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Cabbage white seeds

Savoy cabbage seeds «Vertus»
In stock
Model: 1066
Savoy cabbage «Vertus» - this is a mid-late, high-yielding variety. The growing season from mass germination to economic ripeness is 110-130 days. The head of cabbage is dense, leveled, round-flat in shape, weighing 1.5-2 kg. The leaf is slightly bub..
Cabbage seeds «Slava» coated
In stock
Model: 15808
White cabbage «Slava» - a mid-season variety with high taste. The growing season from planting seedlings to technical ripeness is 85-112 days, and with the non-seedling growing method it is 75-85 days. Plant size is medium to large. The head is round..
Brussels sprout seeds «Machuga»
In stock
Model: 1149
Brussels sprouts «Machuga» - this is a mid-late variety. The growing season from germination to technical ripeness is 150-160 days. The main stem is powerful, 60-70 cm high. The heads are round, dense, 3-4 cm in diameter, weighing 10-15 grams. With g..
Cabbage seeds «Golden hectare» coated
In stock
Model: 15806
White cabbage «Golden hectare» - an early ripening variety, the growing season is 50-55 days after planting the seedlings in the soil. Resistant to cracking. The plant size is small, compact, green in color. The head is round, white in cross section,..
Napa cabbage «Wineglass»
In stock
Model: 1134
Napa cabbage «Wineglass» - this is a mid-season variety. The growing season from germination to technical ripeness is 60-70 days. The head is medium in size, the leaves are ideal for garnishing in salads. The head is closed, dense, weighing 1.5-2 kg,..
Cabbage seeds «Ditmarscher» coated
In stock
Model: 15810
White cabbage «Ditmarscher» - the fruitful variety is widely known. Early ripening, 55-60 days after planting seedlings in the ground. Maturation is friendly. The head is round, snow-white in cross section, medium density, weighing up to 1.5 kg. The ..
Cabbage seeds «Stone Head» coated
In stock
Model: 15805
White cabbage «Stone head» - late-ripening variety, 140-165 days, high-yielding. The heads are round, very dense, resistant to cracking, weighing 3.5-4 kg. The color in cross-section is white. Consumed fresh and processed. The variety is suitable for..
Cabbage seeds «Dithmarscher Frewer» coated
In stock
Model: 15807
White cabbage «Dittmarscher Frewer» - the fruitful variety is widely known. Early ripening, 55-60 days after planting. Maturation is friendly. The head is round, snow-white in cross section, medium density, weighing up to 1.5 kg. The taste is good. ..
Cabbage seeds «Langedijker» coated
In stock
Model: 15809
White cabbage «Langedijker» - the variety is late-ripening, when grown without seedlings it lasts 150-165 days. High-yielding. The heads are medium-sized, round, very dense, heavy, resistant to cracking, weighing up to 2.5-3 kg. The color in cross-se..
Cabbage seeds «Snow White» coated
In stock
Model: 15804
White cabbage «Snow White» - this is a late-ripening, high-yielding variety popular among summer residents and farmers, grown in open soil and in greenhouses. The growing season is 155-175 days for seedling cultivation and 145-160 days for non-seedli..
Cabbage seeds «Kharkiv winter» coated
In stock
Model: 15811
White cabbage «Kharkiv winter» - the variety is late-ripening, when grown without seedlings it lasts 150-165 days. Reaches 8-15 days later than the Amager 611 variety. High-yielding. The heads are round, dense, weighing 4-4.5 kg. They are noted for t..
Cabbage seeds «Golden hectare»
In stock
Model: 325
White cabbage «Golden hectare» - is a mid-season, high-yielding variety. The growing season from germination to harvest is 100-110 days. The heads of cabbage are round in shape, weighing 1.5-2.5 kg, transport well and do not crack. The outer color of..
Cabbage seeds «Heart of a Bull»
In stock
Model: 3210
White cabbage «Heart of a Bull» -  is an early ripening variety. The growing season from germination to technical ripeness is 100-110 days. The heads of cabbage are cone-shaped, with an average weight of 1.5-2 kg, light green, dense. Their compa..
Cabbage seeds «Kolobok»
In stock
Model: 1058
White cabbage «Kolobok» - is a late-ripening hybrid, the period from germination to technical ripeness is 145-155 days. The heads of cabbage are round in shape, good density, large, with an average weight of 3.5-4.5 kg, green in color with a waxy coa..
Cabbage seeds «Dymerskaya»
In stock
Model: 1145
White cabbage «Dymerskaya» - is an early ripening variety. The growing season from germination is 100-115 days. The heads of cabbage are medium-sized, dense, round, weighing about 1 kg. The outer color of the head of cabbage is white and green. Produ..
Cabbage seeds «Langedecker»
In stock
Model: 505
White cabbage «Langedijker» -  is a late-ripening, universal variety for long-term storage. The growing season from germination to harvesting the first harvest is 150-160 days. Heads of high taste, medium size, round, very dense, dark green in c..
Cabbage seeds «Agressor» F1
In stock
Model: 10285
White cabbage «Agressor» F1 - this hybrid has a ripening period of 120 days. The average head weight is 3-5 kg. Stable, high yield. Tolerates low nitrogen content. High growth vigor. Suitable for direct sowing in open ground. Resistant to fusarium. H..
Cabbage seeds «Amager 611»
In stock
Model: 4739
White cabbage «Amager 611» / Amager 611 - is a late variety of white cabbage, the growing season is 180 days. Designed for long-term storage (until March). It has excellent keeping quality and good transportability. Forms uniform, hard heads, light g..
Cabbage seeds «Braunschweiger»
In stock
Model: 13441
White cabbage «Braunschweiger» (Braunschweig) This is a mid-early, high-yielding variety of white-headed cabbage. Forms dense, large, flat-rounded white heads weighing 2.5-3.5 kg. The variety is intended for fresh use and pickling. Resistant to cr..
Cabbage seeds «Olga»
In stock
Model: 13131
Cabbage «Olga» Late ripe variety. The vegetative period from germination to the beginning of technical ripeness is 160-165 days. Heads of cabbage are round-flat, dense, juicy, weighing up to 3 kg, in a section of white color. Leaves with a wax coa..
Cabbage seeds «Dithmarscher fruher»
In stock
Model: 13130
White cabbage «Dithmarscher fruher» Early ripe variety, technical maturity occurs on the 90-100th day after germination. Heads of cabbage are rounded, medium density, weighing up to 1.5 kg, light green in color, well transported. The variety is va..
Cabbage seeds «Eliza» F1
In stock
Model: 11927
White cabbage «Eliza» F1 Superearly hybrid of a white cabbage, term of maturing. 43-48 days after planting seedlings (under optimal conditions). The head is compact, has a rounded shape, weighing 0.6-1.2 kg (cutting from 0.4-0.5 kg is possible). T..
Cabbage seeds «Riteil» F1
In stock
Model: 11928
White cabbage «Riteil» F1 Vegetation period 110-120 days, dense head of rounded shape, light green leaves, average weight: 2.5-3 kg. Friendly ripening and uniformity, which allows you to get the maximum yield. Hybrid resistant to cracking (20-25 d..
Cabbage seeds «Express»
In stock
Model: 10773
White cabbage «Express» Ultra early variety, 85 days before ripening. Small and compact plants. The color of the head is light green, the shape is conical. Weight 0.8-1.0 kg. Attractive, compact heads with a fine structure, full of flavor and w..
Many gardeners grow kale seeds, which predominate over buying ready-made seedlings. Different varieties of this product have their own characteristics when planting, and priorities in the initial choice. Why do knowledgeable people prefer self-grown seedlings? Because this way you can be sure of the purity of the variety, because in this important matter you cannot trust third parties. It is important to highlight the seeds that are typical for growing in our region, because otherwise, there will be no harvest for sure.

List of Cabbage Seed Varieties

Cabbage is rendered in a variety of styles, variations, and incarnations. The final fruit obtained depends on the quality of the seeds. There is an opinion that when many types of different crops are planted in one season, as a result, several will definitely sprout. Before choosing cabbage seeds, which in no case should be done at random, you should familiarize yourself with the varieties:
  • Cabbage. This is the most traditional and common type. The price is affordable for the average user. Easy to care for and sow.
  • Colored. A balanced product, in 1 gram there are many vitamins and minerals of the integrity that make up the human daily intake. Accepts a lot of bred seed hybrids, you should be as careful as possible in the choice.
  • Beijing. More popular recently. It has high quality indicators for both early, late and middle types.
  • Redhead. It has many subtypes. Experts recommend using ready-made seedlings for planting.
  • Broccoli seeds. Highlight pure varieties and hybrids. The latter are suitable for long-term storage.
  • Kolrabi. Recognized as one of the most beneficial for the human gastrointestinal tract. Planted in open ground around May, requires maximum care and "care".
  • Brussels Sprouts Seeds. No early varieties. Seeds are resistant to cold, fertility is high.

Product Selection Metrics

It is most practical to choose varieties bred in the area where you live, because then the natural and climatic conditions will contribute to the growth of the plant. But do not ignore high quality foreign varieties such as Holland. They have their own personal mark of quality and credit of trust and have long been adapted to our weather conditions. By the way, about the certificate of quality! This is a very real document that every buyer has the right to hold in their hands to read and familiarize themselves with. Such a move will make sure that the purchase of – original.

The most common and well-known to many are a number of subsequent criteria derived by experienced people, professionals in this industry. The region in which cabbage seeds can safely function is important. Usually this nuance is indicated on the packaging. If there is no specifics, then you should pay attention to the cultivation table. The longer the period allotted for the ripening process, the warmer the area is suitable for planting. The type of soil matters, because some are intended for black soil, others – for gray soils. One of the key points when choosing is the ripening time:
  • Early;
  • Later;
  • Medium.
The user himself tends to choose, based on personal goals, what type of cabbage seeds he needs, given the maturation of the first on average within 120 days, the second – 270, third – 170. Targeted personal purpose also matters. An important criterion is cabbage for salads, pickling, raw storage without further heat treatment. All these seemingly insignificant details require special attention and are even spelled out on the spread of the package.
Preparation for planting the product

The term for sowing seeds – end of April. Thus, at the beginning of May, landing for open ground is already possible for sufficiently large units of production. The soil for seedlings should be prepared starting in the fall. To do this, you need to add humus and a little ash to 1 hectare of turf land. Next, stir the mixture thoroughly. Ash serves as an excellent antiseptic in the fight against various diseases of the seedling. Instead of sod land, you can use peat, the main thing is that as a result the user gets a breathable soil.

Seeds require special attention and special treatment before planting. These are various warming up, soaking and so on. If the cabbage seeds have already undergone a certain number of manipulations in the package, this will definitely be indicated, then the buyer simply warms up the elements in water for 20 minutes, then cools them in cold water for 5 minutes. This is done to exhaust the variant of fungal diseases of the fruit.