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Growing radishes: 8 secrets of an unprecedented harvest

You can grow radishes at home on a windowsill, but due to the limited space, you are unlikely to get an unprecedented harvest. Therefore, from the end of April to September, it is better to sow radishes in open ground and properly care for the crop.

At the same time, early and mid-season varieties are more resistant to frost and bolting. And vegetables of late varieties are tastier and healthier, since during the growing season they manage to accumulate more sugars and vitamins, and they are also more productive and stored longer.

In order for radishes of any variety to produce the maximum number of fruits, it is necessary to follow important principles in caring for the plant.

1. The right soil

When preparing a bed, the soil is loosened to a depth of 20-30 cm and leveled from above. Half a bucket of sand and humus, 1 tbsp are added per 1 sq.m. ammonium nitrate, 1.5 tbsp. potassium sulfate and 2 tbsp. superphosphate.

Dolomite flour is also added to soil with high acidity (0.5 l per sq.m). And heavy clay soil is mixed with sand (at the rate of 1 bucket of sand per sq.m).

2. Suitable place

Sow radishes in an open (sunny), but wind-protected area.

3. High-quality seeds

In spring and early summer, sow the seeds of early varieties, and late ones - not earlier than August. For the best and most friendly shoots, pre-germinate the seeds in a damp napkin for 2-3 days. To speed up this process, you can add a drop of Epin-Extra or Zircon to the napkin.

4. Correct sowing

On the prepared bed, make furrows 2-3 cm deep at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. Seeds are placed in them every 5 cm. In a region with an unstable climate, the bed is covered with spunbond at night in April-May.

Although radishes easily tolerate frosts down to -4 ° C, but with a lack of heat, the seeds germinate poorly. The optimal temperature for the friendly emergence of seedlings is 15-20 ° C. Under such conditions, the sprouts will hatch in 3 days. And at a lower temperature, you will have to wait from 6 to 12 days for seedlings to emerge.

5. Watering radishes

The main condition for a rich harvest is regular watering. The soil in the bed with radishes should always be moderately moist. With a lack of moisture, the root crops will become bitter and flabby.

Also, after each watering, loosen the soil to a depth of 3-5 cm. Thanks to this, the roots will be able to "breathe".

6. Top dressing

On fertile soils, fertilizers can be omitted, and on depleted soils, it is necessary to use a herbal infusion diluted in water. Fill the container with water by ¼, then add freshly picked plants (at the rate of 10 kg of grass per 100 liters of water) and add 2 kg of dry chicken manure. Cover the container with a net, stir the infusion daily and use after the liquid stops fermenting (gas bubbles will not be released). This usually happens after 1-3 weeks.

The resulting infusion is diluted with water 1:1 and watered under the roots of the plants.

7. Light regime

Ideally, the plants should be in the light for 10-12 hours. If the daylight hours are 13-14 hours long and the air temperature reaches 25°C, then later varieties of radish do not form a root crop, but bloom. Such plants are covered with dark non-woven material so that they are exposed to light for no more than 10 hours a day.

8. Fighting the cruciferous flea beetle

This is the most dangerous pest of radish. It is not recommended to use chemical insecticides so that harmful substances for human health do not accumulate in the root crops. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to preventive measures.

Since radish loves potassium fertilizers, seedlings and soil are treated with fresh ash.

The flea beetle does not tolerate an acidic environment, so it helps to destroy it by watering the radish with acidified water. For example, you can use a solution of citric acid (1 tbsp. per 10 liters of water).

Flea beetles prefer to feast on dry radish leaves, so they are regularly sprayed with water to keep them constantly moist.

Radish can be grown both in separate beds and in mixed plantings next to cabbage, potatoes and cucumbers. With proper care, the plants will thank you with a good harvest.

growing, radishes
