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Herb seeds

Lavender seeds «Purple Ocean»
In stock
Model: 11065
Lavender officinalis / Lavandula angustifolia Perennial, evergreen, drought-resistant semi-shrub plant 50-60 cm high. Leaves lanceolate-linear, cone-shaped inflorescences, dark purple and purple-blue color. Widely used as an ornamental, medicin..
40.59 ₴
Lemongrass seeds
In stock
Model: 5640
Lemongrass / Cymbopogon - also known as lemon grass, barbed wire grass, silky heads, Cochin grass, Malabar grass, oily heads, citronella grass or fever grass. A perennial herb widely used as a spice, medicine and aphrodisiac. It has a citrus aroma..
81.59 ₴
Marshmallow seeds
In stock
Model: 10430
Marshmallow medicinal or Marsh mallow pharmacy / Althaea officinalis Perennial herbaceous plant, species of the genus Althea, family Malvaceae (Malvaceae). Marshmallow officinalis is a plant whose height can be 2 meters. Young plants have singl..
40.59 ₴
Monarda seeds «Lemon mint»
In stock
Model: 3532
Monarda «Lemon mint» / Monarda citriodora This is a perennial spicy-aromatic plant up to 90cm high. Leaves and inflorescences have a distinct, delicate lemon aroma, they season meat dishes, fruit salads, flavor teas and drinks. It is grown in o..
40.59 ₴
Plantain greater seeds «Poltava»
In stock
Model: 1873
Plantain large, pharmaceutical, medicinal «Poltava» / Plantago major L. Perennial herbaceous plant of the Plantain family - Plantaginaceae. Popular names: seven-veiner, cutter, fellow traveler, roadside, boil grass. Pharmacy name: plantain seeds -..
40.59 ₴
Robinia seeds
In stock
Model: 12552
Common robinia (white acacia), or robinia pseudoacacia - is a fast-growing, forest-forming, drought-resistant tree, a species of the genus Robinia of the Legume family (Fabaceae). The botanically erroneous name «white locust» is widespread. It is act..
61.09 ₴
Warty сabbage seeds
In stock
Model: 10487
Warty cabbage Turkish wartycabbage, hill mustard, or Turkish rocket Seeds / Bunias orientalis Perennial herbaceous plant, species of the genus Sverbig (Bunias) of the Cabbage family (Brassicaceae). Buniasorientalis grows in one place for 8-10 year..
40.59 ₴
Yellow horned poppy seeds «Helios»
In stock
Model: 11893
Yellow horned poppy, or yellow hornpoppy or sea poppy «Helios» / Glaucium flavum Crantz - the use of this plant in folk medicine reaches prescription. Glaucium herb is used as a diuretic, as well as an expectorant, sedative and antidiabetic agent. ..
61.09 ₴
Astragalus dasyanthus seeds «Favorite»
In stock
Model: 11886
Astragalus «Favorite» / Astragalus dasyanthus Pall - is a perennial herb from the legume family. It reaches a height of 40 cm. Its stems are numerous, erect, even slightly rising. The stems, leaves, flowers and even the fruits of astragalus woolly..
61.09 ₴
Belladonna seeds «Beauty»
In stock
Model: 13106
Belladonna or deadly nightshade «Beauty» / Atropa belladonna - is a winter-hardy variety, resistant to drought and lodging. The growing season is 120-128 days. The content of alkaloids in raw materials averages 1.0%. At the initial stages of organoge..
81.59 ₴
Fenugreek hay seeds
In stock
Model: 13858
Hay Fenugreek (mushroom grass) / Trigonella foenum-graecum This is a great spicy plant that is widely used in popular seasoning mixes for home cooking (meat, fish, rice and vegetables). It is a popular herb in the Arab regions and India. It has..
40.59 ₴
Lovage seeds «Dude»
In stock
Model: 5750
Lovage «Dude» One of the best spicy-tasting and medicinal plants. Lovage is unpretentious to growing conditions, always winters well. The height of the stem reaches 1-2 m. It grows in one place for 6-8 years, growing with rhizomes. As a spice, ..
40.59 ₴
Oat seeds
In stock
Model: 6102
Oat or common oat / Avena sativa - an annual plant of the grass family. Green manure, fodder and food crops. Valued for its highest growth vigor and the best ability (along with buckwheat) to feed and improve acidic bog soils and drained peat bogs. T..
40.59 ₴
Oregano seeds «Ukrainian»
In stock
Model: 14962
Oregano «Ukrainian» / Origanum vulgare L. A perennial herbaceous plant from the deaf-crop family (Lamiaceae). Medicinal, food, essential oil, melliferous, coloring, tannin-bearing, insecticidal, ornamental plant. Peculiarities: shade plan..
40.59 ₴
Plantain branched seeds «Berezotitskyi»
In stock
Model: 1676
Plantain branched or plantain Indian «Berezotitskyi» / Plantago arenaria Annual herbaceous plant 15-30 cm high; rough due to short hairs. The stem is leafy, branched, erect or prostrate, in the axils of the lower leaves there are shortened branche..
40.59 ₴
Sesame black seeds
In stock
Model: 12082
Black sesame / Sesamum This is an annual plant 60-150 cm high. The root is taproot, 70-80 cm long, branched in the upper part, thick. Stem erect, green or slightly reddish, 4-8-sided, pubescent, rarely glabrous, usually branched from the very base..
40.59 ₴
St. John's wort seeds
In stock
Model: 13715
St. John's wort or perforatum / Hipericum perforatum Perennial herbaceous plant, up to 1 m high, with a taproot, strongly branched rhizome. Stem erect, glabrous, branched at the top. The leaves are small, sessile, opposite, with scattered, translu..
40.59 ₴
Thyme seeds «Fragrant»
In stock
Model: 10499
Thyme, also German thyme, garden thyme / Thymus vulgaris - a genus of the Lamiaceae family, one of the largest and taxonomically complex genera of this family, a perennial creeping shrub 10-35 cm high with small pinkish-purple flowers. Propagated ..
40.59 ₴
Treacle mustard seeds «Father's memory»
In stock
Model: 11891
Treacle mustard «Father's memory» / Erysimum diffusum - a biennial plant widely used in folk and traditional medicine; has a beneficial effect on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, is used in the treatment of  angina pectoris, arrhy..
40.59 ₴
Baikal skullcap seeds «Natalia»
In stock
Model: 11898
Baikal skullcap «Natalia» or Chinese skullcap / Scutellaria baicalensis - is a perennial herbaceous plant. The raw materials are roots and dry grass. The biological activity of skullcap roots is due to the amount of flavonoids, the main component of ..
40.59 ₴
Elecampane seeds «Gulliver»
In stock
Model: 11895
Elecampane tall «Gulliver» or horse-heal or elfdock / Inula helenium L. - is a perennial herbaceous plant. The raw material is air-dry rhizomes and roots. They contain up to 3% essential oil and 44% polysaccharides. It is used as an expectorant, as w..
40.59 ₴
Motherwort seeds
In stock
Model: 10486
Motherwort / Leonurus - genus of perennial or biennial herbaceous plants of the Lamiaceae family, or Lamiaceae (Labiatae). Motherwort is a plant 50-100 cm high. It is a good honey plant, has a long flowering period, and is well visited by bees. Bloss..
61.09 ₴
Oleaster seeds
In stock
Model: 6849
Oleaster or olive, silver berry, or wild olive - a bush or small (3-8 m tall) tree with thorny branches of the olive family. Young shoots are silvery-white with star-shaped hairs. The leaves are alternate, linear or elongated-lanceolate, entire, silv..
81.59 ₴
Tarragon seeds «Spicy»
In stock
Model: 532
Tarragon «Spicy» / Artemisia dracunculus This is a perennial cold-resistant spicy-flavoring plant of the Asteraceae family. Does not tolerate waterlogging and acidic soils. For drying, young greens are cut several times a season. Gives an unu..
40.59 ₴

Grass seeds, honey plants, grasses for animals, lawns.