Northern catalpa / Catalpa speciosa
Very beautiful and showy deciduous tree. It grows without problems on rich, light and well-drained soils, in fully lit places, moisture-loving. Duration of flowering 25-30 days (from mid-June). Each inflorescenc..
Yellow catalpa or Chinese catalpa / Catalpa ovata
Very beautiful and showy deciduous tree. It grows without problems on rich, light and well-drained soils, in fully lit places, moisture-loving. Duration of flowering 25-30 days (from mid-June). Eac..
Southern catalpa / Catalpa bignonioides
A beautiful tree up to 16 meters in height, with broad-ovate, large leaves. Bisexual with a bipartite calyx and with a bipartite corolla flowers up to 2.5 cm, swollen-bell-shaped, white on the outside, purpl..