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Annual flower seeds

Canary nasturtium seeds «Yellow»
In stock
Model: 11111
Canary-creeper, canarybird flower, canarybird vine, or canary nasturtium / Tropaeolum peregrinum - unique shade, pleasant aroma. Annual herbaceous plant. Stems are highly branched, thin, up to 200 - 350 cm long. Flowers are small, with a subtle pleas..
Petunia seeds «Silvier» F1
In stock
Model: 11119
Petunia garden multiflora «Silvier» F1 - unique color, long flowering. Perennial plant, cultivated as an annual. Stems are erect or creeping, densely branched, 25 - 30 cm high. Flowers are single, regular, 3 - 4 cm in diameter, crimson, funnel-shaped..
Stock seeds «Pink Viking»
In stock
Model: 11064
Stock (matthiola)  «Pink Viking» - an annual herbaceous plant 40-50 cm high. The flowers are regular, very fragrant, collected by 10-60 in racemose inflorescences of various lengths and shapes. Flowering lasts from June until frost. Prefers o..
Nasturtium seeds «Golden king»
In stock
Model: 16093
Nasturtium «Golden king» - an annual fast-growing climbing plant with a creeping stem 150 cm long, with large green leaves and flowers 5 cm in diameter, orange in color. Used for vertical landscaping of walls, gazebos, balconies, etc. Also in boxe..
Peony poppy terry seeds
In stock
Model: 16088
Peony poppy terry - a popular unpretentious plant, grows in any garden soil, better - in open sunny places. Used for mixborders, group plantings, flower beds, rock gardens. Seeds are sown directly into open ground immediately to a permanent p..
Cosmos seeds «Pizhon» (mix)
In stock
Model: 16092
Cosmos terry «Pizhon» (mix) - an annual herbaceous plant. Stems are erect, 80-150 cm high. Inflorescences are double and semi-double, 7-10 cm in diameter, of various colors. Blooms profusely from June until frost. The plant loves light, is cold-resis..
Cosmos seeds «Klondike»
In stock
Model: 16091
Cosmos «Klondike» - an annual tall plant (1.2-1.5 m) with orange flowers that look very effective against the background of lacy foliage. They do not tolerate transplantation and love sunny places. Otherwise, this is a very hardy plant that can ennob..
Alyssum seeds «Purple king»
In stock
Model: 16087
Alyssum «Purple king» - a very decorative dwarf plant (up to 15 cm) with small flowers and a honey scent. Forms a dense flowering purple carpet. Used to frame flower beds, rockeries, rock gardens, mixborders. A very long flowering period. Planted ..
Nasturtium Seeds «Indian Prince»
In stock
Model: 16094
Nasturtium «Indian Prince» - a contrast of bright flowers and dark foliage! A variety with a red flower and dark green leaves with a reddish tint. A low plant up to 20 cm high. It blooms profusely from June to October. It is used for borders, flower ..
Castor common bean seeds
In stock
Model: 16096
Common castor bean / Ricinus communis - is a perennial ornamental deciduous spreading plant up to 150 cm tall with wide lobed leaves that acquire a purple color, forming lush, red, prickly fruits at the end of summer. The flowering is not bright, but..
Aster seeds «Autumn evening»
In stock
Model: 15977
Aster «Autumn evening» - a popular annual. The bush is compact, upright, 50-60 cm high. The flowers are large, up to 10 cm in diameter, blue in color. It blooms from mid-August and blooms until the onset of cold weather. It is used mainly for cutting..
Aster seeds «Bride»
In stock
Model: 15981
Aster «Bride» - a popular annual. The bush is compact, upright, 70 cm high. The flowers are large, up to 10 cm in diameter, snow-white in color. It blooms from the end of August until the onset of cold weather. It is used mainly for cutting, in group..
Aster seeds «Blue vortex»
In stock
Model: 15980
Aster «Blue vortex» - a popular annual. Compact (60-65 cm) variety of aster with very attractive large blue flowers, 10-15 cm in diameter. Blooms long and abundantly from mid-July until frost. Used for cutting, popular for planting in flowerbeds..
Aster seeds «Chocolate candy»
In stock
Model: 15979
Aster «Chocolate» - a popular annual, a compact, upright bush, 65-75 cm high. Large flower beds, up to 9-11 cm in diameter, original chocolate color. Blooms from mid-August and blooms until the onset of cold weather. Used mainly for cutting, in group..
Limnanthes seeds
In stock
Model: 15972
Limnanthes - is an annual plant 12-15 cm high. Unpretentious, loves sunny places. Blooms from July until autumn. Brightly colored flowers, 1-2 cm in diameter, have a pleasant smell and attract insects. Grow through seedlings or by sowing seeds in ..
Limonium Suworowii seeds
In stock
Model: 15965
Limonium Suworowii (sea-lavender, statice, caspia or marsh-rosemary) / Limonium suworowii - an annual plant 60-80 cm high. The plant is a rosette of leaves with shoots emerging from it. The inflorescences are long, spike-shaped, consisting of small p..
Aster seeds «Festive»
In stock
Model: 15978
Aster «Festive» - a popular annual. The bush is compact, upright, 60-65 cm high. The flowers are large, up to 10-12 cm in diameter, soft pink in color. It blooms from mid-August and blooms until the onset of cold weather. The seeds are sown in Mar..
Aster seeds «Anastasia»
In stock
Model: 15976
Aster «Anastasia» - a popular annual. The bush is compact, upright, 50-60 cm high. The flowers are medium-sized, up to 10 cm in diameter, blue-violet in color. It blooms from the end of July and blooms until the onset of cold weather. It is used main..
Aster seeds «Gray-haired lady crimson»
In stock
Model: 15985
Aster «Gray-haired lady crimson» - a popular annual. The bush is compact, upright, 65-75 cm high. The flowers are large, up to 10-13 cm in diameter, raspberry-colored with white stripes. It blooms from mid-August until the onset of cold weather. It i..
Limonium blue (statice) seeds
In stock
Model: 15970
Limonium blue (statice, kermek, sea-lavender, statice, caspia or marsh-rosemary) / Limonium mill  - this is an annual plant. The stems are erect, 60-70 cm high, with branches in the upper part. The flowers are small, up to 1 cm in diameter, blue..
Limonium light-blue (statice) seeds
In stock
Model: 15969
Limonium light-blue (statice, kermek, sea-lavender, statice, caspia or marsh-rosemary) / Limonium mill  - this is an annual plant. The stems are erect, 60-70 cm high, with branches in the upper part. The flowers are small, up to 1 cm in diameter..
Limonium yellow (statice) seeds
In stock
Model: 15967
Limonium yellow (statice, kermek, sea-lavender, statice, caspia or marsh-rosemary) / Limonium mill  - this is an annual plant. The stems are erect, 60-70 cm high, with branches in the upper part. The flowers are small, up to 1 cm in diameter, ye..
Aster seeds «Ruby stars»
In stock
Model: 15986
Aster «Ruby Stars» - a popular annual. The bush is compact, upright, 70 cm high. The flowers are large, up to 10 cm in diameter, dark red in color. It blooms from the end of August and blooms until the onset of cold weather. It is used mainly for cut..
Limonium seeds «Bright mix»
In stock
Model: 15971
Limonium (statice, kermek, sea-lavender, statice, caspia or marsh-rosemary) «Bright mix» / Limonium mill  - this is an annual plant. The stems are erect, 60-70 cm high, with branches in the upper part. The flowers are small, up to 1 cm in diamet..

Annuals are popular plants among amateur gardeners that can brighten up any suburban area with their bright blooms. The family of annual flowers includes plants that live one growing season, the ontogeny of which includes maturation, flowering and death. Annuals bloom, replacing each other, from the beginning of summer to the end of autumn. Some flower growers create complex patterns and inscriptions from plants, while the rest create beautiful mono-flowers. Unlike perennial flowers, annuals are very unpretentious in care, therefore they are very popular among beginner gardeners.

Sowing annual flowers from seeds


To create a beautiful flower bed in your summer cottage, you should also take into account the color scheme, height and flowering period of plants. You can plant flowers of the same height, or you can make a flower cascade - sowing seeds in groups in height from lowest to highest.

There are two ways to grow annual plants:

  •     seedlings
  •     without seedlings

The last option involves sowing seeds directly into open ground in late spring. Before sowing, the earth must be loosened, fertilized and thoroughly moistened. Flowering annuals are recommended to be fertilized throughout the growing season.

Varieties of annuals

Depending on the flowering season, annual flowers can be divided into two categories:

  • blooming in spring: seeds for seedlings are sown in boxes in winter, and in early spring the finished seedlings are planted in open ground; spring include: petunia, begonia, daisy and pelargonium annuals; at the end of flowering, the plants are dug up, and new flowers are planted in their place;
  • blooming all summer: it is necessary to sow the seeds in late April or early May in open ground; most summer flowers are suitable for cut for bouquets; summer annuals include: cornflowers, calendula, cosmea, sage, ornamental sunflower, phlox, dahlias, etc.

Ground cover can be planted along the path plants, in the depths of the flower beds - bush and dried flowers, and near the fences and arbors - ampelous and climbing flowers for summer cottages.

You can buy annual flower seeds online on the GARDN website with targeted delivery. The catalog contains a diverse range of annual flower seeds:

  • marigolds;
  • aster;
  • purslane;
  • vervain;
  • nasturtium;
  • begonia, etc.

Wide the choice of high-quality seeds from Ukrainian and foreign manufacturers, as well as an affordable price, will impress any gardener.