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19702, Ukraine, Cherkasy region, Zolotonosha, Nezalezhnosti street, 11
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Chaenomeles seeds
In stock
Model: 1707
Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica) / Chaenomeles japonica - is a small genus of flowering plants in the Rosaceae family. Representatives of the genus grow wild in China and Japan. Deciduous or semi-evergreen shrubs or small trees 1-6 meters tall...
Corn seeds «Sugar»
In stock
Model: 1291
Corn «Sugar» - mid-season, medium-sized variety, 90-100 days of ripening, cobs of cylindrical shape, slightly cone-shaped, 18-21 cm long, weighing about 200 grams, grains are juicy and sweet. Seeds are sown in moist soil to a depth of 6-7 cm. The ..
Dalmatian chrysanthemum seeds «Jubilee»
In stock
Model: 13107
Dalmatian chrysanthemum or Maruna cinerarielous or Dalmatian chamomile, feverfew cinerarielous / Pyrethrum cinerariifolium Perennial herbaceous plant. For the first year of vegetation forms a rosette of leaves 25 cm high. Plants of the second year..
Eggplant seeds «Bellesa Nera»
In stock
Model: 11943
Eggplant «Bellesa Nera» This is a variety of medium term (120-130 days) eggplant for open ground and film greenhouses. The fruits are large, oval, 12-15 cm long, dark purple in color, weighing 500-600 grams. The pulp is elastic, snow-white in colo..
Foxglove seeds «Dalmatian Mix»
In stock
Model: 15349
Foxglove «Dalmatian Mix» / Digitalis mix - biennial bells up to 1.5 m high. Flowers resemble a thimble (3-4 cm in diameter), of various colors. The plant blooms in June, and fades in the first autumn weeks. Digitalis is used for cutting and in gro..
Goumi seeds
In stock
Model: 12454
Goumi (gumi) or cherry elaeagnus, cherry silverberry, or natsugumi / Elaeagnus multiflora - is a high-yielding fruit deciduous tree-like shrub about 1.5-2m high and up to 2m in diameter. In June, it is covered with honey-bearing pale pink flowers tha..
Lithops seeds «Moon»
In stock
Model: 15475
Lithops «Moon» / Lithops Pseudotruncatella v.volkii - these are small stemless leafy succulents from the Mesembryanthemum family. Most of the plants are buried in the soil. The aerial part is two thick sheets fused into a column up to 20-50 mm high. ..
Magnolia berry seeds
In stock
Model: 12434
Magnolia berry or five-flavor fruit magnolia-vine, Chinese magnolia-vine, and just schisandra / Schisandra chinensis - this is a woody deciduous liana up to 10-15 m long with a specific, pleasant smell of lemon. Stem up to 2 cm in diameter, curling o..
Oregano seeds «Wild»
In stock
Model: 15414
Oregano «Wild», origan / Origanum vulgare This is a perennial, wonderful spicy and medicinal plant. Height 30-50 cm, small purple flowers, collected in panicle inflorescences. Oregano is very decorative. Flowers and shoots have a very strong pleas..
Pattypan squash seeds «White-13»
In stock
Model: 12657
Pattypan squash «White-13» - bush plant. Medium early variety. From shoots to technical ripeness of fruits 45-55 days. The fruit is plate-shaped, with jagged edges, segmented, white in color. The pulp is greenish-white, dense, juicy. Disease resistan..
Pea asparagus seeds (winged bean)
In stock
Model: 12665
Asparagus Pea, also Winged bean / Tetragonolobus purpureus A small ornamental plant grown as a vegetable. The maximum size of the plant is 20-25 cm. An annual, strongly bushy plant. The stems are spreading, straight, the leaves are fleshy, slightl..
Plum seeds «Pissardi»
In stock
Model: 13583
Plum «Pissardi» / Prunus cerasifera «Pissardii» - small deciduous tree 6-12 (14) m tall and 6-12 (17) m wide. Annual growth is up to 25 cm. The crown is dense, broadly ovoid, heavily leafy. Young shoots are reddish, later turning light brown. The ..
Pumpkin seeds «Crookneck»
In stock
Model: 12004
Pumpkin «Crookneck» - this is a bushy form of hard-skinned early-ripening pumpkin. Ripening period 50-60 days. The fruit is elongated, twisted, and has a thickening on the side of the flower, orange or yellow. The surface of the fetus is covered with..
Radishes seeds «Anabel»
In stock
Model: 10902
Radishes «Anabel» An early ripe variety of radish intended for winter cultivation in glass greenhouses and film shelters. Little tops. Quickly forms root crops - harvesting in 23-25 days after germination, in conditions of low temperatures and ins..
Snowberry seeds
In stock
Model: 15716
Snowberry / Symphoricarpos albus - is a deciduous shrub up to 1.5 meters high with thin shoots. The leaves are opposite, ovate or oval, entire, up to 2-5 cm long. The upper side is green, bare, the lower side is glaucous and slightly pubescent. The f..
Squash seeds «Kolobok»
In stock
Model: 4424
Squash «Kolobok» - is a mid-early bush variety. The growing season from germination to technical ripeness is 50-55 days. The fruits of this variety of zucchini are round in shape, with a thin light green peel, weighing 400-600 grams. The pulp is tend..
Tobacco seeds «Michurina»
In stock
Model: 5884
Tobacco «Michurina» - created by Ivan Michurin by crossing early Bulgarian tobacco and small-leaved Sumatra. The variety is very early ripening (can produce two harvests), hardy, and aromatic. The bush is only 0.6 m high. There are 6-7 technical l..
Tobacco seeds «Walkers Broad Leaf»
In stock
Model: 10123
Tobacco «Walkers Broad Leaf» - This variety is so popular that it is nicknamed «Tramp Tobacco». Strong taste for a real man. The aroma is deep, «heavy». This variety is valued for its compact bush, the leaves are located very close to each other. ..
Watermelon seeds «Arashan» F1
In stock
Model: 14955
Watermelon «Arashan» F1 - mid-early (64-68 days from transplanting, 78-80 days from sowing) high quality watermelon. The fruits are elongated, with an average weight of 9-10 (up to 17) kg. The flesh is dark red, crisp, with excellent taste, high suga..
Aster seeds «Antarctica»
In stock
Model: 15444
Astra peony «Antarctica» - variety type - peony. The plant is medium-sized, columnar shape. On the plant there are 9-12 hemispherical inflorescences, consisting of wide reed flowers, directed upwards and bent inward, white in color. They are closely ..
Bakopa seeds «Snowtopia»
In stock
Model: 2024
Bacopa «Snowtopia» - a small, very decorative perennial plant with drooping shoots dotted with medium-sized flowers that do not lose their decorative effect during prolonged rains. Forms a continuous flowering ball up to 60 centimeters long, small wh..
Black chokeberry seeds
In stock
Model: 3368
Black chokeberry / Aronia melanocarpa - is a highly branched shrub, up to 2-3 meters high. Its root system is placed very close to the soil surface. The crown of young specimens is very compact, but in an adult shrub it can reach a diameter of about ..
Cabbage seeds «Lesya»
In stock
Model: 11811
White-headed cabbage «Lesya» Late ripe -155-165 days. The head of cabbage is rounded flat and flattened, dense, white in section, weighing 3-5 kg, does not crack, juicy. Keeping quality 80%. Transportable, taste qualities 4.8 points. Used for l..
Carrot seeds «Carotel»
In stock
Model: 11915
Carrot «Carotel» Mid-season variety of carrots. Vegetation period from germination to technical maturity is 100-110 days. The root crop is conical, blunt, 14-15 cm long, weighing 150-250 grams, completely immersed in the soil. The color of the sur..

Gardeners grow various types of plants for greening the country plot: vegetables, herbs, berries, flowers, etc. Some use ready-made seedlings for this, while others sow seeds in open ground.

Seeds: types and features

With the arrival of spring, the country season opens, and all gardeners go to the country to green their garden and prepare the soil for a fruitful harvest. On the GARDENSeds website, you will find a large assortment of seeds from leading Dutch and Ukrainian producers at reasonable prices:

  • vegetable seeds: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, radishes, turnips, peppers, zucchini. squash, pumpkin, eggplant, etc.;
  • seeds of spicy and green herbs: parsley, basil, dill, arugula, mint, marjoram, fennel, etc.;
  • berry seeds: strawberries, strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, rose hips, barberry, etc;
  • seeds of oil crops: sunflower, flax, rapeseed, coriander;
  • seeds of grain crops: corn, wheat, barley, rye, oats, etc;
  • seeds of legumes: peas, beans, chickpeas;
  • flower seeds: annual, biennial, perennial, indoor;
  • seeds of siderates and honey plants: alfalfa, clover, mustard, phacelia, safflower;
  • mycelium of mushrooms: white mushrooms, buttercups, chanterelles, chanterelles, truffles, etc.;
  • lawn grass seeds: for urban and sports facilities, for parks and gardens.

All seeds presented in the catalog meet the requirements of quality standards in all indicators (purity, germination, moisture, etc.).

How to sow seeds correctly

Sowing seeds of various crops with subsequent harvesting depends on many factors. The climate in which the plants are grown should be temperate or continental, and the soil should contain micro- and macronutrients. Due to excessively dry or wet soil, the development of many crops can be lost, as a result of which the harvest will be spoiled. The main factors affecting the cultivation of healthy plants are:

  • high-quality planting material - it is better to use seeds with high germination for sowing;
  • enriching the soil with vitamins after sowing.

When choosing seeds, it is important to take into account the maturity of plants (early, medium and late). After all, the sowing time of many crops depends on this. Sowing seeds in open ground begins in mid-spring (when the soil has warmed up) and can last until the end of September. Provided you follow all sowing recommendations, as well as proper care, the plants in your garden will delight you not only with a beautiful appearance, but also with a good harvest.

You can order seeds with delivery across Ukraine and abroad online in the GARDENSeeds online store.


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