Chinese flame tree or Chinese golden rain tree, Bougainvillea golden-rain tree / Koelreuteria bipinnata - is named after the botanist Josef Gottlieb Kölreuter. An ornamental tree 4-7 meters high with a spreading crown. The leaves are graceful, pinnate, large, about 40 cm long. It blooms for a long time in July-September with golden yellow flowers in large inflorescences.
After flowering, unusual swollen light green fruits are formed, which, as they ripen, acquire a bright pink color. During this period, the trees look very attractive. Sometimes on a tree you can see both flowers and fruits at the same time.
In June, against the background of dark green odd-pinnate foliage, huge bright yellow paniculate inflorescences look very impressive.
After abundant and prolonged flowering, fruit-boxes appear, resembling physalis, but of the original three-lobed shape.
At first, they are pale green, then they gradually acquire a pink color, and when dried, stay on the tree all winter.
During this period, the tree looks even more unusual and decorative.
Wonderful fruits in the form of a three-leaved box of different colors - from greenish to reddish-brown, look like lampshades of chandeliers or table lamps. However, these are some types of lampshades similar to the fruits of Kölreuteria.
Prefers sunny, sheltered locations and loose, well-drained soils. Grows well in poor and dry soils. It is frost-resistant to - 25°C.
Resistant to the urban environment, particularly suitable for street gardening. It captures pollution coming from roads, withstands soil salinization. Undemanding to care. Kolreuteria paniculata decorate squares at intersections, plant them on lawns in parks, improve playgrounds and parking lots with it. If the climate permits, the tree reaches a size sufficient to shade the sidewalks from the scorching summer sun. Pests are slightly affected.
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