Plum «Golden Large» - late-ripening, self-fertile plum. The harvest ripens in September. The tree is medium-sized, the crown is pyramidal. The variety is high-yielding - the branches of the tree are covered with round fruits, tightly adjacent to the ..
Plum «Pissardi» / Prunus cerasifera «Pissardii» - small deciduous tree 6-12 (14) m tall and 6-12 (17) m wide. Annual growth is up to 25 cm. The crown is dense, broadly ovoid, heavily leafy. Young shoots are reddish, later turning light brown.
The ..
Plum «Italian» (Hungarian type)
The height of the tree is 4 meters, the crown is round, spreading, up to 6 meters in diameter. It bears fruit from the age of 4, the yield is from 50 to 70 kg per tree, depending on weather conditions.
The variet..
Blackthorn or sloe or Prickly Plum / Prunus spinosa - small thorny bush; species of the genus Prunus of the Plum subfamily (Prunoideae) of the Rose family (Rosaceae), a stone fruit crop.
A shrub 3.5-4.5 m high, less often a low-growing tree no hig..