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Which cabbage is the healthiest?
Views: 109
Which cabbage is the healthiest?

If you think that cabbage is just round, strong white-green heads that are familiar to the eye, you are mistaken. This type of Cruciferous also includes cauliflower, savoy, turnip, kale, Brussels sprouts - not to mention their varieties and varieties!..

Growing persimmons from seeds
Views: 109
Growing persimmons from seeds

Persimmon - (Diospyros), a genus of trees and shrubs of the Ebony family, numbering about 200 species, growing in tropical and subtropical countries. Persimmon originates from Japan and is famous for its magnificent fruits. The common cultivated varieties are common or Caucasian persimmon (D. lotus), eastern persimmon (D. Kaki), and more winter-hardy virgin persimmon (D. Virginia); Breeders have o..

How to grow raspberries from seeds
Views: 130
How to grow raspberries from seeds

Do you want to feel like a natural scientist? Then it’s worth tinkering with the seeds. For stratification, at the end of September, the seeds had to be soaked for a day in clean water, put in a nylon bag, placed in a container between two layers of sphagnum moss and placed in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-3°C until April (approximately these conditions are those that fell on ground raspb..

Where and how to store pumpkins
Views: 103
Where and how to store pumpkins

Pumpkin is a healthy and tasty vegetable. To be able to enjoy its beautiful, aromatic fruits for a long time, you must comply with storage conditions. Where can you store pumpkin and how to do it correctly?..

Why do the berries on grapes dry out and not ripen - three main reasons
Views: 98
Why do the berries on grapes dry out and not ripen - three main reasons

Drying of berries is one of the problems that winegrowers face in the process of growing this fruit crop. Moreover, it occurs at all stages of maturation. In addition to fungal infections, drying out can have three other main causes. Namely, the berries have received sunburn, the grapes are infected with bacteriosis, or the plant is damaged by the buffalo leafhopper. Let's talk about the main sign..

Fruit trees and shrubs that are best planted in autumn
Views: 96
Fruit trees and shrubs that are best planted in autumn

For autumn planting, you should choose those fruit trees and berry bushes that take root easily and quickly. It is important not only to choose the right varieties, but also to follow the rules of agricultural technology for each crop, which we will discuss in this article. If after harvesting and putting things in order you still have energy left, it’s time to start expanding and updating your ga..

Wintering nymphs, water lilies and other aquatic plants - preparing correctly
Views: 97
Wintering nymphs, water lilies and other aquatic plants - preparing correctly

Is it possible to leave aquatic plants to overwinter in a pond? Which crops can withstand freezing of water, and which die at 10°C? How to organize the wintering of tropical exotics and local marsh plants? In anticipation of the cold weather, we answer pressing questions. Setting up a pond is not an easy task, requiring a careful approach and careful planning, both in terms of design and in terms ..

How to care for a greenhouse after harvesting
Views: 102
How to care for a greenhouse after harvesting

At the end of the season, our “tired” greenhouses need as much attention as the soil. No matter how reliable their construction is (be it a wooden frame covered with film or glass, or a polycarbonate structure), without proper care their service life can be significantly reduced. Greenhouse soil also requires special attention at this time, because the high humidity and heat characteristic of a gr..

How to keep zucchini fresh until spring
Views: 113
How to keep zucchini fresh until spring

Zucchini is a problem-free vegetable crop that produces huge yields even for novice gardeners. But how to preserve zucchini for the winter, when you no longer have the strength to preserve it, and the multi-colored “woodpile” doesn’t even think about ending? In order to delight your family with culinary delights based on this healthy vegetable all winter, you don’t have to dig your own cellar or b..

Growing pepper in the house - transplanting bushes from the garden into pots
Views: 127
Growing pepper in the house - transplanting bushes from the garden into pots

Pepper is a perennial crop. But every autumn, with the onset of cold weather, we pull out the bushes and send them to the compost, although some plants still have buds and ovaries. Try replanting some of the more lush bushes in containers and bringing them indoors to extend the growing season. Pepper does not always have time to please us with the harvest. On some bushes, only a small part of the ..

What to do with marigolds after flowering
Views: 107
What to do with marigolds after flowering

Bright, sunny marigolds (Tagetes) often adorn flower beds and beds. Experienced gardeners know about the beneficial properties of these flowers and plant them throughout the site to scare away various pests and improve the land. The medicinal properties of marigolds have been known since ancient times. The essential oil contained in the plant is a powerful natural antiseptic. Therefore, marigold i..

Pests that are best dealt with in the autumn
Views: 112
Pests that are best dealt with in the autumn

You can fight these pests throughout the season. But now, in the fall, when vegetables were removed from the beds, and the garden was freed from fruits, you can safely exterminate unwanted guests. At this time, the drugs will not harm either plants or humans. In the article we will tell you what pests and how you can get rid of in the fall...

Why don't dahlias bloom
Views: 116
Why don't dahlias bloom

If at the appointed time the dahlias did not please you with lush flowering, this is not a reason to despair. It is better to try to find out why this happened so as not to make mistakes in the future. It can be not only a violation of agricultural technology or lack of light...

How to grow petunia seedlings
Views: 120
How to grow petunia seedlings

This beautiful perennial of the Solanaceae family is native to the tropics of South America. But even in our latitudes, it feels excellent, delighting the eye with long flowering, pomp, brightness and an abundance of shades of large flowers. It's about petunias...

How to plant beets after living
Views: 119
How to plant beets after living

Tasty and healthy beets are grown by many gardeners. But to get a good harvest, this crop needs to be properly looked after: water, weed and thin out seedlings, removing plants that thicken plantings and compete for nutrients, light and water...

Why don't tomatoes ripen
Views: 117
Why don't tomatoes ripen

Summer does not always please us with stable warm weather: either rains, or fogs, or cold, or heat ... Of course, this does not have the best effect on the yield and ripening time of many crops, especially heat-loving ones. In order to have time to collect ripe tomatoes in August, you need to carefully care for the bushes...

How to grow beans
Views: 113
How to grow beans

Beans are a plant of the legume family (Fabaceae), which produces fruits in the form of pods with beans. Beans can be curly, and can grow in the form of a shrub. The color, size and shape of the seeds depend on the particular variety. Beans are in the TOP 10 most useful foods! So be sure to include it in your diet. What is its use?..

How to sow lettuce - 3 proven ways for different situations
Views: 117
How to sow lettuce - 3 proven ways for different situations

Lettuce seeds can be sown from early spring to early autumn. Learn how to do it right in order to reap a good harvest from even the smallest garden. Lettuce seeds can be sown as a separate bed, or between other vegetables. Carrots, parsnips and even tomatoes are considered good salad neighbors. You can sow several rows of lettuce between roses or other flowers right in the flower bed...

Growing asparagus
Views: 112
Growing asparagus

Asparagus is one of the most delicious, healthy and expensive vegetable crops. The first sprouts of asparagus, which are white, green, pinkish green, or purple, are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber...

Growing parsley through seedlings
Views: 108
Growing parsley through seedlings

Excellent taste and simple agricultural practices have made parsley a popular green crop. As a rule, they sow it immediately in the garden, but if you need to get early greens, you can grow this spicy herb through seedlings...

How to grow cherries from seed
Views: 128
How to grow cherries from seed

Cherry is one of the first berries that can please the gardener at the end of spring with its excellent taste. You can grow a culture both with the help of seedlings and grafting. However, many summer residents are interested in the question: how to grow cherries from a stone, how realistic it is and what difficulties you will have to face...

How to grow vegetables in containers
Views: 110
How to grow vegetables in containers

You might be surprised how easy it is to grow an entire vegetable garden in containers - no matter where you live or how big your yard is! You don't need a big backyard or big garden to grow fresh produce. In fact, if you have a porch, porch, or patio that receives daily sunlight, you can grow almost all of your favorite vegetables...

Sweet daikon radish: cultivation and care in the open field
Views: 99
Sweet daikon radish: cultivation and care in the open field

Among the relatively new garden crops that are grown in our beds, you can also meet the daikon - it is also a sweet radish, Japanese radish, white radish. Growing and caring for daikon in the open field is not difficult even for an inexperienced grower, but knowledge of the characteristics of the culture is necessary. Daikon is a vegetable crop with large white roots. It is not yet as popular as o..

How to grow a sunflower and get a great harvest
Views: 108
How to grow a sunflower and get a great harvest

Sunflower cultivation is practiced by many gardeners. Some varieties of this crop are used to decorate the site, but in our material, we will talk about how to grow a sunflower in order to collect as many high-quality crops from it as possible...