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19702, Ukraine, Cherkasy region, Zolotonosha, Nezalezhnosti street, 11
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Tomato seeds «White Heart»
In stock
Model: 13639
Tomato  «White Heart» An indeterminate variety, a bush up to 1.8 m high, of medium maturity, intended for a greenhouse. Tomatoes are pale yellow, flat heart-shaped. Watermelon sweet pulp. Fruit weight 150-300 grams. An excellent reliable v..
Turnip seeds «Golden Ball»
In stock
Model: 12008
Turnip «Golden Ball» Mid-early variety. The period from full shoots to technical ripeness is 60-84 days. The flesh is golden yellow, firm, juicy, sweet. The bark is golden yellow, smooth and shiny. The root crop is flat or round-flat, with a conca..
Watermelon seeds «Melitopol»
In stock
Model: 12680
Watermelon «Melitopol» - mid-season variety. Vegetation period 80-88 days. Long-braided, the length of the main lash is 3-4 meters. Fruits are round, large, average weight 4-5 kg, sometimes reaches 14-18 kg. The bark is 1-1.8 cm thick, green, with da..
Watermelon seeds «Tulip»
In stock
Model: 12390
Watermelon «Tulip» - early ripe variety of watermelon. Ripens 70-80 days after germination. The fruits are large, round, weighing 2.7-3.0 kg. The surface of the fruit is smooth, the color is black-green, the pattern is slightly noticeable narrow stri..
Anise seeds «Artek»
In stock
Model: 15517
Anise «Artek» / Pimpinella anisum An annual very popular spice and medicinal plant. The leaves are used in food for a variety of salads and side dishes. Fruits are valuable medicinal raw materials. Used for bronchitis, asthma, cough, diseases..
Aster seeds «Princess Mary»
In stock
Model: 15422
Aster «Princess Mary» - the princess cultivar has flat-round inflorescences, consisting of several rows of reed flowers located along the edges of the inflorescence and a large number of long tubular flowers in the center of the inflorescence. Pla..
Beet seeds «Tonda di Chioggia»
In stock
Model: 11947
Beetroot «Tonda di Chioggia» - popular, ultra-early variety. From the appearance of the first shoots to harvest, only 65-80 days pass. Able to please a stable harvest in all weather conditions. Prefers sufficiently warm soil, moderate watering, ferti..
Butterfly-bush seeds
In stock
Model: 11829
Buddleja davidii (spelling variant Buddleia davidii), also called summer lilac, butterfly-bush, or orange eye - it is a shrub up to 2 m high, with widely spreading branches drooping at the ends. The leaves are oval-lanceolate to lanceolate, pointed a..
Calabash seeds «Spickled Swan»
In stock
Model: 11678
Calabash «Spickled Swan» Super exotic, decoration of a summer residence, kitchen garden, balcony. The fruits are round with an elongated neck and a goose-shaped head, dark green in color with lettuce flakes. Also known as bottle gourd, white-fl..
Carrot seeds «Belladonna»
In stock
Model: 11916
Carrot «Belladonna» An early maturing variety of carrots. Vegetation period from germination to beam ripeness 50-55 days, to technical ripeness 70-85 days. Root crops of a conic form, aligned, 14-15 cm long. The color of the pulp and core is inten..
Carrot seeds «Flakke»
In stock
Model: 12134
Carrot «Flakke» This is a late variety, from germination to technical maturity 110-130 days. Root crops are blunt-conical, saturated orange-red in color, weighing 60-180 grams, 20-25 centimeters long, leveled, good keeping quality, excellent taste..
Chia white seeds
In stock
Model: 13861
Spanish Sage (White Chia) / Salvia hispanica A plant of the Lamiaceae family, a species of the genus Sage. The closely related species Salvia columbariae (fr) is also used in cooking. An annual herbaceous plant up to 1 m high. The leaves are op..
Corn seeds «Medunka» F1
In stock
Model: 12660
Sweet corn «Medunka» F1 - is an early hybrid with very high palatability. The period from germination to technical ripeness of heads of cabbage is 75 days. Plants up to 2 meters high, heads are cylindrical, 17-19 cm long, 4-5 cm in diameter and weigh..
Cucumber seeds «Faithful friends» F1
In stock
Model: 8325
Cucumber «Faithful friends» F1 - a popular, very early maturing bee-pollinated tufted gherkin hybrid of the female type of flowering for open ground, tunnels, spring greenhouses. It enters fruiting on the 35-40th day from germination. In the nodes, f..
Eggplant seeds «Long Violet»
In stock
Model: 11945
Eggplant «Long Violet» This is an early variety of eggplant (70-80 days). Forms large, dark purple fruits of medium length. The pulp is dense, white, without bitterness with high taste qualities. Productivity is 600-700kg/sotka. Sowing: planted..
Glandular globe-thistle seeds «Star Frost»
In stock
Model: 10481
Glandular globe-thistle «Star Frost» or great globe-thistle or pale globe-thistle / Echinops sphaerocephalus - is a perennial, drought-resistant plant belonging to the Compositae family. The height reaches from 0.8 to 2.5 meters. The flowers are s..
Granadilla sweet seeds
In stock
Model: 13045
Granadilla sweet or grenadia / Passiflora ligularis Blooming all summer subtropical liana with delicate white and mauve flowers, reaching a diameter of 10 cm. The fruits are extremely tasty fresh and are considered the most delicious of all fruits..
Ipomoea seeds «Serenade»
In stock
Model: 12538
Ipomoea terry «Serenade» / Ipomoea - is a wonderful liana up to 300 cm high. This variety is famous for its fully double cherry-red flowers with a white center, decorated with exquisite corrugation. The diameter of its large beautiful, fully doubl..
Lentil black seeds (beluga)
In stock
Model: 13585
Black lentils (beluga) The smallest variety of lentils, the grains are round, black, shiny, like black eggs, hence the name. After cooking, it perfectly retains its shape, has a special unique taste and aroma, as if a whole bouquet of fragrant spi..
Melon seeds «Fortuna»
In stock
Model: 12115
Melon «Fortuna» Mid-early, from germination to fruit ripening 68-78 days. The fruits are oval in shape, the background color is yellow, of different shades, sometimes with green spots. The grid in the form of cracks is complete or partial. The pul..
Naranjilla seeds
In stock
Model: 13042
Naranjilla or lulo / Solanum guitoehse This is a fruit shrub. outwardly, lulo resembles a yellow tomato, but to taste it is something in between strawberries, pineapple and tomato. Lulo is consumed raw. Lulo is added to the composition of fruit dr..
Onion seeds «Alice Craig»
In stock
Model: 13115
Bulb onion «Alice Craig» - an annual variety of giant onion. Vegetation period 120-140 days. It is grown by seedling or sowing in the ground. One of the best salad varieties with a delicate sweetish taste and almost no characteristic onion smell. ..
Onion seeds «Donetsk golden»
In stock
Model: 12001
Bulb onion «Donetsk golden» - popular, mid-season (100-107 days), high-yielding variety. Yield 3-4 kg per sq. m. Grown in an annual culture from seeds. The bulb is dense, rounded flat. Dry scales are golden yellow. Bulb weight 70-90 grams. The tas..
Onion seeds «Etalon gold»
In stock
Model: 12066
Bulb onion «Etalon gold» - a variety with a very strong root system. The plant has upright leaves with a good waxy coating. Aligned round bulbs of size 60-80 mm, weighing 120-160 grams, are very dense and form a sufficient number of tightly fitting c..

Gardeners grow various types of plants for greening the country plot: vegetables, herbs, berries, flowers, etc. Some use ready-made seedlings for this, while others sow seeds in open ground.

Seeds: types and features

With the arrival of spring, the country season opens, and all gardeners go to the country to green their garden and prepare the soil for a fruitful harvest. On the GARDENSeds website, you will find a large assortment of seeds from leading Dutch and Ukrainian producers at reasonable prices:

  • vegetable seeds: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, radishes, turnips, peppers, zucchini. squash, pumpkin, eggplant, etc.;
  • seeds of spicy and green herbs: parsley, basil, dill, arugula, mint, marjoram, fennel, etc.;
  • berry seeds: strawberries, strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, rose hips, barberry, etc;
  • seeds of oil crops: sunflower, flax, rapeseed, coriander;
  • seeds of grain crops: corn, wheat, barley, rye, oats, etc;
  • seeds of legumes: peas, beans, chickpeas;
  • flower seeds: annual, biennial, perennial, indoor;
  • seeds of siderates and honey plants: alfalfa, clover, mustard, phacelia, safflower;
  • mycelium of mushrooms: white mushrooms, buttercups, chanterelles, chanterelles, truffles, etc.;
  • lawn grass seeds: for urban and sports facilities, for parks and gardens.

All seeds presented in the catalog meet the requirements of quality standards in all indicators (purity, germination, moisture, etc.).

How to sow seeds correctly

Sowing seeds of various crops with subsequent harvesting depends on many factors. The climate in which the plants are grown should be temperate or continental, and the soil should contain micro- and macronutrients. Due to excessively dry or wet soil, the development of many crops can be lost, as a result of which the harvest will be spoiled. The main factors affecting the cultivation of healthy plants are:

  • high-quality planting material - it is better to use seeds with high germination for sowing;
  • enriching the soil with vitamins after sowing.

When choosing seeds, it is important to take into account the maturity of plants (early, medium and late). After all, the sowing time of many crops depends on this. Sowing seeds in open ground begins in mid-spring (when the soil has warmed up) and can last until the end of September. Provided you follow all sowing recommendations, as well as proper care, the plants in your garden will delight you not only with a beautiful appearance, but also with a good harvest.

You can order seeds with delivery across Ukraine and abroad online in the GARDENSeeds online store.


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