Lithops «Moon» / Lithops Pseudotruncatella v.volkii - these are small stemless leafy succulents from the Mesembryanthemum family. Most of the plants are buried in the soil. The aerial part is two thick sheets fused into a column up to 20-50 mm high. ..
Bulb onion «Donetsk golden» - popular, mid-season (100-107 days), high-yielding variety. Yield 3-4 kg per sq. m. Grown in an annual culture from seeds. The bulb is dense, rounded flat. Dry scales are golden yellow. Bulb weight 70-90 grams.
The tas..
Oregano «Wild», origan / Origanum vulgare
This is a perennial, wonderful spicy and medicinal plant. Height 30-50 cm, small purple flowers, collected in panicle inflorescences. Oregano is very decorative. Flowers and shoots have a very strong pleas..
Passion fruit / Passion fruit (Fruit de la passion)
Fast growing vine with beautiful lush foliage and edible fruits. Passion fruit fruits are lilac, dark purple and even brownish in color. The taste of the fruit does not depend on the color, but o..
Peas «Dakota»
Very early maturing, high yielding pea variety with good stress tolerance. Vegetation period 45-50 days. Pods up to 8 cm long, containing about 7 rounded grains.
The large size of the peas, the ease of harvesting, the high yield a..
Peas «Desire Purple»
Delicious vegetable and attractive ornamental plant. As a rule, it reaches 1 m in height and requires planting for good growth. Maturing term: 50-60 days. Plant height: 75-80 cm.
What distinguishes peas from other varieties..
Pumpkin «Fate» - late-ripening (125-130 days) butternut type of pumpkin. The shape of the fruit is medium flattened, smooth or weakly segmented with ribs at the base. The color of the unripe fruit is dark green, mature yellow-orange with small orange..
Pumpkin «Mozoliivskyi»
Mid-season variety. Vegetation period - 118-120 days. Universal use. The plant is long-climbing (the length of the main lash is 4-9 m). The fruit is oval, slightly ribbed, weighing 4-8 kg. The peel is hard, thin, woody, with..
Radishes «French breakfast» - high-yielding, early ripe variety for all-season cultivation. Vegetation period: indoors - 20-23 days, outdoors - 23-25 days. Root crop 6-8 cm long, bright red with a white tip, high marketability. The pulp is dense, wit..
Salad leaf «Apache» - a wonderful early variety of bright lettuce with crispy leaves with a sweetish taste. It has a solid, half-raised socket, weighing up to 500 grams. The leaves have an intense red-violet color, the edges are wavy, very attractive..
Mustard salad «Mizuna red» - a type of mustard salad with red leaves. Early maturing variety, the period from sowing to harvest does not exceed 25 days. The leaves are narrow, finely serrated. The properties of the salad are similar to arugula, altho..
Snowberry / Symphoricarpos albus - is a deciduous shrub up to 1.5 meters high with thin shoots. The leaves are opposite, ovate or oval, entire, up to 2-5 cm long. The upper side is green, bare, the lower side is glaucous and slightly pubescent. The f..
Sunflower decorative «Vanilla Ice» - an annual plant 160-180 cm high with a powerful stem, large rough leaves and large inflorescences of white-lemon color baskets. Blooms for a long time. The plant is photophilous, drought-resistant, thermophilic.
Sweet pepper «Asti yellow»
This is an early variety of sweet pepper. Vegetation period 105-115 days. Bush 50-70 cm high. Cuboid-shaped fruits 10x10 cm, thick-walled, four-chambered, weighing 180-200 grams. In technical ripeness, the fruit is green..
Tobacco «Bolivian Criollo black» - black tobacco is a group of varieties united by a number of common properties, the main of which is their special taste and aroma. Bolivian black is rightfully considered one of the most aromatic pipe and cigar toba..
Bacopa «Snowtopia» - a small, very decorative perennial plant with drooping shoots dotted with medium-sized flowers that do not lose their decorative effect during prolonged rains. Forms a continuous flowering ball up to 60 centimeters long, small wh..
Beans «Bergold» - this is a high-yielding variety of asparagus beans of medium ripening. The plant is bushy, compact, 40 cm high. The beans are aligned, oval, golden yellow in color, 12-14 cm long, without a parchment ball inside. Used for sterile pr..
Beetroot «Incomparable» - early maturing variety. Vegetation period from germination to technical maturity is 70-95 days. Root crops are round-flat, dark red in color, weighing 160-380 grams, excellent taste.
The flesh is dark red with a burgundy ..
Beetroot «Nokhovskyy» - medium-early variety. Vegetation period from germination to technical maturity is 90-110 days. Root crops are rounded, weighing 100-400 grams, excellent taste.
The pulp is sugary, juicy, dark red with a purple tint, the rin..
Beetroot «Rival» - is a medium-early variety. Vegetation period from germination to technical maturity is 90-110 days. Root crops are smooth, cylindrical, weighing 200-300 grams.
The pulp is intense red, juicy, tender, without rings. It is used fo..
Black chokeberry / Aronia melanocarpa - is a highly branched shrub, up to 2-3 meters high. Its root system is placed very close to the soil surface. The crown of young specimens is very compact, but in an adult shrub it can reach a diameter of about ..
Catnip or catswort, catwort, catmint / Nepeta cataria - is a perennial herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Kotovnik of the Lamiaceae family, outwardly very reminiscent of mint. The plant contains up to 3% essential oil, which causes a strong pec..
Clary sage / Salvia sclarea - perennial honey plant with a long straight stem 70-90 cm tall with fragrant leaves. Has a powerful root. The flowers of clary sage are very beautiful, large pinkish-violet or light blue, rarely white. Bees are very activ..
Fertilizer for vegetables «Gumiplant» - promotes rapid ripening and the formation of a high-quality, healthy and tasty harvest. Contains more than 80% humic acids. Its advantages are:
the drug is an environmentally friendly and safe product;
A wide range of seeds of various plants, a large selection of fertilizers, plant protection products, as well as a large number of goods for gardeners .