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Model: 16041
Taxodium distichum or Swamp Cypress (baldcypress, bald-cypress, bald cypress, swamp cypress) - a deciduous coniferous tree 30-36 m high and a trunk diameter of 0.9-3 m and even up to 5 m. Although it looks like an evergreen conifer, in fact it is a d..
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Model: 15708
Himalayan pine or Griffith pine / Pinus wallichiana - is a large evergreen, very decorative tree. The crown is loose, openwork, widely pyramidal, with horizontally spreading branches that in nature grow to the ground. Size: 15 – 30 m, in the homeland..
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Model: 15712
Atlas cedar / Cedrus atlantica - is one of the species of the cedar genus (Manetti 'Salute Glauca'), found naturally in North Africa on the slopes of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco and Algeria, including in places very poor in vegetation. In the wild..
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Model: 15701
Cedar of Lebanon or Lebanese cedar / Cedrus libani - is an evergreen coniferous tree up to 40 m high from the Cedar genus of the Pine family. Cedar of Lebanon is a drought- and frost-resistant species, the most light-loving among the representatives ..
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Model: 15707
Cunninghamia lanceolata - is an evergreen tree for the southern regions of Ukraine. Distributed in Central and Southwestern China; forms extensive forests in the mountains at an altitude of 800-1300 m in a moderately warm and humid climate.
The he..
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Model: 10020
Chinese thuja, Oriental arborvitae, Chinese arborvitae, biota or Oriental thuja / Biota orientalis, Thuja orientalis - evergreen coniferous tree. The needles are 1-3 mm long, green-yellow or light green in summer, turning brown and reddish-brown in w..
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Model: 15703
Giant sequoia, giant redwood or Sierra redwood / Sequoiadendron giganteum - the only modern species of the Sequoiadendron tree genus, Cypress family. A coniferous evergreen tree that reaches 100 meters or more in height in its homeland in North Ameri..
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Model: 15702
Incense cedar or California incense cedar / Calocedrus decurrens - is a coniferous tree reaching a height of 50 meters or more and up to 12 meters in width. The needles are rich green, scaly, and their structure resembles the needles of thujas and cy..
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Model: 462
Cryptomeria japonica - is an evergreen tree of the Cypress family (Cupressaceae); the only species of the genus Cryptomeria. The plant is also called Japanese cedar or Japanese redwood. Considered the national tree of Japan. The Chinese name for this..
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Model: 12424
Fir whole-leaved or Black Fir Manchurian, or Black Fir / Abies holophylla - an evergreen tree with a dense, wide-cone-shaped crown with lower branches lowered to the ground. Manchurian fir is a slowly growing tree for the first 6 - 10 years, the annu..
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Model: 13578
Douglas spruce or Oregon pine or Pseudotsuga Menzies / Pseudotsuga menziesii
Is an evergreen tree 50-75 meters high, 1.5-2.0 meters in diameter. The tree of this species has the official status of the tallest tree in the world, its height was 119...
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Model: 13580
Grand Fir / Abies grandis
A majestic tree belonging to the Pine family. The fir of this species is distinguished by a cone-shaped crown growing from the very bottom. It has a thin, dark brown bark, which thickens with age to 5-9 cm. Decorative fir..
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Model: 6840
Giant arborvitae, common name is western redcedar in the U.S. or western red cedar in the UK, and it is also called pacific red cedar, western arborvitae, just cedar, giant cedar, or shinglewood / Thuja plicata - is the largest tree of its kind, whic..
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Model: 11830
Thuja western «Fastigiata» / Thuja occidentalis Fastigiata
Columnar tree with dark green needles. It is characterized by fairly rapid growth: at the age of 12, its height is 2.3 m, crown diameter is 1.5 m, it bears fruit well. Propagated by seeds ..
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Model: 15124
Yew common pyramidal / Taxus baccata Piramide
Yew berry is also called Zelenitsa or mahogany. This is a coniferous tree from the Yew family. Yew berry is quite attractive. It has an unusual pyramidal crown. The main feature of the plant is its lif..
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Model: 12421
Cilician Fir / Abies cilicica - evergreen monoecious slow growing tree. Prefers well-lit places or partial shade, well-drained moist soils. Young shoots are smooth with slight pubescence, from light yellow to brown. Buds ovoid, non-resinous, chestnut..
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Model: 10367
Banks' Pine / Pinus banksiana Lamb.
Tree in the area up to 25 m in height, in cultivation 6-18 m in height. The trunk is straight, sometimes branched from the base. The crown is compact, sparse, narrowly oval-conical, in old trees irregular, ovate..
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Model: 1678
Arizona cypress / Cupressus arizonica
An evergreen tree of the cypress family. It occurs naturally in the United States and Mexico. Unpretentious tree up to 21 meters tall with dense needles. The bark of young shoots is gray and the leaves are thi..
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Model: 6866
Common juniper or Veres / Juniperus communis
An evergreen shrub 1-3 m high, less often a tree 8-12 m high. The crown is cone-shaped or ovoid, narrower in males, more or less ascending or prostrate in females, sometimes with branches hanging at the..
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Model: 10144
Thuja western pyramidal / Thuja Occidentalis Pyramidalis
Coniferous tree about 6 m high, maximum height up to 10 m. The crown is dense pin-shaped or narrow-conical (pyramidal). Shoots are strong, short, tightly pressed to each other. The needles a..
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Model: 10145
Scots pine (Scotch pine) / Pinus sylvestris - a plant, a widespread species of the genus Pine of the Pine family (Pinaceae).
A tree 25-40 m high and with a trunk diameter of 0.5-1.2 m. The trunk is straight. The crown is highly raised, cone-shaped..
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Model: 10143
Korean Pine or Korean Cedar / Pinus koraiensis
It is a tall tree (40-50 m) with a crown diameter of 1.5-2 m. Annual growth is 10-25 cm in height and 10 cm in width. At the age of 35, it grows up to 7 m in height. The crown is dense, dense, narrow-..
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Model: 12445
European dwarf pine, or Zherep, or mountain pine / Pinus mugo
Mountain pine grows in the form of a small, branched bush with many trunks.
Mountain pine is a slow growing species of pine with a spherical crown shape. Annual growth is approximate..
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Model: 12441
Japanese larch / Larix kaempferi
A genus of deciduous conifers. Specific larches are huge, powerful, fast-growing trees with a transparent through crown. The deciduousness and openwork of the crown distinguish larches from the general range of con..
Coniferous trees produce phytoncides that kill bacteria. In a dense forest, the air, compared to the city, is almost healing. Breathing improves, headache and tension disappear. Even in the needles there is a colossal amount of vitamin C - an infusion of fresh needles will protect against beriberi.