Sweet pepper «Winnie Pooh» - this is an early ripening variety of sweet pepper. The growing season from germination to biological ripeness is 120-130 days. The bush is standard, 25-30 cm high. The fruits are cone-shaped, smooth, red, weighing 50-60 g..
Tomato «Amulet» - this is an early ripening variety. The growing season from germination to the beginning of ripening is 95-105 days. The bush is medium-sized, 50-60 cm high. The fruits are elongated-oval, smooth, golden in color, weighing 80-100 gra..
Tomato «Ozharovsky gold» - this is a mid-early variety for growing in open ground and film greenhouses. The growing season from germination to technical ripeness is 100-110 days. The bush is tall and needs support. The fruits are round, slightly ribb..
Nasturtium climbing «Orange Emperor» - this is an annual plant with climbing stems 120-250 cm long. The flowers are beautiful, fragrant, orange-red.
It is grown through seedlings or by sowing seeds in open ground in the spring after the threat of ..
Aubrieta «Lilac» - this is a perennial, wintering plant. The bush is compact, creeping, 10-15 cm high. The flowers are small, about 2 cm in diameter, purple-lilac in color.
Seeds are sown in April-May in open ground or for seedlings. They are tran..
Salad «Balcony red» - is a leafy variety of lettuce suitable for obtaining fresh vitamin products at home all year round. The period from germination to the start of harvesting greenery is 25-30 days. The plant forms a small dense rosette of curly le..
Snapdragons «Tall mix» - this is an annual plant. The bushes are pyramidal, 60-80 cm high. Flowers of various bright colors, irregular shapes, are collected in racemes.
It is grown through seedlings or by sowing seeds in open ground. Flowering beg..
Eggplant «Globe» - mid-early variety. The growing season from germination to technical ripeness is 100-115 days. The plant is semi-spreading, 60-75 cm high. The fruits are large, round in shape, in biological ripeness, creamy white in color with a pi..
Arugula «Olivetta» - early ripening variety. The period from germination to harvesting of leaves is 20-25 days. The leaves are thin, oblong, with a nutty-mustard flavor. It is grown in open ground, under film covers and on window sills in containers...
Salad «Evelina» - this is an early-ripening, productive variety of head lettuce. The growing season from mass germination to technical ripeness is 50-55 days. Forms large, loose heads of cabbage weighing 180-400 grams. The leaves are slightly wrinkle..
Sweet pepper «Golden Jubilee» - this is a mid-season variety of sweet pepper. The growing season from germination to biological ripeness is 130-150 days. The fruiting period is 55-60 days. The bush is standard, 45-55 cm high. The fruits are flat-roun..
Tomato «Balcony elo» F1 - is a dwarf form of cocktail tomato adapted for growing at home on window sills, balconies and verandas. The bush is standard, 25-30 cm high. The fruits of the Balcony Elo tomato are aromatic, sweet, round in shape, yellow in..
Radish «Red titan» - this is a mid-season variety. The growing season from germination to technical ripeness is 35-40 days. The root crops are large, long-cylindrical, red-crimson in color, weighing 60-80 grams, 12-13 cm long, 3-4 cm in diameter. The..
Astra Matsumoto «Baroness mix» - this is an annual plant. The bush is durable, 50-70 cm high, forms peduncles of the first and second order. The inflorescences are large, semi-double, 6-8 cm in diameter, of various colors.
Used for cutting and for..
White cabbage «Heart of a Bull» - is an early ripening variety. The growing season from germination to technical ripeness is 100-110 days. The heads of cabbage are cone-shaped, with an average weight of 1.5-2 kg, light green, dense. Their compa..
Cucumber «Cuckoo» F1 - this is an early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid. Recommended for growing in glass and film greenhouses. The growing season from germination to the beginning of fruiting is 45-50 days.
The fruit is cylindrical, slightly tuber..
Ornamental fringed cabbage - is an annual plant 15-30 cm high. The decorative effect of the plant is given by a rosette of round, strongly fringed at the edges, blistered leaves of mixed colors. The outer leaves are most often green, while the inner ..
Turnip «Purplepop» - this is an early-ripening. The growing season from germination to harvest is 45-50 days. The root crops are smooth, round-flat in shape, with a purple-pink top and white base, weighing 100-200 grams. In terms of taste, it is one ..
Ornamental cabbage «Mix» - is an annual plant 15-30 cm high. The decorative appearance of the plant is given by a rosette of round, strongly corrugated at the edges, bubbly leaves of mixed colors. The outer leaves are most often green, while the inne..
Bloody Mary sorrel / Rumex sanguineus - early ripening decorative variety. The growing season from germination to the start of mass cutting is 45-50 days. It grows quickly, forming compact rosettes. The leaf blade is 12-15 cm long, ring-shaped, green..
Cucumber «Maksim» F1 - is an early-ripening hybrid, predominantly of the female type, for open ground. The growing season from germination to fruiting is 45-50 days. The fruits are cylindrical, white-thorned, large-tubercular, intense green in color ..
Cucumber «Ratsibor» F1 - is an early ripening hybrid. The period from germination to the beginning of ripening is 45-50 days. The fruits are medium-sized, cylindrical, medium-lumpy, weighing 90-130 grams, 8-11 cm long, green in color with light strip..
Cucumber «Sremskyy» - is an early ripening hybrid. The period from germination to the beginning of ripening is 45-50 days. The fruits are medium-sized, cylindrical, large-tubercular, 9-11 cm long, weighing 70-120 grams, green in color.
The high-yi..
White cabbage «Golden hectare» - is a mid-season, high-yielding variety. The growing season from germination to harvest is 100-110 days. The heads of cabbage are round in shape, weighing 1.5-2.5 kg, transport well and do not crack. The outer color of..
A wide range of seeds of various plants, a large selection of fertilizers, plant protection products, as well as a large number of goods for gardeners.