Insecticide «Fufanon» - broad-spectrum organophosphorus insecticide, used for pests: mites, aphids, thrips, weevils, codling moths, leaf rollers, copperheads, sawflies, scale insects, false scale insects, flies, whiteflies, raspberry beetles, whiteflies, cutworms, moths, gall midges, moths, scale insects, moths and etc.
- It has a versatile intoxicating effect: contact, intestinal and fumigant.
- Destroys many types of pests.
- Good application results in various climatic conditions.
- Fast action of the drug.
- Has low toxicity.
Active ingredient: malathion 570 g/l.
Range of action:
Apple, pear, quince, sweet cherry, cherry, plum: weevils, mites, scale insects, leaf rollers, sawflies, codling moths, cherry fly - 10 ml per 10 l, 2-5 l per 1 tree.
Currants, gooseberries: gall midges, aphids, scale insects, sawflies, bud moths, leaf rollers - 10 ml per 10 l, 1-1.5 l per 1 bush.
Raspberries, blackberries: raspberry-strawberry weevil, raspberry beetle, aphids, bud moths, mites - 10 ml per 10 l, 2 l per 10 bushes.
Strawberries: whitefly, spider mite, raspberry-strawberry weevil, sawflies - 5 ml per 5 l, 5 l per 10 sq.m.
Grapes: spider mites, mealybugs - 10 ml per 10 l, 2-5 l per 1 bush.
Citrus fruits: mites, whitefly, scale insects - 10 ml per 10 l, 2-5 l per 1 tree.
Cabbage: whites, cutworms, aphids, moths, flies, bugs - 10 ml per 10 l, 1 l per 10 sq.m.
Cucumbers, peppers: spider mites, sprout flies, aphids, thrips - 10 ml per 10 l 1-1.5 l per 10 sq.m.
Tomatoes: whitefly, aphids, spider mites - 10 ml per 10 l, 1-3 l per 10 sq.m.
Watermelons, melons: melon fly, mites, melon ladybird, aphids - 5 ml per 5 liters 5 liters per 10 sq.m.
Flower crops: mites, aphids, thrips - 10 ml per 10 l, 1.5 l per 10 sq.m.
Roses and other shrubs: spider mites, aphids, rose sawfly - 10 ml per 10 l, 1.5 l per 10 sq.m.
The result is visible within 24 hours. The period of protective action is 3-15 days. Spraying is recommended to be carried out in dry, windless weather in the morning or evening.
Maximum number of treatments: in protected ground on cucumbers -1, tomatoes -3, in open ground on other crops -2. The last treatment in open ground can be carried out 20 days before harvest, in protected ground - 5 days.
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