While there is still a lull in the garden, use the first days of the calendar spring to your advantage. There are many things you can do during this period to not only tidy it up, but also help the green spaces avoid potential problems.
Winter with its changeable weather has tested the strength of trees and shrubs more than once, and it is unlikely to have passed without a trace for them. Therefore, at the very beginning of spring, conduct a thorough inspection of them, perhaps someone needs emergency help.
Protection from sunburn and frost cracks
Although the last month of winter is considered harsh, the sun is already beginning to warm like spring. Both the differences in day and night temperatures, leading to frost cracks, and the sun itself, which can cause sunburn, can be dangerous for trees during this period.
Bark damage usually occurs on the southern side of the trunk due to the fact that the sun's heat activates the sap during the day, and low night temperatures cause it to freeze. Frost cracks can become home to pathogenic microorganisms and viruses that can significantly weaken or even kill plants.
Trees growing in open areas, as well as weakened plantings, are usually at risk. If cracks are found in the bark, the damaged areas should be immediately wrapped in burlap, and when it gets warmer, they should be treated.
To reflect sunlight, trees are whitewashed in the fall, but the whitewash can wash off over the winter. Therefore, during the February thaw, trunks and branches can be whitewashed again. Tying them with cloth or even paper will also help protect trees from solar activity. Also, trunks on the southern side can be covered with straw or plywood, which will reflect sunlight.
Coniferous trees can also suffer from sunburn, which makes them lose their decorative qualities. Therefore, they should be wrapped in burlap or other covering material that does not allow ultraviolet light to pass through.
Removing old fruits and leaves
If your fruit trees still have fruits and old leaves, then take the trouble to remove them. After all, they can become a source of rot and other infections, the pathogens of which are hiding in them and waiting for the right moment.
In order not to give viruses and fungi the slightest chance, cleaning should be carried out not only on green spaces, but also under them. Collect all the fruits, both on the branches and fallen ones, as well as leaves and broken shoots, and burn them.
On trees without foliage, it is easier to see the clutches and nests of pests that have comfortably settled in for the winter. These insect "homes" should be treated in the same way as old fruits and foliage, i.e. removed and burned.
Pruning trees at the end of winter
At the end of winter, you can also carry out sanitary pruning of the garden. It stimulates tree growth in the spring, promotes better development of shoots, and also leads to an increase in yield.
At the end of February, you can already start pruning apple trees, pears, rowan trees, dogwood and hawthorn. First of all, remove unwanted branches, i.e. dry and diseased ones, as well as shoots that have appeared at the base of the trees.
Shoots growing inside the crown are also subject to pruning. To improve air circulation in it, you can also get rid of branches that thicken it, but not more than a quarter of their number.
Timely sanitary pruning will help control the growth of trees and fight their pests and diseases. Just don't forget to disinfect the tool and treat the cut areas. Pruning itself is not recommended at temperatures below -5°C.
By ridding the trees of old leaves and fruits, renewing their whitewash and removing diseased and dry branches, you will improve the health of your garden and will not be distracted by these works in the spring, when every free minute counts.