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Honey plant seeds

Heliopsis seeds «Golden balls»
In stock
Model: 12704
Heliopsis rough «Golden balls» / Heliopsis var. scarba - this is a perennial plant with straight, branched, up to 120 cm tall, noticeably woody stems. Baskets 6-7 cm in diameter. Reed flowers are golden yellow, tubular flowers are yellow. Unpret..
Chinese mallow seeds
In stock
Model: 5265
Chinese mallow or cluster mallow / Malva crispa - is an annual food, medicinal and ornamental plant native to China, two-meter branched bushes are densely covered with large (20 cm in diameter), wavy leaves with a fringe along the edge. Location: ..
Hyssop seeds «National»
In stock
Model: 4467
Hyssop officinalis «National» or Blue St. John's wort / Hyssopus - a genus of plants of the tribe Mint (Mentheae) of the Lamiaceae family. In the people, hyssop officinalis is called a sacred herb, since this plant has been used as a folk remedy sinc..
Milk thistle seeds «Purple Queen»
In stock
Model: 1815
Milk Thistle or Spotted Milk Thistle / Silybum marianum An annual or biennial thorny plant 1-1.5 meters high. Stem simple or branched, glabrous. The leaves are large with yellowish spines along the edge of the leaf and along the veins below; leaf ..
Chamomile seeds «Pearl of the forest steppe»
In stock
Model: 12024
Chamomile «Pearl of the forest steppe» / Matricaria recutita, Matricaria chamomilla An annual herbaceous plant. The stem is erect, branched, 50-90 cm high. Medium-sized (1.5-2 cm in diameter) baskets with 12-18 white reed flowers located at the en..
Horse chestnut seeds
In stock
Model: 6471
Horse chestnut or buckeye  / Aesculus - a genus of plants of the Sapindaceae family, many species of which are widely bred in parks. Deciduous tree, reaching 25 m in height, or shrub 1.5-5 m high. The leaves are large, complex, 5-7-fingered, opp..
Sage seeds
In stock
Model: 839
Sage common / Salvia officinalis - is a perennial herbaceous plant with a height of 20-70 cm or a shrub up to 75 cm high, the Lamiaceae family, the genus Sage (Salvia). Sage common - is a good honey plant; in favorable warm and humid weather, it a..
Amur cork tree seeds
In stock
Model: 6838
Amur cork tree / Phellodendron amurense Dioecious, perennial and deciduous tree, which has an unusually beautiful openwork crown with feathery leaves. The tree is 25-28 meters in height, and in diameter it can reach 1 meter. Velvet leaves have a s..
Desert false indigo seeds
In stock
Model: 3700
Desert false indigo or false indigo-bush, and bastard indigobush / Amorpha fruticosa L. - the name comes from the Greek. "amorphos" - "shapeless", which is due to the atypical structure of the flowers. This is a perennial ornamental shrub that r..
One-seed hawthorn seeds
In stock
Model: 6861
Common hawthorn, one-seed hawthorn, or single-seeded hawthorn / Crataegus monogyna - is a shrub or tree 3-6, less often up to 8-12 m high, with a rounded tent-shaped or wide pyramidal, fairly symmetrical crown. The branches are brownish-gray; branche..
Honey locust seeds
In stock
Model: 6525
Honey locust / Gleditsia triacanthos A species of trees from the genus Gledichia of the legume family. A powerful tree up to 20-40 m high, with a beautiful, openwork, sprawling, broadly cylindrical, rounded crown at the top. The trunk is up to 75 ..
Pea field seeds (green manure)
In stock
Model: 9552
Field peas (green manure) - green fertilizer, fodder and honey crop. As a green manure, it is valued for its early ripening (one of the best among legumes), which makes it possible to use it in intercrops (before or after winter crops and early sprin..
Albizia julibrissin seeds
In stock
Model: 1626
Albizia Lankaran, or Silk Acacia / Albizia julibrissin - is a species of trees of the Albizia genus of the Legume family. It has a spreading, umbrella-shaped crown. The height of the tree is 6-9 meters. The width of the tree is 6-7 meters. The leaves..
Fly honeysuckle seeds
In stock
Model: 3699
Fly Honeysuckle / Lonicera xylosteum Shrub, species of the genus Honeysuckle of the family Honeysuckle. It grows in the undergrowth of coniferous and mixed forests, in thickets of shrubs in ravines and near rivers. Decorative plant. The fruits are..
Maple sycamore seeds
In stock
Model: 12452
Maple sycamore (white maple) or Sycamore / Acer pseudoplatanus - a large deciduous summer green tree, reaching 20-35 meters in height, with a wide domed crown. On young trees, the bark is smooth and grey, but becomes rougher with age and flakes off i..
Caragana seeds
In stock
Model: 12450
Caragana, or Yellow acacia / Caragana arborescens Deciduous shrub, rarely tree 4-7 meters high, type species of the genus Karagan. Decorative plant. Has several garden forms. It tolerates shearing well, and is widely used to create dense hedges in..
Barberry seeds
In stock
Model: 1007
Barberry also known as common barberry, European barberry / Berberis vulgaris - is a tall, strongly branched, prickly shrub, up to 2.5 m high, with creeping, woody rhizomes. Shoots are faceted, erect, yellowish or yellowish-purple, later whitish-gray..
Manchurian walnut seeds
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Model: 2729
Manchurian walnut also known as Monkey nuts, or Tigernut  / Juglans mandshurica - a species of deciduous monoecious trees or shrubs of the genus Walnut. The natural range of the species is Manchuria (northern China), the Far East, and the Korean..
Red clover seeds «Red Hibernian»
In stock
Model: 10460
Red Clover «Red Hibernian» / Trifolium pratense - grows best in well drained grassland and is well suited to poor soils on sites where there is plenty of sunlight. In the wild, plants occur on roadsides and in old meadows. It is increasingly com..
 Serviceberry roundifolia seeds «Abundant»
In stock
Model: 5438
Serviceberry roundifolia seeds «Abundant», commonly known as snowy mespilus / Amelanchier ovalis - is a very valuable and spectacular shrub up to 4-6 m high throughout the growing season, with an oval and dense crown, a honey plant with high phytonci..
Buckwheat seeds
In stock
Model: 10442
Buckwheat or common buckwheat / Fagopyrum esculentum - a species of herbaceous plants of the genus Buckwheat (Fagopyrum) of the Buckwheat family (Polygonaceae), cereal crop. Buckwheat (kernel) is made from seed buckwheat - whole grain, prodel (crushe..
 Japanese pagoda tree (sophora japonica) seeds
In stock
Model: 1643
Japanese pagoda tree (sophora japonica), also known as the Chinese scholar tree and pagoda tree  / Styphnolobium japonicum - is a deciduous tree widely cultivated as an ornamental and honey plant. It is valued for its luxurious foliage and fragr..
Guelder rose seeds «Roseum»
In stock
Model: 1411
Guelder-rose or guelder rose  «Roseum» / Viburnum opulus - is a species of shrubs of the Adox family, with a grayish-brown bark, 1.5 - 4 meters high. The leaves are opposite, broadly ovate or rounded, 5-10 cm long, dark green above, grayish gree..
Burdock great seeds
Out Of Stock
Model: 10464
Burdock great / Arctium lappa A species of perennial herbaceous plants from the genus Burdock of the Asteraceae family. A wonderful honey plant, bees pollinate it with pleasure, and honey obtained from burdock has a unique spicy aroma. Burdock ..