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Model: 15711
Canadian cercis / Cercis canadensis - very decorative and attractive during flowering, numerous pink flowers cover the entire branched crown with a thick pink carpet, most of the trunk is hidden behind thick strong shoots.
In the climatic conditio..
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Model: 13301
Judas tree or Judas-tree / Cercis siliquastrum - a highly branched tree or shrub with a wide crown, reddish branches and heart-shaped, green leaves. At the time of flowering, they completely refute the species name with their extraordinary bright bea..
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Model: 13300
Katsura Japonica / Cercidiphyllum japonicum - a tree up to 30 m tall, usually growing from the base with several trunks, forming a powerful wide-pyramidal crown when standing freely. The bark is dark gray, fissured. Shoots are grayish-brown, young - ..