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19702, Ukraine, Cherkasy region, Zolotonosha, Nezalezhnosti street, 11
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Poppy seeds «Ukrainian Amulet»
In stock
Model: 15562
Poppy «Ukrainian Amulet» An annual plant with erect stems, 60-80 cm high. The flowers are large, 5-7 cm in diameter, bright red. It is used for decoration of flower beds, flower beds and cutting into bouquets. Other names: red poppy, field popp..
Pumpkin seeds «Vitamin»
In stock
Model: 6144
Pumpkin «Vitamin» This is a medium late variety. Vegetation period from germination to technical maturity is 110-130 days. The plant is long-climbing, the central stem is up to 6 m long. The fruits are flattened, weighing 4-7 kg, orange in color w..
Radishes seeds «Goddess»
In stock
Model: 12146
Radishes «Goddess» - is an early ripe variety, the growing season from mass shoots to technical ripeness is 18-25 days. Productivity is 1.5-2 kg/m2. The root crop is cylindrical, 6-8 cm long, 3-4 cm in diameter, weighing 25-30 grams, pink-red color w..
Salad seeds «Divohrai»
In stock
Model: 6745
Salad «Divohrai» - is a medium-late variety, from mass shoots to the beginning of the formation of technically ripe heads 48-54 days. Head weight 150-250 grams. Leaf green-yellowish color, medium intensity, 19 cm long, 23 cm wide. There is a sligh..
Tobacco seeds «American Kazbechny»
In stock
Model: 6595
Tobacco «American Kazbechny» - bred by the selection laboratory of the Crimean Experimental Tobacco Growing Station IV&V "Magarach". Refers to aromatic varieties of late ripening for the production of blended and skeletal tobacco raw materials. T..
Tobacco seeds «Indian black»
In stock
Model: 6599
Tobacco «Indian black» - intended for cigars, used in various tobacco mixtures. A tobacco with excellent taste and aroma. The height of the plant reaches 2 meters. Sheet width is up to 45 cm. Sheet length is 70-80 cm. A good combination with «Virgini..
Watermelon seeds «Talisman» F1
In stock
Model: 14960
Watermelon «Talisman» F1 - early watermelon hybrid (60 - 65 days after mass shoots), high-yielding, stress-resistant. From the beginning of the growing season, plants have a powerful development and quickly recover from damage. The fruits are round -..
Aster seeds «Bouquet mix»
In stock
Model: 15428
Aster «Bouquet mix» - one of the most popular bouquet flowers. Among the many varieties of asters - bouquet ones occupy one of the first places. All varieties have long, strong flower stalks, a beautiful flower, good cut transportability...
Basil seeds «Red ruby»
In stock
Model: 11942
Basil «Red ruby» This is an annual, spicy-aromatic culture. A plant 25-30cm tall, highly branched with red-violet leaves that has an anise-clove aroma. The variety is grown both in seedlings and direct seeding in open ground according to the sc..
Beet seeds «Incomparable»
In stock
Model: 10652
Beetroot «Incomparable» - early maturing variety. Vegetation period from germination to technical maturity is 70-95 days. Root crops are round-flat, dark red in color, weighing 160-380 grams, excellent taste. The flesh is dark red with a burgundy ..
Carrot seeds «Losinoostrivska»
In stock
Model: 12139
Carrot «Losinoostrivska» Mid-season variety, from germination to technical maturity 100-110 days. Harvest. It has a high content of carotene. The root crop is elongated-conical, weighing up to 70-150 grams, intense red-orange color, juicy, sweet, ..
Celosia comb seeds «Bordo»
In stock
Model: 13099
Celosia comb (cockscomb) «Bordo» - is an annual plant up to 80 cm high. Thermophilic, photophilous, rather drought-resistant, prefers fertile, moderately moist soils. It is grown by sowing in the ground, but more often by seedlings. It is widely u..
Corn seeds «Khmelnytska» F1
In stock
Model: 8179
Fodder corn «Khmelnytska» F1 - is a high-yielding modified hybrid of medium early maturation. This is one of the best hybrids as it is suitable for growing in various climatic zones. The variety is considered high-yielding, up to 13 tons of corn can ..
Cucamelon seeds
In stock
Model: 13929
Cucamelon or Mexican miniature watermelon, Mexican sour cucumber, Mexican sour gherkin, mouse melon, or pepquinos / Melothria scabra An annual plant with climbing shoots. Fruits are oval in shape, about 4 cm long, similar to watermelon: the green ..
Datura white seeds «Troubadour»
In stock
Model: 11921
White Indian Datura «Troubadour» or Indian White Datura / Datura innoxia - is a perennial (annual in cultivation) herbaceous plant 70-80 cm high. The stem is erect, reaches 3-4 cm in diameter at the base, branched, densely covered with hairs, has a g..
Dog rose thornless seeds «Inermis»
In stock
Model: 15125
Dog rose without thorns «Inermis» / Rosa canina Inermis Most often used as a rootstock for roses. It is also used by landscape designers for landscaping city parks, as it not only decorates the site, but also fills it with a pleasant aroma. Suitab..
Foxglove seeds «Excelsior»
In stock
Model: 10482
Foxglove seeds «Excelsior» / Digitalis purpurea - A biennial plant, reaching a height of 150 cm. The diameter of the flower is about 5 cm. It forms spectacular inflorescences, purple in color. Blooms from June to August. Prefers full sun and fer..
Giant arborvitae seeds
In stock
Model: 6840
Giant arborvitae, common name is western redcedar in the U.S. or western red cedar in the UK, and it is also called pacific red cedar, western arborvitae, just cedar, giant cedar, or shinglewood / Thuja plicata - is the largest tree of its kind, whic..
Ivy gourd seeds
In stock
Model: 13590
Ivy gourd, scarlet gourd, tindora and kowai fruit / Coccinia grandis This is a flowering, evergreen ivy with beautiful and tasty fruits. Coccinia is a perennial plant of the gourd family, which is why it is also called ivy gourd, but the fruits lo..
Maple georgian seeds
In stock
Model: 12460
Georgian maple / Acer ibericum This is a low, up to 8 meters, tree with a tent-shaped crown, gray trunk bark and light brown young shoots with numerous whitish lenticels. The leaves are 3-lobed, leathery, shiny, bluish-green and glabrous above; th..
Monarda seeds «Lemon mint»
In stock
Model: 3532
Monarda «Lemon mint» / Monarda citriodora This is a perennial spicy-aromatic plant up to 90cm high. Leaves and inflorescences have a distinct, delicate lemon aroma, they season meat dishes, fruit salads, flavor teas and drinks. It is grown in o..
Onion seeds «Halcedon»
In stock
Model: 9819
Onion «Halcedon» Onion, golden, mid-season, variety. The variety is ideal for storage. Vegetation period 110-120 days. Commercial bulbs are grown in one year when seeds are sown directly into the ground in a permanent place, or from seedlings. The..
Radish seeds  daikon «Pink glitter Misato»
In stock
Model: 12931
Radish daikon «Pink glitter Misato» - is a mid-season variety. Ripens approximately 60-70 days after sowing. Fruits are white-green in color with a diameter of 10 cm, pink in the cut. Juicy, sweet, almost without bitterness, they are stored for more ..
Salad seeds «Treasure»
In stock
Model: 6751
Salad seeds «Treasure»- mid-season romen type variety. The number of days for the period from mass shoots to commercial ripeness is 48 days, the economic shelf life is 20 days. The mass of one plant is 810 grams. Weight of one head - 556 grams. Seed..

Gardeners grow various types of plants for greening the country plot: vegetables, herbs, berries, flowers, etc. Some use ready-made seedlings for this, while others sow seeds in open ground.

Seeds: types and features

With the arrival of spring, the country season opens, and all gardeners go to the country to green their garden and prepare the soil for a fruitful harvest. On the GARDENSeds website, you will find a large assortment of seeds from leading Dutch and Ukrainian producers at reasonable prices:

  • vegetable seeds: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, radishes, turnips, peppers, zucchini. squash, pumpkin, eggplant, etc.;
  • seeds of spicy and green herbs: parsley, basil, dill, arugula, mint, marjoram, fennel, etc.;
  • berry seeds: strawberries, strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, rose hips, barberry, etc;
  • seeds of oil crops: sunflower, flax, rapeseed, coriander;
  • seeds of grain crops: corn, wheat, barley, rye, oats, etc;
  • seeds of legumes: peas, beans, chickpeas;
  • flower seeds: annual, biennial, perennial, indoor;
  • seeds of siderates and honey plants: alfalfa, clover, mustard, phacelia, safflower;
  • mycelium of mushrooms: white mushrooms, buttercups, chanterelles, chanterelles, truffles, etc.;
  • lawn grass seeds: for urban and sports facilities, for parks and gardens.

All seeds presented in the catalog meet the requirements of quality standards in all indicators (purity, germination, moisture, etc.).

How to sow seeds correctly

Sowing seeds of various crops with subsequent harvesting depends on many factors. The climate in which the plants are grown should be temperate or continental, and the soil should contain micro- and macronutrients. Due to excessively dry or wet soil, the development of many crops can be lost, as a result of which the harvest will be spoiled. The main factors affecting the cultivation of healthy plants are:

  • high-quality planting material - it is better to use seeds with high germination for sowing;
  • enriching the soil with vitamins after sowing.

When choosing seeds, it is important to take into account the maturity of plants (early, medium and late). After all, the sowing time of many crops depends on this. Sowing seeds in open ground begins in mid-spring (when the soil has warmed up) and can last until the end of September. Provided you follow all sowing recommendations, as well as proper care, the plants in your garden will delight you not only with a beautiful appearance, but also with a good harvest.

You can order seeds with delivery across Ukraine and abroad online in the GARDENSeeds online store.


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