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Watermelon seeds

Watermelon seeds «Manchester» F1
Out Of Stock
Model: 14958
Watermelon «Manchester» F1 - early ripe variety. The ripening period lasts 62-64 days from transplanting seedlings to a permanent place. The plant is powerful, with good vigor, dense foliage and long stems. Forms an ovary even under unfavorable growi..
Watermelon seeds «Orange King» F1
In Stock
Model: 14959
Watermelon «Orange King» - an early ripe hybrid differs from other berries in the color of orange pulp. The growing season of the hybrid is only 55-60 days. The fruits are quite large, weighing 8-11 kg, rounded. This hybrid is distinguished by an inc..
Watermelon seeds «Dream»
Out Of Stock
Model: 12240
Watermelon «Dream» - the variety is medium early, the growing season is 70-75 days. The fruits are striped, dark green, large (weighing 10-15 kg), rounded. The fruits contain 10.0-13.0% dry matter, 8.5-10.0% sugars, 9.0-10.0 mg% vitamin C. The pul..
For the summer season, sensors and farmers buy a lot of seeds, including watermelon seeds of different varieties. This is a favorite delicacy of many people, as for some it replaces water in hot August. It belongs to the gourd family. This is an unpretentious berry, but some care is needed for it in order to get good fruits at the end of the season. The main component of obtaining a good result is the choice of seeds for open ground.

Berries need a dry and hot climate. It will grow and produce good fruit if it is warm and humid enough. In low light, watermelon seeds will not give a good harvest. The fruits may lack sugar content and are small in size. In order for the result of cultivation to be positive, the seeds need to be fertilized regularly.

Useful properties of watermelon seeds and the fruit itself

The berry has various useful properties that many people don't know about. Thanks to the product, toxins are removed from the human body. It acts as a good diuretic, while not negatively affecting other organs. It cleanses the kidneys and liver. The product contains many vitamins, carotene, folic acid and other useful elements. All of them are responsible for improving the digestive process, the cardiovascular system. Doctors recommend using the berry during the season for everyone whose body is prone to the formation of kidney and liver stones, it is advisable to use it for gout and anemia.

The seedless berry also has a lot of fiber, which helps to remove excess cholesterol. A preventive remedy for stagnation of bile, after which the complexion and skin improve, the gastrointestinal tract works faster and more efficiently.

Although the product is considered a sweet type of berry, it contains easily digestible types of sugar, so it is useful and allowed for people with diabetes. It is also desirable to eat it for people trying to lose weight. Doctors recommend eating it with brown bread several times a day. For preventive purposes, you can arrange a “watermelon fast”, when the daily diet consists of only two components - watermelon and brown bread.

In fact, the seeds and its rinds also contain many beneficial properties. It is recommended to dry the waste and use it in the cold season. How to soak a dry product to make a decoction will be prompted by the attending physician. This tincture helps relieve swelling from heart and kidney problems. Seeds also contain fatty oil, which is not inferior to almond and olive oil in terms of characteristics. It can be added to dishes and make cosmetics. Masks based on it make the skin soft and smooth, which women will definitely like.

Selection Tips

After the summer resident has thought about growing in the garden, he first needs to think not about how to plant seeds, but where to find them and which ones to choose. All products are divided into early and late. This criterion is determined by obtaining a grown fetus. To choose the right watermelon seeds, you need to decide on varieties and hybrids. It is worth understanding the locality and climate, as the berry loves warmth and moderate humidity.

How many fruits sprout and ripen completely depends on the chosen fruit. In the greatest activity of the sun, they grow to the maximum and ripen. Therefore, experienced agricultural workers are advised to look for early or mid-ripening options in order to enjoy the taste of homemade berries.

Seeds can be sown in open ground, or you can first make seedlings. Depending on the type of planting, you also need to choose certain types of seeds. In order to have tasty and juicy fruits, it is worth following the time frame and sowing dates. Products have an optimal planting time and an approximate harvest time. There are special cold-resistant watermelon seeds that bear fruit in early October. However, do not forget that such options will need to be covered with a film and make a kind of greenhouse. There are many reviews on the Internet about this, so the choice of winter-hardy seeds is easily decided.

When choosing, do not forget about the description on the package. This information will help you make the right choice. When buying, it is worth double-checking the selected product so as not to mistakenly take other varieties. Some summer residents advise collecting their own seeds in the future, rather than buying them. If the planted berry liked the taste, then you should not experiment with other varieties. It is advisable to simply dry the seeds from the harvest.