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Herb seeds

Catnip seeds
In stock
Model: 10463
Catnip or catswort, catwort, catmint / Nepeta cataria - is a perennial herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Kotovnik of the Lamiaceae family, outwardly very reminiscent of mint. The plant contains up to 3% essential oil, which causes a strong pec..
40.59 ₴
Clary sage seeds
In stock
Model: 12547
Clary sage / Salvia sclarea - perennial honey plant with a long straight stem 70-90 cm tall with fragrant leaves. Has a powerful root. The flowers of clary sage are very beautiful, large pinkish-violet or light blue, rarely white. Bees are very activ..
40.59 ₴
Dalmatian chrysanthemum seeds «Jubilee»
In stock
Model: 13107
Dalmatian chrysanthemum or Maruna cinerarielous or Dalmatian chamomile, feverfew cinerarielous / Pyrethrum cinerariifolium Perennial herbaceous plant. For the first year of vegetation forms a rosette of leaves 25 cm high. Plants of the second year..
40.59 ₴
Linden Crimean seeds
In stock
Model: 13692
Linden Crimean or dark green / Tilia x euchlora K.Koch. - southeast Europe (Crimea). Natural hybrid of unknown origin, with the participation of heart-shaped linden (T. cordata) and, probably, pubescent linden (T. dasystyla) or Caucasian linden (T. c..
61.09 ₴
Flax seeds «Orpheus»
In stock
Model: 2867
Flax, also known as common flax or linseed variety «Orpheus» (brown) / Linum usitatissimum - is an annual herbaceous plant, a species of plants of the genus Linen (Linum) of the Flax family (Linaceae), the variety was created by the method of individ..
61.09 ₴
Rosemary seeds
In stock
Model: 9802
Rosemary / Rosmarinus officinalis - a species of semi-shrub and shrub perennial evergreen plants of the genus Rosemary (Rosmarinus) of the Lamiaceae family. Representatives of the species are shrubs 50–200 cm high. Young branches are obtusely four..
40.59 ₴
Sage seeds
In stock
Model: 839
Sage common / Salvia officinalis - is a perennial herbaceous plant with a height of 20-70 cm or a shrub up to 75 cm high, the Lamiaceae family, the genus Sage (Salvia). Sage common - is a good honey plant; in favorable warm and humid weather, it a..
40.59 ₴
Silver linden seeds
In stock
Model: 4301
Silver linden (silver lime) / Tilia tomentosa - is one of the most decorative lindens. A slender tree up to 30 meters tall, with beautiful silvery foliage and a remarkably regular, naturally wide-pyramidal or oval crown. Looks great in alley, sing..
81.59 ₴
Almond seeds
In stock
Model: 1562
Almond / Prunus dulcis, Prunus amygdalus or Amygdalus communis - is a small tree, of medium vigor, 3,5 - 4 meters tall at 8 years of age. The crown is compact, rounded, skeletal branches extend at a relatively obtuse angle. Almonds are often classifi..
81.59 ₴
Angelica seeds
In stock
Model: 12542
Arden angelica or wild celery, or Norwegian angelica / Angelica archangelica - is a biennial medicinal plant that is used in herbal medicine, in cooking, in addition, angelica is an excellent honey plant. The scientific name Angelica archangelica,..
40.59 ₴
Chia black seeds
In stock
Model: 4619
Spanish Sage (Black Chia) / Salvia hispanica A plant of the Lamiaceae family, a species of the genus Sage. The closely related species Salvia columbariae (fr) is also used in cooking. An annual herbaceous plant up to 1 m high. The leaves are op..
40.59 ₴
Gipsywort seeds
In stock
Model: 12543
Gipsywort thrush / Lycopus europaeus A perennial herbaceous plant 20-120 cm high, forming underground shoots up to 20 cm long. Zyuznik is a good honey plant, attracting a significant number of insects (bees, bumblebees, butterflies) in summer. Giv..
40.59 ₴
Horse mint seeds
In stock
Model: 12706
Horse mint also known as fillymint or St. John's horsemint / Mentha longifolia -  is a perennial herbaceous plant. Rhizomes creeping, located in the soil horizontally at a depth of 10-15 cm. Stems 110-140 cm high, branched, well leafy, tetrahedr..
40.59 ₴
Linden largeleaf seeds
In stock
Model: 12446
Large-leaved linden or Broad-leaved linden / Tilia platyphyllos It is a deciduous tree of the Linden genus of the Malvaceae family. Tree up to 20-30 meters tall, with a dense, broad-pyramidal crown, with reddish-brown, fluffy, rarely bare young sh..
61.09 ₴
Oregano seeds «Oranta»
In stock
Model: 10220
Oregano «Oranta» / Origanum vulgare L. Perennial spicy plant. In the aerial part of the plant during the flowering period, there are tannins (up to 20%) and bitter substances, ascorbic acid (in flowers up to 170 mg / 100 g, in leaves - 500 mg / 10..
40.59 ₴
Anise hyssop seeds «Golden jubilee»
In stock
Model: 2730
Anise hyssop «Golden jubilee» / Agastache foeniculum Cold-resistant express perennial, blooming in the year of sowing, a stunningly elegant plant with unique golden foliage and contrasting blue inflorescences. Decorative all season. It has an anis..
40.59 ₴
Chia white seeds
In stock
Model: 13861
Spanish Sage (White Chia) / Salvia hispanica A plant of the Lamiaceae family, a species of the genus Sage. The closely related species Salvia columbariae (fr) is also used in cooking. An annual herbaceous plant up to 1 m high. The leaves are op..
40.59 ₴
Foxglove seeds «Dalmatian Mix»
In stock
Model: 15349
Foxglove «Dalmatian Mix» / Digitalis mix - biennial bells up to 1.5 m high. Flowers resemble a thimble (3-4 cm in diameter), of various colors. The plant blooms in June, and fades in the first autumn weeks. Digitalis is used for cutting and in gro..
40.59 ₴
Maple georgian seeds
In stock
Model: 12460
Georgian maple / Acer ibericum This is a low, up to 8 meters, tree with a tent-shaped crown, gray trunk bark and light brown young shoots with numerous whitish lenticels. The leaves are 3-lobed, leathery, shiny, bluish-green and glabrous above; th..
61.09 ₴
One-seed hawthorn seeds
In stock
Model: 6861
Common hawthorn, one-seed hawthorn, or single-seeded hawthorn / Crataegus monogyna - is a shrub or tree 3-6, less often up to 8-12 m high, with a rounded tent-shaped or wide pyramidal, fairly symmetrical crown. The branches are brownish-gray; branche..
81.59 ₴
Yarrow seeds «Red»
In stock
Model: 12697
Red yarrow / Achillea millefolium - is a perennial plant. The plant is light-loving, winter-hardy. Inflorescences numerous terry, collected in corymbs. Grows well in any well-drained soil. It grows in one place for 4-5 years. It is a good honey plant..
40.59 ₴
Apple tree seeds
In stock
Model: 6854
Home apple tree / Malus domestica Borkh. - a deciduous tree of hybrid origin, 3-6 or up to 10-14 m or more in height, with a straight strong trunk covered with fissured bark. The trunk diameter is up to 90 cm. The crown is wide, spreading, less of..
81.59 ₴
Camelina seeds
In stock
Model: 12084
Camelina / Camelina sativa This is a genus of herbaceous annual plants that belong to the cruciferous family. The root of the camelina is rod, the stem is branched, thin, it can reach a height of 100 cm. The leaves of this plant are small, lanceol..
40.59 ₴
Datura seeds «Thornless»
In stock
Model: 11889
Datura «Thornless» / Datura stramonium L. - this perennial beautiful plant with very large white flowers and blue inside is grown as an annual, the leaves of the plant are used for medicinal purposes in the form of tinctures and extracts. The Datura ..
61.09 ₴

Grass seeds, honey plants, grasses for animals, lawns.