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Model: 11491
Basil «Yerevan»
Very fragrant variety of basil, with large leaves of dark purple color, medium size. The plant is mid-season (35-45 days), 40-60 cm high, contains a lot of essential oils and carotene.
Young shoots and leaves in fresh and dried ..
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Model: 8738
White cabbage «Ukrainian autumn»
This is a mid-early variety of white cabbage, which has dense heads of rounded flat shape, light green color, weighing up to 4 kg. Demanding on fertility and soil moisture.
Recommended for long-term storage and ..
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Model: 6809
Carrot «Nantes Kharkiv»
Mid-season variety of carrots. To technical ripeness 100-110 days. Lezhky. The root crop is cylindrical, with a blunt end, 10-18 cm long, 2.5-4.5 cm in diameter, weighing 142-150 grams, completely immersed in the soil.
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Model: 1678
Arizona cypress / Cupressus arizonica
An evergreen tree of the cypress family. It occurs naturally in the United States and Mexico. Unpretentious tree up to 21 meters tall with dense needles. The bark of young shoots is gray and the leaves are thi..
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Model: 4311
Albert's exochorda or Exochorda albertii - is an ornamental shrub; in our climatic conditions, plants begin to bloom in the second half of May. Flowering continues for three weeks. The fruits are spherical or pear-shaped fused leaflets. And the name ..
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Model: 2765
Hop «Friendly» / Humulus lupulus - is a herbaceous dioecious perennial with curly, tetrahedral stems up to 6 m long. Leaves opposite, entire, lower three-five-lobed or separate with a heart-shaped base and large-toothed lobes, smooth above, rough bel..
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Model: 6471
Horse chestnut or buckeye / Aesculus - a genus of plants of the Sapindaceae family, many species of which are widely bred in parks. Deciduous tree, reaching 25 m in height, or shrub 1.5-5 m high. The leaves are large, complex, 5-7-fingered, opp..
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Model: 837
Sea buckthorn / Hippophae rhamnoides - a genus of plants in the family Elaeagnaceae. The height of the bush does not exceed 4 m in height, the crown is sparse, branched. The leaves are filigree, linear, narrow, grayish-green above, and silver-white b..
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Model: 11830
Thuja western «Fastigiata» / Thuja occidentalis Fastigiata
Columnar tree with dark green needles. It is characterized by fairly rapid growth: at the age of 12, its height is 2.3 m, crown diameter is 1.5 m, it bears fruit well. Propagated by seeds ..
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Model: 1748
Tobacco «Dubek new» - bred by the selection laboratory of the Crimean Experimental Tobacco Growing Station IV&V "Magarach" by the method of intraspecific hybridization from crossing the varieties Dyubek 44 × Oktyabrsky 6, obtaining the first gene..
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Model: 15416
Tomatillo solegonny «Mexican» / Physalis philadelphica
This is a plant of the nightshade family, a variety of vegetable physalis, a mid-season, very productive variety. Fruits reach a weight of 30-50 grams, yellow or yellow with lilac stains. Quit..
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Model: 9257
Watermelon «Whole-leaved» - is a mid-early variety, with a growing season of 75-85 days. The plant is long-climbing, the leaves are green, not dissected. The fruits are medium-sized, round, smooth, whitish in color, without a pattern, weighing 3-5 kg..
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Model: 2825
Chinese wolfberry, goji, barbary matrimony vine, red medlar or matrimony vine / Lycium barbarum
A small coral-red medicinal berry known as wolfberry in the West, and Gou gi zi (Goji) throughout Asia.
Fruit plant of the Solanaceae family, genus ..
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Model: 15431
Cucumber «Andrus» F1
This is a mid-early, high-yielding variety with a female type of flowering. The vegetative period from germination to the beginning of fruiting is 45-50 days. The duration of fruiting is 30-35 days. It is intended for cultivat..
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Model: 4505
Tall dahlia«Funny boys» (mix) - is an annual plant. The stems are strong, 40-60 cm high. The inflorescences are large, 6-9 cm in diameter, various bright colors. It is grown by sowing seeds in open ground, or for earlier flowering through seedlings.
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Model: 10780
Kale «Dwarf Green Curled»
The leaves are large, curly, similar to lettuce. They can be gray, green, red, after cold weather they become purple. Outwardly very decorative and will decorate any garden.
Leaves can be cut all summer, new ones grow ..
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Model: 13094
Cabbage «Grünkoln» / Grunkoln (green)
A very original variety of kale. The leaves are strongly curly, bluish-green. It is very decorative, serves as a decoration for any garden, in addition, it has a very delicate taste and gives a large amount of..
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Model: 12439
Mann ash / Fraxinus ornus - a small tree up to 12 m tall, with a regular, round, dense crown. The leaves are light green, of 7 oblong-ovate, irregularly toothed leaflets up to 9 cm long, pubescent below along the midrib.
It differs from other spec..
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Model: 11361
Okra «Oak wood»
This is a mid-season variety, from mass similarity to the first picking of the ovary 58-68 days, to seed ripening - about 120 days.
Okra «Oak wood» - refers to undersized varieties with a stem height of about 65-80 cm, diameter ..
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Model: 10367
Banks' Pine / Pinus banksiana Lamb.
Tree in the area up to 25 m in height, in cultivation 6-18 m in height. The trunk is straight, sometimes branched from the base. The crown is compact, sparse, narrowly oval-conical, in old trees irregular, ovate..
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Model: 6775
Radishes «Basis»
Early ripe. The period from full shoots to technical ripeness is 21-26 days. The root crop is pink-red, with a white tip, oval-round, smooth, 5.7 cm long, 4.0 cm in diameter. The head of the root crop is convex. The pulp is white,..
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Model: 8958
Radishes «Ruby»
Early ripe (22-24 days from germination to technical maturity) variety. The socket is semi-spreading. Radishes are red-crimson, rounded, 2-3 cm in diameter, with a smooth surface. Almost completely submerged in the soil.
The pul..
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Model: 1673
Sequoia evergreen or coast redwood, California redwood - belongs to the Taxodia family. This evergreen coniferous tree, reaching 110 meters in height and 7.5 meters in diameter, is one of the tallest trees on Earth. In its homeland it forms dense for..
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Model: 11963
Spinach «Uteusha» / Uteusha Rumeks - an interspecific hybrid of English spinach with Tien Shan sorrel. It is a powerful food, medicinal, energy and fodder plant. The culture is very early ripe (the first produces green shoots, 20-25 days) and cold-re..
A wide range of seeds of various plants, a large selection of fertilizers, plant protection products, as well as a large number of goods for gardeners .