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Model: 2139
Canary Palm / Phoenix canariensis - this perennial ornamental plant reaches 2 meters indoors. The leaves are compound, pinnate, and can be grown by sowing seeds directly into pots. Seeds germinate very slowly; from sowing to germination it can take u..
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Model: 5656
Canary Island date palm, or Date / Phoenix - an evergreen palm tree up to 3-5 m tall for growing in bright rooms, halls, winter gardens, greenhouses. Leaves (frond) are pinnate, up to 3-5 m long, with narrow bluish-green leaves, slightly bent outward..
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Model: 1553
Chinese windmill palm, windmill palm or Chusan palm «Fortune» / Trachycarpus fortunei - a plant of the genus Palmaceae, Arecaceae family. Decorative period - all year round, size 100-200 cm. Flowers small yellow, fragrant. They form a fruit in the fo..