Hot pepper «Yellow ram's horn»
This is a mid-season variety of hot pepper. Vegetation period from germination to biological maturity is 130-150 days. The bush is strong, 45-55 cm high. Fruits up to 20 cm long, curved, bright red. Fruit diameter 2...
Melon «Idyll»
Mid-season (72-90 days) drought-resistant variety. The plant is long-branched. The fruits are round, yellow, smooth, with a thick continuous mesh, weighing 1.8-2.7 kg. The seed nest is small. The pulp is creamy, tender, juicy, excell..
Melon «Prestige»
Early ripe variety, 65 days to harvest. A plant of the average size, with long lashes. The fruit is oval, weighing 2-2.6 kg.
Fruit surface densely reticulated, bright yellow to orange. The flesh is white, 2.5-3 cm thick, ..
Melon «Sweet miracle»
Unsurpassed mid-season (74-96 days from germination to the first collection) high-yielding variety. The plant is climbing, the main lash is of medium length. Fruits are oval-rounded, yellow, with a mesh surface, weighing 2-3 ..
Motherwort / Leonurus - genus of perennial or biennial herbaceous plants of the Lamiaceae family, or Lamiaceae (Labiatae). Motherwort is a plant 50-100 cm high. It is a good honey plant, has a long flowering period, and is well visited by bees. Bloss..
Peas «Mucio»
This is a high yielding vegetable pea. Vegetation period 65-66 days. The length of the stem is about 65 centimeters. On one plant, on average, 14-15 pods, in which 9 large and medium grains are located. Peas are dark green in color, r..
Pumpkin «Holosonasinnyeva»
Mid-season pumpkin variety. The period from germination to fruit harvesting is 110-120 days. The fruit is round-elongated, with a striped orange-green or gray-green surface, weighing 6-8 kg. The variety is grown for seed..
Daikon radish «Minovasi» (Elephant's Fang) - late-ripening, from sowing to harvesting from 34 to 50 days. The root crop is large, 18-20 cm long, weighing up to 200 grams. The pulp is white, juicy, slightly sharp taste, not flabby. For a long time doe..
Radishes «Soffit» - an early ripe variety. From germination to technical ripeness - 25 days. The shape of the root crop is from flat-round to elongated-oval, with excellent taste and beautiful bright red color, weight 22-25 grams.
The pulp is whit..
Common robinia (white acacia), or robinia pseudoacacia - is a fast-growing, forest-forming, drought-resistant tree, a species of the genus Robinia of the Legume family (Fabaceae). The botanically erroneous name «white locust» is widespread. It is act..
Scotch thistle / Onopordum acanthium
It is a biennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. It has a spindle-shaped, fleshy root. Erect, branched at the top, cobweb-pubescent spiny stem up to 2 m high.
The leaves are alternate, large, pric..
Black soy or Black beans (Cuban coffee)
An annual herbaceous plant of the legume family. One of the most common crops from the legume family around the world and the least known in our country. Black soybean seeds are similar in shape, size and co..
Tobacco «Cuban Criollo» - is a Cuban cigar variety. Bush up to 1.3 m. Technical leaves 12-14, average leaf size 22x13 cm. Pink flower. The raw materials are thin, elastic with a characteristic musky rich taste and aroma...
Tobacco «Havana z 992» - is a dark variety of Cuban tobacco for making cigars, with low nicotine content and early ripening. Almost never used for cigarettes, the taste is light with almond notes and the taste of real Havana. It grows very well in ou..
Tobacco «Maryland» - is one of the legendary varieties. Light, air drying. When finished, it has a light amber color. Pleasant, sweetish taste with a fruity aftertaste for lovers of weaker varieties.
The variety is early, the yield is high. Used i..
Trap «Oriental fruit moth» (Grapholita molesta) - designed to monitor and reduce the number of a polyphagous pest - the oriental fruit moth or peach moth (Grapholita molesta). The trap is made of kraft cardboard laminated on both sides. This material..
White walnut or butternut / Juglans cineurea - in favorable conditions it grows up to 30 m and reaches a trunk diameter of up to 1 m. The crown of trees grown in freedom is broadly ovoid, openwork. The bark of the trunk is grey, deeply furrowed. Youn..
Wheat «Dryad» - a genus of herbaceous, single-leaf plants of the Poaceae family, 40-150 cm tall. Stems are erect, hollow or completed. Wheat germ contains a significant amount of nutrients and biologically active substances. Wheat germ extract is an ..
Arabian cucumber or Hedgehog Gourd / Cucumis dipsaceus
An annual herbaceous plant with creeping shoots 1-2 m long, with rather large, rough, entire or shallowly lobed leaves with a deep heart-shaped base. Flowers are yellow, bell-shaped, 1-2 ..
Balsam terry (mix) / Impatiens balsamina - an annual plant. The stem is densely leafy with a reddish bloom, up to 60 cm high. The leaves are elongated, the flowers are up to 4-5 cm in diameter, arranged 1-2 in axillary leaves. The coloring is varied...
Grain beans, shelling «Marble» - this is one of the best peeling varieties. Plant climbing, strong, average term of maturing. The plant is drought-resistant, responds positively to watering and fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Beans..
Carnation сhinese terry (chinese terry cloves) mix - the plant is a compact shrub 25-30 cm high. Flowers are located singly or in small inflorescences of 2-4 pcs. The flower is 3-5 cm in diameter, terry, almost odorless. Flowering from June to August..
Chrysanthemum «Marsh» - an annual plant. The flowers are small daisies with bright white petals and yellow centers, 2-4 cm in diameter.
Plants 20-25 cm high with many stems that cover the soil abundantly. Flowering begins in June and continues unt..
Chinese cowpea «Macarena» (adzuki) - an early ripe annual vegetable climbing plant belonging to the legume family. Vegetation period 90-110 days. The main stem is up to 3 meters long with many side shoots that also actively bear fruit. Each plant nee..
A wide range of seeds of various plants, a large selection of fertilizers, plant protection products, as well as a large number of goods for gardeners .