Peppers and eggplants are considered to be rather capricious crops. They are demanding of warmth and soil fertility, and often suffer from root rot. Therefore, when growing seedlings, you need to try to provide them with the most comfortable conditions and form a strong immunity in the plants...
With the onset of spring, all gardens and summer cottages begin to be full of a variety of bushes of everyone's favorite - petunia. Every year, more and more breeders are developing different colors, new varieties of this lush beauty. It not only has a wide range of colors, but also differs in both a simple flower shape and a terry one...
Growing seedlings is a process that requires special attention, since the future harvest largely depends on the quality of the seedling material. However, during the growth of seedlings, various problems may arise that interfere with the normal development of plants...
Bacopa is a still little-known perennial plant that is valued for its unpretentiousness, abundant flowering and decorative appearance. It is native to South Africa, but grows well in our conditions...
Delicate seedlings are vulnerable to numerous pests. Among them, there are particularly dangerous ones: omnivorous, very voracious and prolific. It is important to recognize them in time and take measures to protect plants...
While there is still a lull in the garden, use the first days of the calendar spring to your advantage. There are many things you can do during this period to not only tidy it up, but also help the green spaces avoid potential problems...
The right soil for seedlings is the beginning of beginnings. Young seedlings receive the necessary nutrition from the soil. Their health and your future harvest depend on it. But the "tastes" of different crops are different, and this should be taken into account when preparing the soil...
Tomato seedlings can be grown in different containers: in common boxes, separate pots, etc. Each sowing method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Before you start preparing the containers, you need to estimate the number of seedlings and the area they will occupy. Let's look at the most popular containers that are suitable for sowing...
Walnut is a southern tree, but it has long been successfully grown in our country. An adult tree is quite unpretentious in care, but you need to tinker with young nuts. But the result of your labor will be enjoyed not only by children, but also by grandchildren. After planting a walnut, everyone begins to impatiently wait for the first harvest of nuts to ripen. It depends on the variety: in some, ..
Don't know how to best feed tomatoes in a greenhouse? This article will help you understand this issue. Even when growing tomatoes in fertile soil, you cannot do without regular fertilizing. Only proper plant care coupled with timely application of fertilizers will ensure a rich harvest of healthy and beautiful fruits. It is important not to overdo it with the doses of fertilizers, otherwise the t..
Sweet (Bulgarian) peppers need fertilizing at all stages of vegetation, including during fruiting. Fertilizers applied during this period improve the taste of the fruit, accelerate its ripening and increase its shelf life...
Zucchini (planting and care in open ground will be described in the article) is a plant of the Pumpkin family. With proper care, it can enrich the owners with a magnificent harvest. Zucchini crops, whose planting and care are unpretentious, are used to prepare various delicious dishes...
Pumpkin is truly one of the most decorative ornaments of any plot. It is impossible not to notice it. In addition to its external attractiveness, it has many useful properties and is used to prepare a variety of tasty and nutritious dishes...
Many people grow green onions on the windowsill. In addition to it, other greens are also suitable for winter cultivation. The main feature of these crops is that they easily tolerate a lack of sunlight and grow very quickly: in just 2-3 weeks they can please you with juicy greens...
Succinic acid is not included in the list of official preparations used as fertilizers for vegetable crops. But among folk remedies that improve the composition of the soil, accelerate the growth of vegetable seedlings, this folk remedy occupies one of the first places. This preparation is usually diluted in water and used for soaking seeds or cuttings, treating the roots of seedlings, and also ca..
Perhaps all summer residents grow cucumbers. And this is not without reason, cucumbers are very healthy and dietary vegetables, which are 95% water. Some sow cucumber seeds first for seedlings, and then transplant the already formed plants into greenhouses, hotbeds or beds...
The days have become shorter, and visits to the country house have become very rare. Work in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden has mostly moved to another level - home. But even at this time, some active things for the summer resident still remain...
Perilla is an ornamental foliage plant from the Lamiaceae family. It is cultivated both as a spice-flavoring plant and as an ornamental crop. It comes from Southeast Asia. In the middle zone, perilla is most often grown as an annual. It will be able to survive the frosty winter only if you put the container with the plant in a frost-free room during the cold season...
Strawberries, honeysuckle, cherries, wild strawberries, blueberries, currants - with what impatience, missing the benefits and taste, we wait for the very first fresh berries of the season! Already the first summer month pleases us with an abundance of these small juicy fruits, and some berries ripen even in May. But the end of the season is also a rich "berry" time. And it is still unclear whe..
Blueberries are a very special berry. And its care preferences are very different from the requirements of other garden crops. All activities are strictly tied to the annual cycle of berry development. In spring, the dachnik has one «blueberry» care, in summer - others. And you can not miss anything, otherwise full development of the bush and a harvest of tasty and healthy berries do not get. ..
Cherry laurel is part of the Rosaceae family, the genus Plum and the subgenus Cherry. This name was chosen for the plant because its leaves are similar in appearance to the foliage of laurel. This tree appeared in cultivation in ancient times, and it was grown as an ornamental plant...
Barren flowers... These flowers without ovaries can cause many questions among novice gardeners. Indeed, what is the reason for this phenomenon, if the vegetable seedlings were strong and healthy? If they were transplanted on time, fed and watered correctly? What to do? Pollinate manually? Yes, if the fruits do not set, you need to help them. And we will tell you how to do it...
Pepper can begin to get rid of future fruits at any stage of their development - the appearance of buds, flowering and the formation of ovaries. Sometimes this problem becomes widespread. What should you pay attention to in such a situation and how to correct it?..
Increasing the number of peony bushes on a site is not so difficult, because this can be done in several ways at once. You will find out what these options are from the article...