Miscellaneous pumpkin seeds belong to the genus of herbaceous plants in the gourd family. There are annuals and perennials with a hard-rough or hairy structure. They creep along the ground and cling to stems and other objects with small branched antennae. During flowering, the plant is covered with large yellow or white flowers. Fruit – it's a pumpkin. It has a hard outer layer and is framed by a thick swelling of the seeds.
Pumpkin seed classification
Pumpkin is considered a valuable vegetable plant. Dishes from it bring benefits and harm to the body, depending on how you use the product. However, there are much more useful substances in the composition of the fruit. From it you can make delicious juices, jams, cereals and other dishes. To grow a beautiful and juicy fruit, you need to understand the varieties of seeds.
All gardeners classify pumpkin seeds and their fruits by appearance:
All gardeners classify pumpkin seeds and their fruits by appearance:
- Oval. Vitamin and winter varieties, as well as one hundred pounds, have this form.
- Oval-cylindrical. A popular shape for hard-barked types, namely Mozolievskaya 15.
- Round flattened. Large-fruited varieties may also have this shape. The most common types of – these are Kherson, Zhdana, Slavuta, as well as several sweet types.
- Elongated-cylindrical. A common appearance for the Muscat type, namely for the Arabat variety and sweet.
- Cylindrical. Large-fruited pumpkin varieties grow from seeds of this shape.
In the Ukrainian expanses, three varieties of pumpkin – large-fruited, nutmeg and hard-barked. They are easy to calculate and distinguish by the stalks. In the first type, it has a more round shape, similar to a cylinder. Muscat has the form of a pentahedron, expanding towards the base. And the hard-barked ones have a ribbed structure with pronounced grooves between the scars.
Pumpkin Features
When buying one or another species, you need to be well oriented in how to plant pumpkin seeds. A large-fruited variety appeared for the first time in Peru and Bolivia. It is well related to cold weather, germinates even at 12 degrees above zero. It is characterized by the largest fruits, which is why it has such a name. It contains up to 15% sugar. Its fruits are partly round, flat and have a bumpy texture.
Muscat variety is considered the most tropical, heat-loving and can germinate at 14 degrees. The fruits grow elongated, smooth and slightly ribbed. At the beginning of maturation, they are green, and after maturation they become brown or yellow. Characteristically soft flesh and small seed chamber. This variety contains a lot of carotene and vitamins. Sugar does not exceed 10%.
Hard bark varieties first appeared in Mexico. Gardeners distinguish three varieties – bush, long-braid and decorative. They are characterized by a dense skin at the time of final maturation. However, compared to all other species, they ripen early, reach small sizes and have tasty seeds. You can recognize this variety by its pronounced grooves, hairy stem and pentagonal leaves.
Pros and cons of seeds
Reviews of many summer residents say that not only pumpkin is a valuable product, but also its seeds. This minor ingredient contains a lot of oil, which can replace olive and nutmeg. It has many beneficial properties and has a positive effect on the body. There are even special medicinal varieties of pumpkin, rich in vitamins, minerals and other trace elements.
To know and understand how to take pumpkin seeds, you need to determine what you need the maximum impact on. Before using tinctures or dried seeds, you need to prepare and figure out what they affect. Positive properties appear with pressure, nausea, prostatitis, diabetes, toxicosis, help with constipation and remove harmful substances. They are also excellent for treating burns and are recommended for wound healing and against worms. Also useful for men of any age. They are a good prophylactic against prostatitis.
In frequent stressful situations, they are also recommended to use. They quickly relax a person and soothe. They are prescribed for patients with atherosclerosis and osteoporosis. They lower blood cholesterol and prevent kidney stones.
Muscat variety is considered the most tropical, heat-loving and can germinate at 14 degrees. The fruits grow elongated, smooth and slightly ribbed. At the beginning of maturation, they are green, and after maturation they become brown or yellow. Characteristically soft flesh and small seed chamber. This variety contains a lot of carotene and vitamins. Sugar does not exceed 10%.
Hard bark varieties first appeared in Mexico. Gardeners distinguish three varieties – bush, long-braid and decorative. They are characterized by a dense skin at the time of final maturation. However, compared to all other species, they ripen early, reach small sizes and have tasty seeds. You can recognize this variety by its pronounced grooves, hairy stem and pentagonal leaves.
Pros and cons of seeds
Reviews of many summer residents say that not only pumpkin is a valuable product, but also its seeds. This minor ingredient contains a lot of oil, which can replace olive and nutmeg. It has many beneficial properties and has a positive effect on the body. There are even special medicinal varieties of pumpkin, rich in vitamins, minerals and other trace elements.
To know and understand how to take pumpkin seeds, you need to determine what you need the maximum impact on. Before using tinctures or dried seeds, you need to prepare and figure out what they affect. Positive properties appear with pressure, nausea, prostatitis, diabetes, toxicosis, help with constipation and remove harmful substances. They are also excellent for treating burns and are recommended for wound healing and against worms. Also useful for men of any age. They are a good prophylactic against prostatitis.
In frequent stressful situations, they are also recommended to use. They quickly relax a person and soothe. They are prescribed for patients with atherosclerosis and osteoporosis. They lower blood cholesterol and prevent kidney stones.