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Model: 12355
Walnut «Ideal» or Persian walnut, English walnut, Carpathian walnut, Madeira walnut / Juglans regia - low-growing variety, does not grow above 4-5 m. The bark is gray, on 2-3-year-old shoots it is brown, on annual shoots it is bluish-green, with slig..
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Model: 12429
White walnut or butternut / Juglans cineurea - in favorable conditions it grows up to 30 m and reaches a trunk diameter of up to 1 m. The crown of trees grown in freedom is broadly ovoid, openwork. The bark of the trunk is grey, deeply furrowed. Youn..
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Model: 12427
Japanese walnut (f. heart-shaped) / Juglans ailantifolia (synonyms J. cordiformis and J. sieboldiana and J. mandshurica var. sachalinensis) - a relatively low - 12-15 (20) m tree, in free standing with a wide-round, loose crown.
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Model: 873
Walnut «Giant» - is a late-ripening variety. The tree of this variety is fast-growing, powerful, with a crown of medium density. The flowering type of the "Giant" variety is homogamous. Fruiting is mainly apical, good and regular throughout the years..
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Model: 2729
Manchurian walnut also known as Monkey nuts, or Tigernut / Juglans mandshurica - a species of deciduous monoecious trees or shrubs of the genus Walnut. The natural range of the species is Manchuria (northern China), the Far East, and the Korean..
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Model: 1552
Eastern black walnut / Juglans nigra - is a beautiful, majestic, fast growing tree. Reaches a height of 50 meters. Frost-resistant (superior to walnuts) and drought-resistant. Lives up to 200 years. It has an "openwork" crown, thanks to which there i..
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Model: 2874
Heartnut (cordate walnut) / Juglans cordiformis Max - naturally grows with Siebold's walnut in the forests of Japan on the island of Honshu and others. Reaches a height of 15-18 m. The bark of the trunk is light gray, the shoots are brownish, p..