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Perennial flowers seeds

Lithops seeds «Moon»
In stock
Model: 15475
Lithops «Moon» / Lithops Pseudotruncatella v.volkii - these are small stemless leafy succulents from the Mesembryanthemum family. Most of the plants are buried in the soil. The aerial part is two thick sheets fused into a column up to 20-50 mm high. ..
Canary Island date palm seeds
In stock
Model: 5656
Canary Island date palm, or Date / Phoenix - an evergreen palm tree up to 3-5 m tall for growing in bright rooms, halls, winter gardens, greenhouses. Leaves (frond) are pinnate, up to 3-5 m long, with narrow bluish-green leaves, slightly bent outward..
Foxglove seeds «Dalmatian white»
In stock
Model: 15348
  Foxglove «Dalmatian white» / Digitalis white -  is a biennial beautifully flowering herbaceous plant 120-140 cm high. The stems are rigid, slender, not branched, with a basal rosette of leaves. The inflorescences are graceful, large, p..
Lithops seeds «Venus»
In stock
Model: 15474
Lithops «Venus» / Lithops Fulviceps C220 - these are small stemless leafy succulents from the Mesembryanthemum family. Most of the plants are buried in the soil. The aerial part is two thick sheets fused into a column up to 20-50 mm high. Its top is ..
Dalmatian chrysanthemum seeds «Jubilee»
In stock
Model: 13107
Dalmatian chrysanthemum or Maruna cinerarielous or Dalmatian chamomile, feverfew cinerarielous / Pyrethrum cinerariifolium Perennial herbaceous plant. For the first year of vegetation forms a rosette of leaves 25 cm high. Plants of the second year..
Datura seeds «Thornless»
In stock
Model: 11889
Datura «Thornless» / Datura stramonium L. - this perennial beautiful plant with very large white flowers and blue inside is grown as an annual, the leaves of the plant are used for medicinal purposes in the form of tinctures and extracts. The Datura ..
Glandular globe-thistle seeds «Star Frost»
In stock
Model: 10481
Glandular globe-thistle «Star Frost» or great globe-thistle or pale globe-thistle / Echinops sphaerocephalus - is a perennial, drought-resistant plant belonging to the Compositae family. The height reaches from 0.8 to 2.5 meters. The flowers are s..
Campsis seeds «Trumpet creeper»
In stock
Model: 1690
Campsis or trumpet creeper or trumpet  vine / Campsis - a large woody deciduous liana of the Bignoniaceae family, distinguished by its decorative pinnate leaves and bright beautiful flowering. This fast-growing vine forms aerial sucker root..
Chrysanthemum seeds «Robinson» (mix)
In stock
Model: 12700
Chrysanthemum «Robinson» (chrysanthemums mix) - is a perennial plant, one of the varieties of pyrethrum or Persian chamomile. A very beautiful plant, which is grown not only to decorate the garden, but also for cutting (it retains its decorative effe..
Calliopsis perennial «Yellow»
In stock
Model: 131
Calliopsis perennial «Yellow» or tickseed / Coreopsis - a perennial plant up to 90 cm high. The stem is erect, strongly branched, the flowers are golden yellow, 4-6 cm in diameter. It blooms from mid-July for 70-80 days. Prefers both open sun..
Muscari seeds of Armenian
In stock
Model: 15212
Muscari Armenian / Muscari armeniacum A species of bulbous plants of the genus Snake onion, a low but very fragrant and showy primrose, also known as "mouse hyacinth". Despite its small size, the flower is a simple and effective way to decorate yo..
Windmill palm seeds «Fortune»
In stock
Model: 1553
Chinese windmill palm, windmill palm or Chusan palm «Fortune» / Trachycarpus fortunei - a plant of the genus Palmaceae, Arecaceae family. Decorative period - all year round, size 100-200 cm. Flowers small yellow, fragrant. They form a fruit in the fo..
Yarrow seeds «Red»
In stock
Model: 12697
Red yarrow / Achillea millefolium - is a perennial plant. The plant is light-loving, winter-hardy. Inflorescences numerous terry, collected in corymbs. Grows well in any well-drained soil. It grows in one place for 4-5 years. It is a good honey plant..
Goldenrod seeds
In stock
Model: 10456
European goldenrod or woundwort / Solidago virgaurea - perennial herbaceous plant with a short woody taproot. Stems erect, usually unbranched, leafy, 30-100 cm high, often reddish. It is a valuable honey plant. Common goldenrod blooms in July-Sept..
Viola seeds «Swiss giant» (mix)
In stock
Model: 15645
Viola garden «Swiss giant» (mix) - a biennial plant 20-25 cm high. Flowers of irregular shape, solitary, of different colors, 6-7 cm in diameter. Used for decorating flower beds, balconies, flowerpots, as a pot culture and for cutting. Blooms profuse..
Yarrow seeds «Yellow»
In stock
Model: 12698
Yellow yarrow / Achillea millefolium - is a perennial, unpretentious plant with a long flowering period. It grows well on poor, dry, non-acidic soils. Withstands trampling. Grows fast. Can be planted on slopes to strengthen them. Very widely used ..
Mallow terry seeds «Dark pink»
In stock
Model: 12682
Mallow terry «Dark pink» - is a perennial plant, grown as a biennial. Drought-resistant and frost-resistant plant 75-250 cm high. The flowers are large, 10-15 cm in diameter, dark pink in color. Used for decorative flower beds, in groups and for cutt..
Milkweed seeds
In stock
Model: 10432
Milkweed / Asclepias - perennial ornamental plant of the gossamer family, 1-2 m high. It grows in bushes, the stem is shortly pubescent, all covered with dense, oblong-elliptical leaves. The flowers are whitish-purple, bisexual, fragrant, connected b..
Lithops seeds «Mercury»
In stock
Model: 15471
Lithops «Mercury» / Lithops Bromfieldii v. insularis - these are small stemless leafy succulents from the Mesembryanthemum family. Most of the plants are buried in the soil. The aerial part is two thick sheets fused into a column up to 20-50 mm high...
Oxeye daisies seeds «Silver Princess»
In stock
Model: 4500
Oxeye daisies «Silver Princess» / Leucanthemum vulgare - unpretentious, popular perennial, blooming in the year of sowing. Forms a lush bush 40 cm tall. Inflorescences 8-10 cm traditional white-yellow color. It is used to decorate the site, goes well..
Roman chamomile seeds
In stock
Model: 13105
Roman chamomile (camomile) / Chamaemelum nobile - is a perennial herb from the Asteraceae family. Stems up to 25 cm tall, branched. Leaves sessile, twice - thrice pinnately dissected into short linear segments. Inflorescences - baskets located singly..
Echinacea seeds «Purple King»
In stock
Model: 10527
Echinacea purple / Echinacea purpurea A perennial plant from the family Asteraceae, or Compositae (Asteraceae). Previously, this plant was assigned to the genus Rudbeckia with the same specific epithet. Medicinal herb honey plant. Echinacea pur..
Carnation seeds «Grenadine» (mix)
In stock
Model: 12696
Carnation «Grenadine» (mix) Perennial plant, often grown as a biennial. It is valued for its fragrant, beautiful, long-lasting cut flowers. Use this carnation for decorating balconies and planting in pots. Sowing is best done in the summer, so ..
Clematis seeds «Erect white»
In stock
Model: 13651
Clematis bush «Erect white» or ground virginsbower / Clematis recta - bush clematis are beautiful all season. They can be successfully used in almost any flower garden, decorating the bare lower parts of shrubs with them. All bush clematis are excell..
Perennials are plants that live more than two years. They are unpretentious, they can be easily grown from seeds, while creating a delightful flower garden in their summer cottage. Unlike annual and biennial flowering plants, perennials are able to delight with their flowering for several years in a row, so amateur gardeners prefer these plants!

Classification and features of perennial flowers

Like any other flower, the perennial loves comfortable conditions for its existence - a warm and mild climate. However, a well-developed root system of the plant allows it to tolerate even low air and soil temperatures. Also, a powerful perennial root system allows them to grow even on soils with a low moisture and nutrient content.

Depending on the flowering season, perennials can be divided into three categories:
  • early: at the beginning of spring, the first flowers bloom - snowdrops, crocuses and hyacinths, in the second half - tulips and daffodils, at the end of May - irises and peonies;
  • summer: these include most perennials, the most popular of which are grown from seed - begonia, chamomile, echinacea, bluebells, flax and lupine; most summer flowers are cut for bouquets;
  • autumn: chrysanthemums, decorative heather, dahlias and roses (the latter bloom until the first frost).
How to grow perennial flowers from seed
Many beginner flower growers mistakenly assume that growing perennial flowers from seeds is more difficult than growing from tubers or bulbs. But it's not.  In spring or late autumn, seeds can be sown directly in open ground or in a seedling box.

However, during sowing, individual characteristics of plants should be taken into account. So, for example, there are varieties of flowers that germinate only in the light, and there are those that prefer darkness:
  • in the light - delphinium, cuffs, oregano, goldenrod, bluebells - during sowing, such plants do not need to be covered with soil, it is enough to lightly sprinkle with earth from above;
  • in the dark - geraniums, poppies, cloves, sage, chrysanthemums, asters - when sowing, the seeds are sprinkled with earth, and the box itself is left in a dark place.

Choosing flowers for the dacha

When choosing flowers for a summer cottage, one should take into account not only the flowering time, but also the height of the plants themselves. Along the paths you can plant low plants, such as shaving or sage, in the depths of the flower beds - peony bushes, fescue, roses, liatris or chrysanthemums, and climbing flowers near fences and arbors. You can also experiment with colors. A flower garden in delicate pastel colors or a colorful flower bed with all the colors of the rainbow - there are many options.

Perennial flowers are unpretentious - minimal watering, fertilizing and weeding are enough, and then they will grow in full force and delight with their decorative appearance.

Seeds can be purchased online at GARDENseeds. The catalog contains a diverse range of perennial flower seeds:
  • aster;
  • lavender;
  • roses;
  • chamomile;
  • primrose;
  • forget-me-nots;
  • daisy and more
A wide selection of quality seeds and an affordable price will impress any flower grower.