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Watermelon seeds «Sicheslav»
In stock
Model: 4369
Watermelon «Sicheslav» - this is a mid-season variety of watermelon - 77-90 days. The fruit is round, smooth, light green with wide scalloped stripes. The mass of a marketable fruit is 2.4 kilograms (up to 5-8 kilograms). The pulp is pink, medium den..
Asparagus seeds «Arzhentelska»
In stock
Model: 304
Asparagus «Arzhentelska» - is an early ripening variety of asparagus, up to 170 cm high. Young shoots of asparagus, which form in the second year, after transplanting the plants to a permanent place, are used for food. Shoots in the commercially viab..
Beans mung seeds (Mash) / Vigna radiata
In stock
Model: 2527
Bob Mung, Mash, mung bean / Vigna radiata This is a leguminous crop originating from India. The beans are small, green, oval in shape. The term "mung" comes from the Hindi language. Mung beans belong to many species that have relatively recently c..
Cabbage seeds «June»
In stock
Model: 12613
Cabbage «June» The period from germination to harvest is 90 - 110 days. Seedlings are ready for planting 30-45 days after germination, when they have 4-5 true leaves. When planting seedlings in open ground in early May, cabbage reaches technical r..
Carrot seeds «Queen of Autumn»
In stock
Model: 6008
Carrots «Queen of Autumn» - are a late-ripening variety, technical ripeness is 110-120 days. The roots are cylindrical with a blunt tip, up to 25 cm long, weighing 90-180 grams. The pulp is bright orange, high in carotene. The variety is suitable for..
Desert false indigo seeds
In stock
Model: 3700
Desert false indigo or false indigo-bush, and bastard indigobush / Amorpha fruticosa L. - the name comes from the Greek. "amorphos" - "shapeless", which is due to the atypical structure of the flowers. This is a perennial ornamental shrub that r..
Fir douglas seeds (green form)
In stock
Model: 13578
Douglas spruce or Oregon pine or Pseudotsuga Menzies / Pseudotsuga menziesii Is an evergreen tree 50-75 meters high, 1.5-2.0 meters in diameter. The tree of this species has the official status of the tallest tree in the world, its height was 119...
Fir grand seeds
In stock
Model: 13580
Grand Fir / Abies grandis A majestic tree belonging to the Pine family. The fir of this species is distinguished by a cone-shaped crown growing from the very bottom. It has a thin, dark brown bark, which thickens with age to 5-9 cm. Decorative fir..
Jostaberry seeds
In stock
Model: 12250
Jostaberry Fruit shrub of hybrid origin, obtained by crossing blackcurrant and gooseberry. The main purpose of obtaining this hybrid was to improve the yield of blackcurrant. Also, getting rid of gooseberry thorns was a priority. From a botanic..
Lathyrus seeds «Stepova 21»
In stock
Model: 13595
Lathyrus «Stepova 21» An annual herbaceous plant from the legume family. The stalk of the chin is decumbent or straight, 30-50 cm or more high, glabrous, tetrahedral. The leaves of the plant are paired, oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate. The infl..
Laurustine seeds
In stock
Model: 1571
Laurustine or laurustinus or laurestine / Viburnum tinus - evergreen, densely branched shrub up to 3 meters tall. Young shoots are bare or raggedly pubescent; annual ones are brown. The leaves of this viburnum are remarkable - leathery, elliptical (1..
Lentil seeds red «Maxim»
In stock
Model: 12085
Red lentil «Maxim» 1 reproduction An annual herbaceous plant of the legume family. Stem height 15-75 cm, prone to lodging or erect, blackish, tetrahedral, pubescent, branched. Lentil leaves are compound, with 2-8 pairs of leaflets, parotid, which ..
Mallow terry seeds «Dark pink»
In stock
Model: 12682
Mallow terry «Dark pink» - is a perennial plant, grown as a biennial. Drought-resistant and frost-resistant plant 75-250 cm high. The flowers are large, 10-15 cm in diameter, dark pink in color. Used for decorative flower beds, in groups and for cutt..
Nepal firethorn seeds
In stock
Model: 1688
Nepalese firethorn, Nepal firethorn or Himalayan firethorn / Pyracantha crenulata - is a genus of thorny evergreen shrubs from the Rosaceae family, from the Greek «pyr» - fire and «akanthos» - thorn; thorny bush. It is very similar to the bright red ..
Oat seeds
In stock
Model: 6102
Oat or common oat / Avena sativa - an annual plant of the grass family. Green manure, fodder and food crops. Valued for its highest growth vigor and the best ability (along with buckwheat) to feed and improve acidic bog soils and drained peat bogs. T..
Pattypan squash seeds «Disko»
In stock
Model: 283
Pattypan squash «Disko» - is an early ripening variety. The period from germination to harvest is 50-60 days. Bush plant. The fruits are white, disc-shaped with a sparsely toothed edge, weighing 300-350 grams. The flesh is white and crisp. Read more ..
Petunia seeds «Unique» (mix)
In stock
Model: 2733
Petunia «Unique» (mix) - is an annual plant. Stems erect, branched, 25-40 cm high. Flowers with a pleasant aroma, simple, 5-10 cm in diameter, funnel-shaped, various colors. Grown through seedlings in March-April, or by sowing seeds in open ground..
Radish seeds «Ostergryus»
In stock
Model: 12726
Radish «Ostergryus» Mid-season for closed and open ground. The growing season is 55 days. Root crops are large, cone-shaped, pink-red in color, with a moderately spicy taste, weighing 100-120 grams. Has excellent taste. The pulp is white, dense, j..
Silver linden seeds
In stock
Model: 4301
Silver linden (silver lime) / Tilia tomentosa - is one of the most decorative lindens. A slender tree up to 30 meters tall, with beautiful silvery foliage and a remarkably regular, naturally wide-pyramidal or oval crown. Looks great in alley, sing..
Tobacco seeds «Dubek new»
In stock
Model: 1748
Tobacco «Dubek new» - bred by the selection laboratory of the Crimean Experimental Tobacco Growing Station IV&V "Magarach" by the method of intraspecific hybridization from crossing the varieties Dyubek 44 × Oktyabrsky 6, obtaining the first gene..
Anise hyssop seeds «Golden jubilee»
In stock
Model: 2730
Anise hyssop «Golden jubilee» / Agastache foeniculum Cold-resistant express perennial, blooming in the year of sowing, a stunningly elegant plant with unique golden foliage and contrasting blue inflorescences. Decorative all season. It has an anis..
Basil seeds «Rutan»
In stock
Model: 6742
Basil «Rutan» An annual spicy-tasting and medicinal plant, there are a lot of essential substances in the leaves and therefore the basil has a very pleasant smell, it is widely used in cooking. The variety is early ripe, from mass similarity to..
Basil seeds «Yerevan»
In stock
Model: 11491
Basil «Yerevan» Very fragrant variety of basil, with large leaves of dark purple color, medium size. The plant is mid-season (35-45 days), 40-60 cm high, contains a lot of essential oils and carotene. Young shoots and leaves in fresh and dried ..
Broccoli seeds «Ramoso»
In stock
Model: 10774
Cabbage broccoli «Ramoso» An early ripe variety of cabbage - broccoli, from shoots to cutting a large dark green head 80 - 90 days. The structure of the head is medium dense, after harvesting the main head, up to 7 large heads of cabbage grow. The..

Gardeners grow various types of plants for greening the country plot: vegetables, herbs, berries, flowers, etc. Some use ready-made seedlings for this, while others sow seeds in open ground.

Seeds: types and features

With the arrival of spring, the country season opens, and all gardeners go to the country to green their garden and prepare the soil for a fruitful harvest. On the GARDENSeds website, you will find a large assortment of seeds from leading Dutch and Ukrainian producers at reasonable prices:

  • vegetable seeds: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, radishes, turnips, peppers, zucchini. squash, pumpkin, eggplant, etc.;
  • seeds of spicy and green herbs: parsley, basil, dill, arugula, mint, marjoram, fennel, etc.;
  • berry seeds: strawberries, strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, rose hips, barberry, etc;
  • seeds of oil crops: sunflower, flax, rapeseed, coriander;
  • seeds of grain crops: corn, wheat, barley, rye, oats, etc;
  • seeds of legumes: peas, beans, chickpeas;
  • flower seeds: annual, biennial, perennial, indoor;
  • seeds of siderates and honey plants: alfalfa, clover, mustard, phacelia, safflower;
  • mycelium of mushrooms: white mushrooms, buttercups, chanterelles, chanterelles, truffles, etc.;
  • lawn grass seeds: for urban and sports facilities, for parks and gardens.

All seeds presented in the catalog meet the requirements of quality standards in all indicators (purity, germination, moisture, etc.).

How to sow seeds correctly

Sowing seeds of various crops with subsequent harvesting depends on many factors. The climate in which the plants are grown should be temperate or continental, and the soil should contain micro- and macronutrients. Due to excessively dry or wet soil, the development of many crops can be lost, as a result of which the harvest will be spoiled. The main factors affecting the cultivation of healthy plants are:

  • high-quality planting material - it is better to use seeds with high germination for sowing;
  • enriching the soil with vitamins after sowing.

When choosing seeds, it is important to take into account the maturity of plants (early, medium and late). After all, the sowing time of many crops depends on this. Sowing seeds in open ground begins in mid-spring (when the soil has warmed up) and can last until the end of September. Provided you follow all sowing recommendations, as well as proper care, the plants in your garden will delight you not only with a beautiful appearance, but also with a good harvest.

You can order seeds with delivery across Ukraine and abroad online in the GARDENSeeds online store.


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