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Model: 304
Asparagus «Arzhentelska» - is an early ripening variety of asparagus, up to 170 cm high. Young shoots of asparagus, which form in the second year, after transplanting the plants to a permanent place, are used for food. Shoots in the commercially viab..
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Model: 168
Asparagus / Asparagus officinalis
It is a heat-loving herbaceous plant with a fleshy rhizome. In one place it can grow up to 15-20 years and produce shoots. A very valuable dietary and medicinal culture.
Treats dropsy, cystitis, nephrolithiasis..
Asparagus stalks are boiled, stewed, fried, baked and frozen. Some of its types, for example, white, are usually preserved. Asparagus goes well with a variety of sauces. It also makes delicious soups and salads.