Decorative white creeping clover «Rivende» / Trifolium repens - a variety of low-growing small-leaved clover that has a very high decorative ability.
Clover is resistant to many diseases and pests. It is also capable of accumulating nitrogen in th..
Creeping Clover, or White Clover, or Dutch Clover, or White Porridge, or Creeping Amoria «JURA» / Trifolium repens - a good honey plant. Recommended for creating green meadows and lawns. Sowing from early spring to early autumn. The seed sowing rate ..
Hyssop officinalis «Skyland» - herbaceous annual with a powerful tap root. The stem is thick, in the southern regions reaches a height of 2 m. Young 3-4-day-old ovaries weighing about 10 grams with immature seeds are used for food. With good care, up..
Fireweed angustifolium or Ivan tea / Chamerion angustifolium
Perennial ornamental, food and medicinal plant. Blooms in July-August. It is one of the best honey plants, the leaves are used to make green tea.
Growing willow tea with seeds
The ..
Canadian cercis / Cercis canadensis - very decorative and attractive during flowering, numerous pink flowers cover the entire branched crown with a thick pink carpet, most of the trunk is hidden behind thick strong shoots.
In the climatic conditio..
Summer savory «Oster» / Satureja hortensis - early ripening, the beginning of economic suitability is 12 - 14 days after mass germination. Productivity is high. Suitable for mechanized cultivation, ripens smoothly. The bush is semi-closed, the plants..
Seed mix: Biennial white sweet clover (60%) + biennial yellow clover (40%) - the advantage of a mixture of sweet clover seeds is a long flowering period and, accordingly, high nectar productivity per season, namely, on average, from 1 hundred square ..
Sweet yellow clover, yellow melilot, ribbed melilot and common melilot / Melilotus officinalis - blooms in the first year after sowing. Biennial clover blooms 2-2.5 months after sowing. The flowering of biennial sweet clover lasts for two months; pro..
Purple loosestrife or spiked loosestrife or purple Lythrum / Lythrum salicaria - is a perennial herbaceous plant with an erect tetrahedral stem 50–150 cm high, often growing into large but loose clumps. It is characterized by a creeping woody rhizome..
Wintercress, or alternatively winter rocket, rocketcress, yellow rocketcress, yellow rocket, wound rocket, herb barbara, creases, or creasy greens / Barbarea vulgaris - forage, green manure and honey crops. Improves the physical and phytosanitary con..
Rapeseed, also known as oilseed rape / Brassica napus - this is an annual winter or spring plant of the genus Brassica of the cruciferous family. Not found in the wild. Known in culture for 4 thousand years BC. e. It appeared in Ukraine in the 19th c..
Three-lobe beggarticks «Monastery» / Bidens tripartita - is an annual herb from the Asteraceae family. In traditional medicine, the herb is used for colds, chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, eczema, psoriasis, trophic ulcers, inflamm..
Motherwort / Leonurus - genus of perennial or biennial herbaceous plants of the Lamiaceae family, or Lamiaceae (Labiatae). Motherwort is a plant 50-100 cm high. It is a good honey plant, has a long flowering period, and is well visited by bees. Bloss..
Safflower «Solar» / Carhamus tinctorius L.
Safflower is a heat-loving and very drought-resistant plant of a short day, well adapted to a dry continental climate, belongs to the Aster family, does not occur in the wild. Safflower is especially dema..
Hoary berteroa, false hoary madwort, hoary alyssum, and hoary alison / Berteroa incana - is a biennial unpretentious herbaceous plant, the type species of the genus Berteroa of the Brassicaceae family. The stem is single, erect, up to 80 cm high; bra..
Common robinia (white acacia), or robinia pseudoacacia - is a fast-growing, forest-forming, drought-resistant tree, a species of the genus Robinia of the Legume family (Fabaceae). The botanically erroneous name «white locust» is widespread. It is act..
Scotch thistle / Onopordum acanthium
It is a biennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. It has a spindle-shaped, fleshy root. Erect, branched at the top, cobweb-pubescent spiny stem up to 2 m high.
The leaves are alternate, large, pric..
Yarrow «White pearls» / Achillea millefolium - is a perennial plant. One of the varieties of yarrow. Plant 50-60 cm high. Flowers densely double, bright white, up to 1.5 cm in diameter. It grows well in open sunny areas, but also withstands partial s..
Common figwort or woodland figwort / Scrophularia nodosa - is a perennial herb, a species of the genus Scrophularia of the Scrophulariaceae family. Plants are long-lived and, moreover, are well renewed by self-sowing. In a word, having settled on you..
Linden Crimean or dark green / Tilia x euchlora K.Koch. - southeast Europe (Crimea). Natural hybrid of unknown origin, with the participation of heart-shaped linden (T. cordata) and, probably, pubescent linden (T. dasystyla) or Caucasian linden (T. c..
Oleaster or olive, silver berry, or wild olive - a bush or small (3-8 m tall) tree with thorny branches of the olive family. Young shoots are silvery-white with star-shaped hairs. The leaves are alternate, linear or elongated-lanceolate, entire, silv..
Horehound common / Marrubium vulgare
Genus of perennial, rarely annual plants of the Lamiaceae family. Shandra is a perennial plant of the labiate family, 30-60 cm high, with a fluffy tetrahedral stem. The flowers are small - pink, purple, white, ..
Large-leaved linden or Broad-leaved linden / Tilia platyphyllos
It is a deciduous tree of the Linden genus of the Malvaceae family. Tree up to 20-30 meters tall, with a dense, broad-pyramidal crown, with reddish-brown, fluffy, rarely bare young sh..
Littleleaf linden or small-leaved lime or small-leaved linden or little-leaf linden / Tilia cordata
Deciduous tree 20-38 meters tall with a hipped crown. The bark is dark, furrowed on older trees. The leaves are alternate, heart-shaped, long-petio..