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Berry seeds

Strawberry seeds «Ruegen»
In stock
Model: 4863
Strawberry «Ruegen» - this is an early-ripening, productive strawberry variety. The bush does not form a mustache. The berries are sweet, deep red in color, weighing 3-5 grams, elongated and oval-conical in shape. Before sowing seeds, it is necess..
Tomatillo seeds «Purple Spark»
In stock
Model: 3091
Tomatillo «Purple Spark» - this is an early ripening variety. The growing season from germination to the beginning of fruit ripening is 60-70 days. The plant is short, 60-80 cm high. The fruits are round in shape, weighing 20-50 grams, rich purple in..
Strawberry seeds «Regina»
In stock
Model: 2036
Strawberry «Regina» - is a remontant, beardless variety. The bush is compact, up to 30 cm high. The berries are large, tasty, sweet with a strong aroma. Before sowing, it is necessary to prepare the soil mixture by heating it in the oven for 3-4 h..
Strawberry seeds «Alexandria»
In stock
Model: 1055
Strawberries «Alexandria» - by planting strawberries in your garden, vegetable garden or on your balcony at home, you can pick berries from early summer until late autumn. When sowing, it is necessary to prepare the soil mixture: mix 3 parts of sa..
Strawberry seeds «Yellow miracle»
In stock
Model: 10447
Strawberry «Yellow miracle» - is a remontant, beardless strawberry variety. The berries are light yellow in color, weighing 4-6 grams, aromatic and sweet, and are not inferior in taste and aroma to red-fruited varieties. In the first year it begin..
Currant seeds «Consort»
In stock
Model: 12239
Black currant «Consort» Bush srednerosly, upright, crown density average. Growing shoots are thick, straight, light green, growing tops are reddish, pubescent, lignified - brown. The leaf is five-lobed, large, dark green, matte, without pubesce..
Black raspberry seeds «Cumberland»
In stock
Model: 15344
Black raspberry «Cumberland» A hybrid variety of medium ripening, with a very high vigor like a blackberry, grows as a sprawling thorny bush, shoots grow over 2 meters in length. The berry is medium in size, with an average weight of up to 5 grams..
Tomatillo seeds «Honeydew»
In stock
Model: 11352
Tomatillo Strawberry «Honeydew» / Physalis Strawberry This is an early maturing variety. Vegetation period from germination to fruit ripening is 95-105 days. The stems are creeping, 50-70 cm long. The berries are small, yellow-orange, rounded, 6-1..
Currant seeds «Hope»
In stock
Model: 12247
Red currant «Hope» Very early maturing variety. Bush srednerosly, compact, dense. Non-lignified shoots of medium thickness, straight, green, with reddish tops, without pubescence. Lignified shoots of medium thickness, light brown. Buds solitary, o..
Raspberry seeds «Abundant»
In stock
Model: 3696
Raspberry variety «Abundant» / Rubus idaeus It belongs to large-fruited Moscow varieties and is distinguished by abundant fruiting and strong branching of fruit formations. A variety bred by the world-famous Russian breeder V. V. Kichina with t..
Gooseberry seeds «Cossack»
In stock
Model: 12249
Black gooseberry «Cossack» Variety of medium early maturity. Bush srednerosly, sprawling, average density. Growing shoots of medium thickness, straight or slightly curved, light green, sometimes with a weak anthocyanin color, hairless. Lignified s..
Black raspberry seeds «Texas»
In stock
Model: 12245
Black raspberry «Texas» A variety with medium maturation and fruits with a sweet-sour taste. It is generally accepted that he came through selection from the Loganberry species - the breeder who brought him out was Michurin. On powerful shoots, a ..
Blackberry thornless «Natchez»
In stock
Model: 12874
Blackberry thornless «Natchez» The bushes of the variety are considered semi-erect. At the beginning of growth, the shoots grow vertically, and then fall down. Their length reaches 4-5m. Berries ripen very early. The first fruits begin to be harve..
Blueberry seeds
In stock
Model: 4462
Blueberry garden / Vaccinium corymbosum A species of deciduous shrubs from the genus Vaccinium of the Heather family (Ericaceae). The plant is grown as a fruit (for the sake of edible berries), as well as an ornamental. High blueberry is a pere..
Raspberry seeds «Temptation»
In stock
Model: 12258
Raspberry strawberry / Rubus illecebrosus This is a rounded semi-shrub from 30 to 60 cm tall, with a creeping rhizome that gives new shoots at a distance of more than half a meter from the bush, forms thickets. It has several vertical herbaceous s..
Blackberry thornless seeds «Polar»
In stock
Model: 12875
Blackberry thornless «Polar« / Rubus nessensis - reliable early Polish variety with large, firm berries suitable for transport. The bushes are thornless, fruitful, the flesh is dense, very fragrant, sweet. Polar blackberry berries are medium-sized..
Cranberry seeds
In stock
Model: 3051
Canberry / Vaccinium macrocarpon An early variety of large-fruited cranberries, the height of the bushes reaches up to 15 cm, the width is 0.5-0.8 m. Creeping, dwarf shrub, shoots are very thin, prostrate, take root when in contact with the ground..
Tomatillo seeds «Mexican»
In stock
Model: 15416
Tomatillo solegonny «Mexican» / Physalis philadelphica This is a plant of the nightshade family, a variety of vegetable physalis, a mid-season, very productive variety. Fruits reach a weight of 30-50 grams, yellow or yellow with lilac stains. Quit..
Jostaberry seeds
In stock
Model: 12250
Jostaberry Fruit shrub of hybrid origin, obtained by crossing blackcurrant and gooseberry. The main purpose of obtaining this hybrid was to improve the yield of blackcurrant. Also, getting rid of gooseberry thorns was a priority. From a botanic..
Blackberry thornless seeds «Triple Crown»
In stock
Model: 3695
Blackberry thornless «Triple Crown» Medium maturity variety. Productivity is high up to 13-15 kg per bush. The transportability of berries is good. The berries are collected in multi-berry brushes, beautiful, black, shiny, very large - up to 25 gr..
Tomatillo seeds «Zharinka»
In stock
Model: 15417
Tomatillo strawberry «Zharinka» This is a plant of the nightshade family, its agricultural technology is the same as that of the tomato, but the physalis is more cold-resistant. Strawberry physalis is the most valuable of all physalis. It contains..
Tomatillo seeds «Chinese lanterns»
In stock
Model: 13787
Tomatillo «Chinese lanterns» or Franchet / Physalis alkegengi var. franchetti Perennial herbaceous plant with creeping rhizome and stems 70-90 cm tall. Flowers solitary, axillary, whitish, up to 3 cm in diameter. After flowering, the calyx contain..
Blackberry thornless  seeds «Black Satin»
In stock
Model: 9795
Blackberry thornless «Black Satin» A variety of thornless garden blackberries, medium ripening. The average yield is 10 - 15 kg, and with high agricultural technology up to 20 - 25 kg. Berries weighing about 5 grams, collected in large brushes. Ta..
Raspberry seeds «Dessert»
In stock
Model: 12277
Raspberry yellow «Dessert» The variety is early ripe, frost-resistant, can winter without shelter. However, if you still cover the raspberries for the winter, there will be more quality harvest. Raspberry Dessert is moderately resistant to fungal ..

What are berry seeds

Such a product as berry seeds will be useful for a gardener. Indeed, a self-respecting gardener should have at least a few seedlings on the site. Care is especially difficult if there is minimal experience in gardening.

Why do we need such a product as berries? Everyone knows that these small objects contain a large amount of useful vitamins. They are recommended by doctors for use for various purposes. If a person has poor eyesight, he is advised to introduce blueberries in moderation into his diet, because you should not overdo it in this matter either, so as not to harm the stomach.

After the target destination of the selected seeds of berries is determined – you need to understand how to grow an outlandish product. The first thing to note is that they grow exclusively on shrubs. That is, the planted grain will soon grow into a plant of impressive size.

Some bushes are small, it depends on the variety. However, in any case, it is necessary to allocate a certain amount of free space for the tree so that it grows in free space without interfering with other agricultural crops. This is also necessary so that the branches have an area.

In addition to useful properties, such shrubs will also help brighten up the territory. According to reviews of famous landscape designers: natural decor – This is the best tool for decorating and ennobling the garden or vegetable garden. Moreover, berry bushes have a natural bright color and a unique appearance that even the most expensive artificial decoration cannot compare with.

Varieties and Features

Specialists in the field advise careful approach to the selection process of the desired instance and the procedure for its seeding. For this, it is recommended to prepare the soil. Also, if it is planned to land several copies of – then the seeds of the berries should be placed at a distance from each other. Usually it should be about 15 centimeters. It depends on the variety of the berry bush.

Specialists and professionals distinguish several types. Based on this, there is a basic typing. According to her, they are:
  • Strawberry seeds. This popular summer treat can even be grown on a windowsill. But this requires certain varieties. These include ampelous and bush varieties. Everything you need to meet this goal – comfortable roomy pot and earth. You can prepare the soil yourself, or you can buy a ready-made substrate in the store. Any general-purpose soil that can be used for vegetables or flowers will do. If we are talking about a traditional planting in the garden, then this should be done in the spring. It is better to perform this procedure in the evening, when the sun has already set. Autumn care and watering is especially important.
  • Physalis seeds. Disembarkation is different. It depends on the variety you choose. In the agricultural sector, there are three: vegetable, ornamental and strawberry. The first is considered the most popular in the agricultural sector. It perfectly withstands temperature extremes and severe frosts. This is the reason for the growing interest in it. Seeds of this type of berries must be cooked before planting. They are small in size, so they need to sleep in a glass and mix with a salt solution or hold in potassium permanganate.
  • Strawberry seeds. Can be home grown or grown in the garden. Before choosing, it is important to understand which subspecies is needed. After all, each of them needs special care and special seating methods.

They need to be looked after throughout the year. Such plants are especially whimsical for watering. It is needed in certain quantities, depending on the variety. In the cold season, they do not need additional insulation. However, it is important to spray in dry weather during cold weather with special pest-killing chemicals.

It is also necessary. In the spring, before flowering, processing of fruit trees is required. This procedure is repeated after they have blossomed. An important process is fertilizer for better fruiting. In early winter, at a minimum positive temperature, it is necessary to cut off dead branches.