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How to grow asters from seeds
Views: 110
How to grow asters from seeds

The botanical name of the aster is Calistefus, which means "beautiful crown" in Latin. She really crowns the garden season, decorating the site when almost all perennials have faded. Thanks to the abundance of various varieties, growing an annual aster is very interesting!..

12 best shrubs for sunny areas
Views: 107
12 best shrubs for sunny areas

If your suburban area is located so that the plants there receive direct sunlight for most of the daylight hours, it can be difficult to choose options for decorative gardening - many crops begin to dry and wither, or even get burned with such an abundance of solar radiation. But nevertheless, among the huge variety of picturesque shrubs, you can pick up those that will only be happy with such a "..

What to do with the mustache of strawberries - cut or leave for breeding?
Views: 117
What to do with the mustache of strawberries - cut or leave for breeding?

In June-July, the question of what to do with the mustache of strawberries is especially relevant. Gardeners have two options: trim the whiskers or use them to grow new plants. Let's take a closer look at both situations. Today there are many varieties of strawberries without a mustache. When growing such a crop, the issue of trimming a mustache is irrelevant. Therefore, we do not take into accoun..

6 reasons why cucumbers have a bad harvest
Views: 114
6 reasons why cucumbers have a bad harvest

Do cucumbers shed their ovaries, turn yellow, or die altogether? Often it is not diseases and pests that are to blame, but ourselves. Improper care of seedlings, excess sunlight and lack of watering - what else can affect the quantity and quality of the crop? Consider the most common mistakes that gardeners make when growing cucumbers on their site...

What medicinal herbs and plants can be collected and dried in summer
Views: 97
What medicinal herbs and plants can be collected and dried in summer

The middle of summer is the best time to collect and harvest medicinal herbs and plants that the flowering land generously endows us with. So do not miss this golden time! Medicinal plants that have a beneficial effect on the human body. They are able to support immunity or help in the treatment of diseases throughout the year. What medicinal herbs can be harvested in the summer?..

Growing eggplant seedlings
Views: 218
Growing eggplant seedlings

Eggplant is always associated with a purple color and an oblong fruit. But recently, breeders have been offering such an abundance of varieties and hybrids, unusual in external color and structure, which makes it difficult for the buyer to choose: round, white, striped, black, delight and alarm. Unknown taste, yield, technology of growing seedlings and adult plants...

Growing kale
Views: 110
Growing kale

Modern summer residents grow a wide variety of cabbage, both edible and ornamental. But curly kale, not only nutritious, but also pleasant in appearance, is still little known in our latitudes. But in growing it is quite simple. Before buying kale seeds, you need to figure out what it is useful for, what happens and how to grow it properly...

How to grow crookneck
Views: 117
How to grow crookneck

If almost every summer resident knows almost everything about “ordinary” zucchini and pumpkins, and you can find such vegetables literally in every garden plot, then strange twisted fruits cause surprise or regret for many in the first place - they say, this year’s harvest probably won’t good luck, sick! Meanwhile, these fruits are quite normal and healthy, they simply belong to another variety of..

10 edible flowers you can grow in your country house
Views: 106
10 edible flowers you can grow in your country house

Edible flowers are not new. In high cuisine, they have long been used to decorate dishes and give them new flavors. If you would like to diversify your diet, inspired by the ideas of famous chefs (and by a lucky chance you have your own plot of land), this list of plants will definitely come in handy. Roses, chrysanthemums, mallows, nasturtiums, chamomiles, dandelions - the list of edible flowers ..

Tomatoes in a greenhouse or an open garden: which is better?
Views: 102
Tomatoes in a greenhouse or an open garden: which is better?

The methods of greenhouse and soil cultivation of tomatoes are very different, so experienced gardeners try to choose varieties that are most suitable for the chosen breeding methods. Consider the differences and features of growing tomatoes in open ground and in a greenhouse to choose the most suitable option...

5 ways to sow carrots
Views: 106
5 ways to sow carrots

Small and light carrot seeds are difficult to sow evenly, and sloppy seedlings can fall prey to weeding. How to achieve even rows that are easy to notice and process, and ideally get rid of thinning? There is a way, and not just one. Of course, you can just try and carefully pour the seeds into the grooves prepared in advance. If there is no wind, you lean low enough and do not rush, then the rows..

Spicy herbs on the kitchen windowsill
Views: 198
Spicy herbs on the kitchen windowsill

Beautiful, useful and easy. This is how you can characterize a small "garden" with spicy herbs, located on the windowsill. What is the aroma reminiscent of early summer! And most importantly, any of the herbs can be plucked and used for its intended purpose, thereby filling the winter lack of vitamins. So, the decision is made, it remains to bring it to life...

What you need to know about the germination of seeds of flower and vegetable plants?
Views: 356
What you need to know about the germination of seeds of flower and vegetable plants?

As a rule, self-respecting manufacturers provide all the necessary information about sowing and seed germination on the back of a bag of seeds. But what if it is completely absent or differs from firm to firm?..

Growing from seed and planting of marigolds
Views: 158
Growing from seed and planting of marigolds

The beauty and unpretentiousness of marigolds (Tagétes) make them favorites of many gardeners. With the help of these bright and diverse colors, you can decorate any area, garden, cottage or balcony in a multi-storey building. Varieties of marigolds differ in the size of an adult plant, and in the size of the flowers, and in the color of the petals. The richness of shades (from red-brown to lemon ..

How to grow conifers from seeds
Views: 234
How to grow conifers from seeds

Conifer seeds behave differently: some quickly and easily germinate immediately after sowing, while others, being at rest, require exposure to cold, i.e. stratification. This artificial process mimics what happens in nature to seeds after they fall to the ground in the fall...

Growing pumpkin seedlings according to the rules
Views: 238
Growing pumpkin seedlings according to the rules

Usually in the southern and central regions there is no special need to grow pumpkin through seedlings. Its seeds germinate well when planted in the open ground, grow well and give good yields. If you live in a colder region, or if you want to get a pumpkin crop before the term stated by the manufacturer (usually this period is 120-140 days from sowing to harvesting), it is advisable to grow pumpk..

Pak choy cabbage: how to grow it properly
Views: 250
Pak choy cabbage: how to grow it properly

The hardworking Chinese have given the world many plants with unique characteristics. One such plant is the early bok choy cabbage. This plant has excellent nutritional characteristics. It is not difficult to grow bak choy, you can get a stable, large yield with a small investment of effort and money...

Lemongrass chinese - care and beneficial properties
Views: 110
Lemongrass chinese - care and beneficial properties

Do you want ornamental plants not only to decorate your garden, but also to be of practical use? Plant a Chinese lemongrass! Its edible fruits are very useful and have tonic properties. This unusual vine goes by several names: Chinese Schizandra, Manchurian Lemongrass and Wu-Wei Tzu (it means "berry of five tastes" in Chinese). Indeed, first of all, the Chinese lemongrass is valued for its medicin..

Growing watermelon in a greenhouse
Views: 104
Growing watermelon in a greenhouse

Did you know that among the variety of greenhouse crops, watermelon occupies not the last place. Of course, it is grown in this way not for industrial purposes, and not in the south, but it shows excellent results and is quite satisfied with the taste of its bold owners. However, the agricultural technology of greenhouse plantings is somewhat different from growing in open ground, and before plant..

Chinese cucumber: varieties and cultivation
Views: 107
Chinese cucumber: varieties and cultivation

Despite the fact that both in name and in appearance, the Chinese cucumber is clearly similar to the usual one, in fact, this is not a variety of the common cucumber we are used to, but its variety. It differs from its garden counterpart in size, taste, and some biological features, but in general it has the same agricultural technology and belongs to the same genus - Pumpkin...

How to grow spinach on a windowsill
Views: 120
How to grow spinach on a windowsill

Spinach is a healthy leafy green that has become increasingly popular recently. This plant is successfully used in medicine. Due to the high content of protein, iron, carotene, ascorbic acid, fiber, macro- and microelements, as well as a whole complex of biologically active substances, spinach is useful for adults and children. It is used to increase hemoglobin and stimulate metabolism, as a vitam..

5 reasons why cucumbers do not bloom
Views: 107
5 reasons why cucumbers do not bloom

Already the middle of June. Why don't cucumbers bloom in a greenhouse, on a balcony or in the open field? On average, cucumbers begin to bloom 30-45 days after sowing the seeds. Dates may vary depending on weather conditions and the variety you have chosen. But sometimes flowering is delayed or does not occur at all. There can be many reasons for this...

Why do tomato leaves turn yellow in a greenhouse and in open ground
Views: 107
Why do tomato leaves turn yellow in a greenhouse and in open ground

Why do yellow spots form on tomato leaves? Does it matter on which leaves - upper or lower - they are formed? How to process tomatoes if the leaves began to turn yellow? If you notice that the leaves of your tomatoes have begun to turn yellow and wither, the reason lies in one of the following problems indicated in the article...

Seedlings picking - what is it and why is it needed?
Views: 118
Seedlings picking - what is it and why is it needed?

Cultivation of seedlings is not an easy matter. It is not enough to properly sow the seeds and provide them with comfortable conditions for germination. Often you can't do without transplanting seedlings. For many years, gardeners can not come to a consensus on whether to pick seedlings. Let's try to get to the bottom of this difficult question. Seedling picking is the transplanting of seedlings f..