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Apple tree seeds
In stock
Model: 6854
Home apple tree / Malus domestica Borkh. - a deciduous tree of hybrid origin, 3-6 or up to 10-14 m or more in height, with a straight strong trunk covered with fissured bark. The trunk diameter is up to 90 cm. The crown is wide, spreading, less of..
Bakopa seeds «Pinktopia»
In stock
Model: 3474
Bacopa «Pinktopia» -  is a small, very decorative perennial plant with drooping shoots dotted with medium-sized and pale pink flowers. Flowering is plentiful, long. The leaves are slightly smaller than those of the white color, it has a more sph..
Bean seeds «Dryad»
In stock
Model: 856
Grain beans «Dryad» - this is a mid-season variety. Vegetation period from germination to grain ripeness is 90-100 days. The bush is erect, 50-70 cm high. The pods are light yellow in color, 9-12 cm long, with 4-6 grains. Seeds of good taste, oval..
Bitter melon seeds
In stock
Model: 5749
Bitter melon or goya, bitter apple, bitter gourd, bitter squash, balsam-pear / Momordica charantia The special value of momordica is in its decorative effect. Against the background of green foliage, bright orange fruits with red grains and small ..
Hop seeds «Friendly»
In stock
Model: 2765
Hop «Friendly» / Humulus lupulus - is a herbaceous dioecious perennial with curly, tetrahedral stems up to 6 m long. Leaves opposite, entire, lower three-five-lobed or separate with a heart-shaped base and large-toothed lobes, smooth above, rough bel..
Okra seeds «Oak wood»
In stock
Model: 11361
Okra «Oak wood» This is a mid-season variety, from mass similarity to the first picking of the ovary 58-68 days, to seed ripening - about 120 days. Okra «Oak wood» - refers to undersized varieties with a stem height of about 65-80 cm, diameter ..
Pine scots seeds
In stock
Model: 10145
Scots pine (Scotch pine) / Pinus sylvestris - a plant, a widespread species of the genus Pine of the Pine family (Pinaceae). A tree 25-40 m high and with a trunk diameter of 0.5-1.2 m. The trunk is straight. The crown is highly raised, cone-shaped..
Scarlet firethorn «Soleil dor»
In stock
Model: 1687
Scarlet firethorn or red firethorn  «Soleil dor» / Pyracantha coccinea - a genus of thorny evergreen shrubs from the Rosaceae family, up to 2 meters tall, with a wide-spreading crown, more than 5 meters, the lower branches of which often creep a..
Spinach seeds «Uteusha»
In stock
Model: 11963
Spinach «Uteusha» / Uteusha Rumeks - an interspecific hybrid of English spinach with Tien Shan sorrel. It is a powerful food, medicinal, energy and fodder plant. The culture is very early ripe (the first produces green shoots, 20-25 days) and cold-re..
Tobacco seeds «American-26»
In stock
Model: 1878
Tobacco «American-26» - was bred by the selection laboratory of the Crimean experimental tobacco growing station IV&V “Magarach” using the method of intraspecific hybridization from crossing varieties American 3 × Dyubek new × Dyubek 44 × Trapezo..
Watermelon seeds «Whole-leaved»
In stock
Model: 9257
Watermelon «Whole-leaved» - is a mid-early variety, with a growing season of 75-85 days. The plant is long-climbing, the leaves are green, not dissected. The fruits are medium-sized, round, smooth, whitish in color, without a pattern, weighing 3-5 kg..
Celery seeds «Juicy»
In stock
Model: 12729
Celery petiole «Juicy» Cold hardy plant. Vegetation period 100-120 days. Can be grown as seedlings or direct seeding into the ground. Celery is sensitive to a lack of sodium in the soil, so at the age of 30-40 days you can feed it with a solution ..
Eggplant seeds «Helios»
In stock
Model: 13576
Eggplant «Helios» This is a medium variety. Vegetation period from germination to technical maturity is 90-115 days. The bush is vigorous, 70-100 cm high. The fruits of the original shape (spherical, slightly flattened), red-violet in biological r..
Magnolia acumina seeds
In stock
Model: 3686
Magnolia acuminate / Magnolia acuminata - is a large deciduous tree, up to 30 meters tall, with a slender pyramidal crown in youth, rounded in old age. Young shoots are at first pubescent, later glabrous, reddish-brown. Elliptical or oval leaves up t..
Oak pedunculate seeds
In stock
Model: 4297
Oak pedunculate / Quercus robur - at the age of 25 years can reach 8.5 meters in height. The diameter of the trunk at chest level is 20 centimeters, the diameter of the crown is 3 meters. The branches start from the grafting site and grow upward at a..
Radishes seeds «Ruby»
In stock
Model: 8958
Radishes «Ruby» Early ripe (22-24 days from germination to technical maturity) variety. The socket is semi-spreading. Radishes are red-crimson, rounded, 2-3 cm in diameter, with a smooth surface. Almost completely submerged in the soil. The pul..
Sunflower seeds «Morning sun»
In stock
Model: 2725
Decorative sunflower «Morning sun» - is an annual plant with thick, powerful stems, 150-200 cm high. Inflorescences-baskets are large, 15-20 cm in diameter. Petals are red in color with yellow-brown tassels. The core is black. Grown by sowing seed..
Tomatillo seeds «Mexican»
In stock
Model: 15416
Tomatillo solegonny «Mexican» / Physalis philadelphica This is a plant of the nightshade family, a variety of vegetable physalis, a mid-season, very productive variety. Fruits reach a weight of 30-50 grams, yellow or yellow with lilac stains. Quit..
Tomato seeds «Ripe cherry»
In stock
Model: 12511
Tomato «Ripe cherry» - an early ripe variety. From germination to maturity 103-105 days. Shtambovy bush, does not require pinching. The fruits are leveled, dark raspberry color, dense, smooth, fleshy, keeping quality, high taste qualities. Fruit weig..
Almond seeds
In stock
Model: 1562
Almond / Prunus dulcis, Prunus amygdalus or Amygdalus communis - is a small tree, of medium vigor, 3,5 - 4 meters tall at 8 years of age. The crown is compact, rounded, skeletal branches extend at a relatively obtuse angle. Almonds are often classifi..
Carrot seeds «Kyiv winter»
In stock
Model: 5988
Carrot «Kyiv winter» Mid-season variety, up to technical ripeness 67-98 days. Root crops are elongated-cylindrical with a blunt tip, up to 15 cm long, weighing 100-172 grams. The pulp is bright orange, juicy, tender, aromatic, high in carotene. ..
Chard seeds «Green»
In stock
Model: 13117
Chard (beet leaf) «Green» - а very valuable green culture, which, unfortunately, is still not very common. It is used as an early lettuce crop for making  salads, sandwiches, and also as a very valuable fodder crop. Young leaves have a delicate ..
Cornelian cherry seeds
In stock
Model: 4296
Cornelian cherry, European cornel or Cornelian cherry dogwood / Cornus mas Shrub or small tree of the genus Dogwood of the Dogwood family. The name should not be identified with the genus Cotoneaster. Deciduous tree 5-6 m high or multi-stemmed ..
Hot pepper seeds «Anaheim»
In stock
Model: 12011
Hot chili pepper«Anaheim» Mid-season variety, from sowing to the first harvest 90 days. The fruits are large - 15-25 cm long, 4.5-5.5 cm wide, thick-walled, cone-shaped flattened, with a pointed or concave end, weighing 100-150 grams. In technical..

Gardeners grow various types of plants for greening the country plot: vegetables, herbs, berries, flowers, etc. Some use ready-made seedlings for this, while others sow seeds in open ground.

Seeds: types and features

With the arrival of spring, the country season opens, and all gardeners go to the country to green their garden and prepare the soil for a fruitful harvest. On the GARDENSeds website, you will find a large assortment of seeds from leading Dutch and Ukrainian producers at reasonable prices:

  • vegetable seeds: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, radishes, turnips, peppers, zucchini. squash, pumpkin, eggplant, etc.;
  • seeds of spicy and green herbs: parsley, basil, dill, arugula, mint, marjoram, fennel, etc.;
  • berry seeds: strawberries, strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, rose hips, barberry, etc;
  • seeds of oil crops: sunflower, flax, rapeseed, coriander;
  • seeds of grain crops: corn, wheat, barley, rye, oats, etc;
  • seeds of legumes: peas, beans, chickpeas;
  • flower seeds: annual, biennial, perennial, indoor;
  • seeds of siderates and honey plants: alfalfa, clover, mustard, phacelia, safflower;
  • mycelium of mushrooms: white mushrooms, buttercups, chanterelles, chanterelles, truffles, etc.;
  • lawn grass seeds: for urban and sports facilities, for parks and gardens.

All seeds presented in the catalog meet the requirements of quality standards in all indicators (purity, germination, moisture, etc.).

How to sow seeds correctly

Sowing seeds of various crops with subsequent harvesting depends on many factors. The climate in which the plants are grown should be temperate or continental, and the soil should contain micro- and macronutrients. Due to excessively dry or wet soil, the development of many crops can be lost, as a result of which the harvest will be spoiled. The main factors affecting the cultivation of healthy plants are:

  • high-quality planting material - it is better to use seeds with high germination for sowing;
  • enriching the soil with vitamins after sowing.

When choosing seeds, it is important to take into account the maturity of plants (early, medium and late). After all, the sowing time of many crops depends on this. Sowing seeds in open ground begins in mid-spring (when the soil has warmed up) and can last until the end of September. Provided you follow all sowing recommendations, as well as proper care, the plants in your garden will delight you not only with a beautiful appearance, but also with a good harvest.

You can order seeds with delivery across Ukraine and abroad online in the GARDENSeeds online store.


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