823
Hyssop officinalis «Skyland» - herbaceous annual with a powerful tap root. The stem is thick, in the southern regions reaches a height of 2 m. Young 3-4-day-old ovaries weighing about 10 grams with immature seeds are used for food. With good care, up..
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Model: 15776
Nigella damascena «Enchantress» - this is an annual plant. The stems are erect, up to 25 centimeters high. Flowers are up to 3-4 centimeters in diameter.
Seeds are sown in April-May directly in open ground. At a temperature of 14-18°C, seedli..
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Model: 13154
Lupine perennial fodder (multifolium) - is a herbaceous, perennial plant from the genus of the legume family. Lupine has an erect, branching stem 1-1.5 m high. The root system is taprooted and penetrates deeply into the soil. The leaves are usually a..
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Model: 11961
Peppermint - is a 30-45cm tall peppermint variety with light green leaves and a light colored stem. The aroma is more delicate than dark mint, but there are less essential oils. The place for mint is chosen sunny, on sandy and loamy soils with a suff..
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Model: 12157
Fireweed angustifolium or Ivan tea / Chamerion angustifolium
Perennial ornamental, food and medicinal plant. Blooms in July-August. It is one of the best honey plants, the leaves are used to make green tea.
Growing willow tea with seeds
The ..
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Model: 530
Marjoram «Garden» - this is a spicy-flavoring plant, rich in vitamins and essential oils. The plant is 30-60cm high, has a pleasant aroma and a slightly pungent taste. They are grown in open ground and at home in flower pots.
Leaves, stems and inf..
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Model: 12662
Lawn grass seeds «Lawn shady» / Lawn Park - a specially selected mixture of shade-tolerant grasses that form a dense grass stand that is resistant to damping off and disease. Used for decorative purposes in gardening areas, squares and shaded areas w..
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Model: 12614
Red fescue, creeping red fescue or the rush-leaf fescue / Festuca rubra - is a species of perennial herbaceous plants of the genus Fescue (Festuca) of the Poaceae family. This is a grassland grass.
Red fescue is a plant that is perfect for creatin..
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Model: 11508
Soris or Soriz / Sorghum orysoidum - is a hybrid of rice and sorghum. Soris can be grown throughout Ukraine. The agricultural technology for growing is the same as for corn, and the sowing time is the same. The only difference is that soris tole..
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Model: 13152
Cock's-foot or cocksfoot grasses / Dactylis - this is a perennial herbaceous plant of the grass family, which has excellent properties, due to which it is often used to create urban lawns.
The plant reaches from 30 to 150 centimeters in height. Fo..
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Model: 5431
There are several main reasons why cats should be allowed to eat grass:
cleansing the stomach of wool;
vitamins and microelements;
an alternative to indoor plants.
Why do cats eat grass?
Scientists have differing opinions on this is..
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Model: 13856
Lawn grass (lawn) «Hummingbird», German Grass series - which is characterized by slow growth, resistance to trampling and disease, dense grass with an elegant surface texture. Does not require frequent mowing and careful care; it forms drought- and f..
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Model: 11526
Sorghum «White African» - annual or perennial cereal plant. Refers to spring crops. Its homeland is considered to be the regions of East Africa, where the plant began to be grown in the 4th century BC. e. Culture is in fifth place in terms of global ..
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Model: 13134
Sudanese grass «Golubivska 25" / Sorghum sudanense - the main use of this variety is growing for hay. According to its characteristics, the plant height for mowing is 170-240 cm, for harvesting for grain - 210-280 cm. It has increased bushiness from ..
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Model: 15711
Canadian cercis / Cercis canadensis - very decorative and attractive during flowering, numerous pink flowers cover the entire branched crown with a thick pink carpet, most of the trunk is hidden behind thick strong shoots.
In the climatic conditio..
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Model: 11838
Chinese mustard, brown mustard, Indian mustard, leaf mustard, oriental mustard and vegetable mustard / Brassica juncea - is an annual green manure branched plant up to 1.5 meters high. The lower leaves are incised (with lyre-shaped lobes), the upper ..
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Model: 11892
Madder or rose madder or dyer's madder / Rubia Tinctorum - is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Rubia family. "Rubia tinctorum" is the Latin name for madder. It comes from the words rubber - red and tinctorus - dye, which fully corresponds to the p..
Grass seeds, honey plants, grasses for animals, lawns.