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Model: 12455
Littleleaf linden or small-leaved lime or small-leaved linden or little-leaf linden / Tilia cordata
Deciduous tree 20-38 meters tall with a hipped crown. The bark is dark, furrowed on older trees. The leaves are alternate, heart-shaped, long-petio..
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Model: 12447
Amur linden / Tilia amurensis - a tree up to 25 (30) m high. The bark is dark gray, lamellar exfoliating in old trees, sometimes to a greater extent with deep furrows; the bark of young twigs is bare, brown-reddish. Shoots at first with silky white p..
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Model: 13692
Linden Crimean or dark green / Tilia x euchlora K.Koch. - southeast Europe (Crimea). Natural hybrid of unknown origin, with the participation of heart-shaped linden (T. cordata) and, probably, pubescent linden (T. dasystyla) or Caucasian linden (T. c..
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Model: 12448
Manchurian linden or manchurian lime / Tilia mandshurica - a tree up to 15-20 m high, often multi-stemmed from the base. The bark of old trunks is gray-brown, with longitudinal cracks; the bark of one-year-old twigs is smooth, brown, quite densely co..
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Model: 12446
Large-leaved linden or Broad-leaved linden / Tilia platyphyllos
It is a deciduous tree of the Linden genus of the Malvaceae family. Tree up to 20-30 meters tall, with a dense, broad-pyramidal crown, with reddish-brown, fluffy, rarely bare young sh..
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Model: 12472
Carolina Linden / Tilia caroliniana - is an excellent deciduous shade tree well suited to relatively large areas such as parks and playgrounds. It is often used in plantings on streets and boulevards, as it withstands urban conditions well. Autumn co..
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Model: 12449
Linden American or American basswood / Tilia americana - deciduous tree, reaching a height of 20 - 35 (up to 45) meters with a trunk diameter of up to 1.2 measures. The crown is spreading, the branches are often drooping. The bark is gray or light br..
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Model: 12435
Common linden or European lime, common lime / Tilia europaea
Grows up to 40 meters in height. The crown is dense, tent-shaped. The trunk in diameter can be up to five meters, the bark is gray, covered with cracks. The leaves are oval, heart-shaped..
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Model: 4301
Silver linden (silver lime) / Tilia tomentosa - is one of the most decorative lindens. A slender tree up to 30 meters tall, with beautiful silvery foliage and a remarkably regular, naturally wide-pyramidal or oval crown.
Looks great in alley, sing..