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Herb seeds

Wild apple tree seeds
In stock
Model: 6853
European crab apple or Wild apple - mostly tall shrubs from 3 to 5 meters in height, although there are also trees up to 10 m high. The crown is dense. The bark is brown. Lightly hairy or smooth leaves are ovoid, serrated, 4 to 8 cm long. Pinkish-..
Yarrow seeds «Yellow»
In stock
Model: 12698
Yellow yarrow / Achillea millefolium - is a perennial, unpretentious plant with a long flowering period. It grows well on poor, dry, non-acidic soils. Withstands trampling. Grows fast. Can be planted on slopes to strengthen them. Very widely used ..
Milkweed seeds
In stock
Model: 10432
Milkweed / Asclepias - perennial ornamental plant of the gossamer family, 1-2 m high. It grows in bushes, the stem is shortly pubescent, all covered with dense, oblong-elliptical leaves. The flowers are whitish-purple, bisexual, fragrant, connected b..
African pennisetum (millet) seeds «White miracle»
In stock
Model: 11107
Pennisetum (Pearl millet) African «White miracle» / Pennisetum glaucum - is an annual herbaceous plant of the grass family, 3 to 4 meters high. The root penetrates the soil to a depth of 3.6 meters, with 80% of the root mass located at a depth of up ..
Camelina seeds
In stock
Model: 12084
Camelina / Camelina sativa This is a genus of herbaceous annual plants that belong to the cruciferous family. The root of the camelina is rod, the stem is branched, thin, it can reach a height of 100 cm. The leaves of this plant are small, lanceol..
Maple georgian seeds
In stock
Model: 12460
Georgian maple / Acer ibericum This is a low, up to 8 meters, tree with a tent-shaped crown, gray trunk bark and light brown young shoots with numerous whitish lenticels. The leaves are 3-lobed, leathery, shiny, bluish-green and glabrous above; th..
Moldavian dragonhead seeds
In stock
Model: 6776
Moldavian dragonhead (Moldavian snakehead) / Dracocephalum moldavica An annual herbaceous plant with a thin taproot and an upright tetrahedral branched stem 40-60 cm high. The leaves are short-petiolate, opposite, oblong-ovate or oblong-lanceolate..
Oat seeds
In stock
Model: 6102
Oat or common oat / Avena sativa - an annual plant of the grass family. Green manure, fodder and food crops. Valued for its highest growth vigor and the best ability (along with buckwheat) to feed and improve acidic bog soils and drained peat bogs. T..
Calendula seeds «Terry lemon»
In stock
Model: 12683
Calendula «Terry lemon» - is an annual plant, the height of which is from 50 to 70 centimeters. This variety produces beautiful large flowers. It blooms from June to October, and in some cases the flowering period can last until November. Known fo..
Chamomile seeds «Golden Lan»
In stock
Model: 14963
Chamomile «Golden Lan» (Zloty Lan) / Matricaria recutita, Matricaria chamomilla - an annual plant with an erect, strongly branched stem 30-60 cm high. Leaves 2-5 cm long, doubly pinnately dissected into narrow filamentous segments, alternate, sessile..
Garden red orache seeds
In stock
Model: 12291
Garden red orache or orach, mountain spinach, French spinach, or arrach / Atriplex hortensis -  one of the few plants that is completely maintenance-free. It grows on its own, matures on its own, crumbles on its own and sprouts on its own in ear..
Roman chamomile seeds
In stock
Model: 13105
Roman chamomile (camomile) / Chamaemelum nobile - is a perennial herb from the Asteraceae family. Stems up to 25 cm tall, branched. Leaves sessile, twice - thrice pinnately dissected into short linear segments. Inflorescences - baskets located singly..
Silver linden seeds
In stock
Model: 4301
Silver linden (silver lime) / Tilia tomentosa - is one of the most decorative lindens. A slender tree up to 30 meters tall, with beautiful silvery foliage and a remarkably regular, naturally wide-pyramidal or oval crown. Looks great in alley, sing..
Echinacea seeds «Purple King»
In stock
Model: 10527
Echinacea purple / Echinacea purpurea A perennial plant from the family Asteraceae, or Compositae (Asteraceae). Previously, this plant was assigned to the genus Rudbeckia with the same specific epithet. Medicinal herb honey plant. Echinacea pur..
Korean evodia seeds
In stock
Model: 10525
Bee-bee tree or Korean evodia / Tetradium daniellii (Euodia daniellii) - is a deciduous tree. Forms a thick, dark green crown, the trunk bark is gray, smooth, with a metallic sheen. The flowers are small, whitish or pale pink, collected in panic..
Pear seeds
In stock
Model: 6860
Common pear or wild pear / Pyrus communis - is one of the species of the genus Pyrus. Tree up to 20 m high, sometimes a large shrub. The shoots are prickly. The leaves are oblong-rounded, short-pointed, leathery, on long petioles, turning black when ..
Almond seeds
In stock
Model: 1562
Almond / Prunus dulcis, Prunus amygdalus or Amygdalus communis - is a small tree, of medium vigor, 3,5 - 4 meters tall at 8 years of age. The crown is compact, rounded, skeletal branches extend at a relatively obtuse angle. Almonds are often classifi..
Anise seeds «Artek»
In stock
Model: 15517
Anise «Artek» / Pimpinella anisum An annual very popular spice and medicinal plant. The leaves are used in food for a variety of salads and side dishes. Fruits are valuable medicinal raw materials. Used for bronchitis, asthma, cough, diseases..
Chia white seeds
In stock
Model: 13861
Spanish Sage (White Chia) / Salvia hispanica A plant of the Lamiaceae family, a species of the genus Sage. The closely related species Salvia columbariae (fr) is also used in cooking. An annual herbaceous plant up to 1 m high. The leaves are op..
Sweet chestnut seeds
In stock
Model: 3687
Sweet chestnut, Spanish chestnut or just chestnut / Castanea sativa - large or medium-sized deciduous tree 20-35 meters high. The trunk diameter can reach 2 meters. The bark is dark brown, longitudinally fissured. The leaves are lanceolate or oblong,..
Foxglove seeds «Excelsior»
In stock
Model: 10482
Foxglove seeds «Excelsior» / Digitalis purpurea - A biennial plant, reaching a height of 150 cm. The diameter of the flower is about 5 cm. It forms spectacular inflorescences, purple in color. Blooms from June to August. Prefers full sun and fer..
Helenium aromaticum seeds
In stock
Model: 11965
Aromatic gelenium (Helenium aromaticum) or aromatic Cephalophora (Cephalophora aromatica) or strawberry grass - an annual 40-60 cm high with numerous dark green narrow leaves without petioles. Each cephalophora stalk carries an inflorescence at the t..
Lily of the valley seeds
In stock
Model: 12290
May lily of the valley / Convallaria majalis - perennial herbaceous plant of the lily family (Liliaceae), up to 30 cm in height. The rhizome is thin, creeping, horizontal, with numerous small roots. The stem below is surrounded by light pink scales. ..
Rosemary seeds
In stock
Model: 9802
Rosemary / Rosmarinus officinalis - a species of semi-shrub and shrub perennial evergreen plants of the genus Rosemary (Rosmarinus) of the Lamiaceae family. Representatives of the species are shrubs 50–200 cm high. Young branches are obtusely four..

Grass seeds, honey plants, grasses for animals, lawns.